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I read this article at www.carm.org but I dont know if I agree with it or not. Ive always thought Catholics are a part of Chrisitanity.What do think about a section of this article?Do you agree ?What is your opinion? Please understand that it is not my intention to offend anyone with this

If a Roman Catholic believes in the official Roman Catholic teaching on salvation, then he is not a Christian since the official RCC position is contrary to scripture. Therefore, as a whole, Roman Catholics need to be evangelized. They need to hear the true Gospel. They need to hear that they are not made right before God by being in a church, or by being baptized, but by receiving Christ (John 1:12), believing that Jesus has risen from the dead (Rom. 10:9), and that justification is by faith (Rom. 5:1) and not by our deeds (Rom. 4:5). It is only true faith that results in true works (James 2), not the other way around. Roman Catholics, like anyone else, need to trust in Jesus alone

2007-05-17 03:07:00 · 25 answers · asked by ♥LaBelleVie♥ 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

here is the rest of the article if you are interseted: http://www.carm.org/catholic/saved.htm

2007-05-17 03:08:25 · update #1

oops sorry I spelled interested wrong

2007-05-17 03:09:50 · update #2

Uh.. Roqayah maybe your not underrstanding waht I wrote the first time.This is an article from a website,so they are not my words and they do not reflect "my" opinion. I am just interested in everyone else's opinion in this matter .

2007-05-17 03:38:48 · update #3

Thank you all for your answers. I really appreciate them. I guess I wanted to see what everyone else thought because I definetely dont want to be misled by reading an article based on one person's opinion.

2007-05-17 03:47:14 · update #4

25 answers

Anyone who believes and accepts the following:

"I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth and of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the only-begotten Son of God,
begotten of His Father before all worlds,
God of God, Light of Light,
very God of very God, ( = true God of true God)
begotten, not made,
being of one substance with the Father,
by whom all things were made;
who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven
and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary
and was made man;
and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate.
He suffered and was buried.
And the third day He rose again according to the Scriptures
and ascended into heaven
and sits at the right hand of the Father.
And He will come again with glory to judge both the living and the dead,
whose kingdom will have no end."

..are Christians. Period. End of discussion.

This includes Catholics, BTW. We disagree on a number of issues, but the statement above says all that needs to be said.

And if you want to know what Catholics ACTUALLY believe and teach, instead of what someone wants you to think, do some actual research (a novel idea, I know... but think about it); one site from their own point of view is www.catholic.org. It's the homepage of Catholic Answers, a ministry set up in order to make clear to Catholic converts and others what their beliefs actually are.

No, I'm not Catholic, in case you wondered... just someone who hates seeing them lied about.

And, FYI, they do actually believe and teach all the things you listed above. Don't listen to drivel from Jack Chick-types.

2007-05-17 03:26:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

"They need to hear that they are not made right before God by being in a church, or by being baptized, but by receiving Christ (John 1:12), believing that Jesus has risen from the dead (Rom. 10:9), and that justification is by faith (Rom. 5:1) and not by our deeds (Rom. 4:5). It is only true faith that results in true works (James 2), not the other way around. Roman Catholics, like anyone else, need to trust in Jesus alone."

Uh, Catholics already know this.

Queencake, with that judgemental attitude, you may not come close to heaven, either.

2007-05-17 10:11:37 · answer #2 · answered by Sldgman 7 · 6 0

First of all ... In Mass the RC Church is united in reading the whole Bible on a schedule of every three years ... We call these "Lectionaries" and 4 parts of the Bible are read at Mass which show the SALVATION of God ... how God promised Jesus, and how God delivered him. How do the Evangelists ensure the whole Bible is read? Or do Evangelists pick & choose like that pastor on the movie, "Polly-Anna"???

Second, Yes, RC is "Apolstolic". Jesus didn't have anything to say about photography while he walked the earth ... hmmm so does this mean that photographs, Play-Boy, and Internet Porno don't exist??? Hmmm ... what does the Bible say about Internet Porno??? Jesus did give us "Aposostolic authority" to guide us as this stuff unwinds in History when He gave the keys of heaven to Peter.

Third, the last four Pope's writings are super Jesuscentric. Check 'em out ... you can't get far with being bonded to the Bible ... ah, but they connect us to the 21st Century.

BTW ... Catholics love their brothers and sisters who share Christ. Like when the Jesus says in the Bible, "The foot cannot say that it's not part of the Body to the eye" ...

2007-05-17 10:27:05 · answer #3 · answered by Giggly Giraffe 7 · 4 0

Why have you been led to believe Catholics think they are made right before God by being in a church, or by being baptized, but not by receiving Christ ? This is a lie.

Who told you that they don't believe that Jesus has risen from the dead ?

Who told you that Catholics don't believe that justification is by faith and not by our deeds?

You have been misled. Those that teach you these things are bearing false witness, and you should ask why.

2007-05-17 10:15:22 · answer #4 · answered by SvetlanaFunGirl 4 · 6 0

There would probably NOT be Christianity in the world in the size that it is without the Catholic Church. Had that church not been founded there would have been pagan religions and I have no reason to believe Muhammad wouldn't NOT have founded Islam, so we'd probably ALL be Islamic today if there weren't a Catholic Church.

There would certainly NOT be Protestants. They can about as a revolution against the Catholics.

Now as to who is true and who isn't, that's a matter of opinion. If you believe in it as a matter of opinion then you are Protestant.

See, I personaly don't view ANYONE is following Jesus unless they are walking the world with nothing in their pockets, giving their coat and cloak away, carrying heavy loads twice the distance and spreading the words and deeds of Jesus and God. They also have to be married and never divorce except for adultery.

This is what JESUS ordered us to do and NEXT TO NO ONE is doing it.

So technically there are NO Christian disciples in the world. No one is out there with NO DRIVER LICENSE, NO CREDIT CARD, NO DOLLAR BILL IN THEIR POCKET, representing Jesus and God.

There are NO Chrisitans in the world, just people going to a church and saying Hallalujah!

Jesus didn't expect people to say PRAISE GOD

Jesus expected you to continue his work on Earth. To do as he did. And Jesus didn't have any papers or money.

Jesus healed the sick. Jesus taught people about the way of God. Jesus taught people how we are supposed to be living our lives and he did it by example.

NO one is doing the work of Jesus out there, not if their getting a Stipend or a salary.

2007-05-17 10:36:05 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

First of all RCC fully believe that Jesus was crucified and three days later rose from the dead. Trust me, its the first thing you learn in CCD.
Second they receive Christ. You are CHRISTENED at birth. You CONFIRM at 12, when you are old enough to decide for yourself that you intend to take Jesus as you Lord and Savior.
The HONOR Mary, not worship her. Lets all admit she deserves some respect. She gave birth to your living God. That has to get some brownie points.
They believe in good works because its what Jesus did. They feed the hungry, cloth the homeless and spread the word and love of Jesus through those deeds, but you can't have salvation with out Jesus, through confession of your sins and penance. That article is pure crap as are most people who speak against it. Half they time they don't even know what they are talking about.

2007-05-17 10:13:25 · answer #6 · answered by ~Heathen Princess~ 7 · 6 0

This article is someone's opinion on his perception of the religion. While it brings up a point that can be debated, since Catholics use Jesus Christ as their example to live their lives by, they are definitely Christians. Some Christians follow Jesus better than others, as in any religion.

God to us to follow Jesus' example. That is what makes one a Christian.

2007-05-17 10:13:04 · answer #7 · answered by Tanya Pants 3 · 3 0

Don't forget Ephesians 2:8-9.

What makes a Christian "Christian" is the belief that Jesus Christ died and was resurrected to provide atonement for, and forgiveness of, our sins, so that we may be reconciled with God and that he would see us as blameless.

Roman Catholics believe this, and so I qualify them as Christians. Yes, they have this whole thing on saints, intercessors, confession, pennance, purgatory, etc...but I don't think any of those beliefs will keep them from the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus himself said, "He who believes and is baptized will be saved." They believe. They are baptized. What more is required?

2007-05-17 10:11:59 · answer #8 · answered by Scotty Doesnt Know 7 · 9 0

You have to understand the source before you can understand what they are saying. As you read the website link, you'll see that this is created by a very intollerant people looking for a reason to preach their peculiar brand of Christianity to others. This same site also says Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Church of Christ, Assemblies of God, Catholics, and a whole list of other very Christian organizations are not Christian. It depends on their version of what Christianity is. Their version of Christianity also would exlude Christ and his apostles, John the Baptist, and several other pretty Christian organizations and people.
But remember the source. In their defense, they are trying to teach you that it is "fair game" to try to convert these people to their understanding. That is perfectly acceptable. They believe that no one should be trying to "convert" those that already believe as they do. But that those who don't believe as they do are perfectly valid targets for preaching to.
The website you referred to, in the whole, is the least Christian of many similiar I've ever observed. It teaches intolerance of others views. I don't remember Christ teaching that.
Catholics don't believe the same things that the people who created that website do. If they choose to remove Catholics from their version of Christianity, I think the Catholics would be honored to not be associated with their intolerance.
The official Roman Catholic teaching on salvation is probably in error. But clearly, this website's teaching is in error, too.
Being in a particular Church saves no one. The Savior's atoning sacrifice saves everyone. This website, as wholesome as its creators must believe, places a very evil spirit in the world. I don't see that is Christian. It preaches intolerance, and that borders on a new kind of Christian terrorism.

2007-05-17 10:24:53 · answer #9 · answered by Lorenzo 6 · 2 2

Christians believe Jesus is the son of God, and that he will come again. Christians also believe one should follow the teachings of Jesus.

I don't care what denomination one claims to be, if the above is true, then that person is a Christian to me. The fact that all "Christians" sin on a regular basis does not make them non-Christian, it makes them human.

Many "Christians" seem to feel they can dictate how Christians should behave, which are going to heaven or hell, and exactly what church a "Christian" should belong to.

As a person who believes himself to be a Christian, I say that God will pass judgment, not the "born again" who tells me I will burn in hell if I don't practice exactly as he says I should.

2007-05-17 10:18:09 · answer #10 · answered by Jesse R 4 · 4 1

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