I have viewed how both sides look at the evidence for evolution and the fact is Evolutionists make more assumptions than scientific Creationists. Micro-evolution is acknowledged as a scientific fact by creationists but, macro-evolution (a species evolving into another new species) has NEVER been observed and Requires making assumptions. Finally, most evolutionists never even look at the scientific creationists view, while the creationists have looked into and been educated about evolution.
One example of how the two interpret data pertains to anatomical similarities. The forelimb of a man can be compared bone for bone to the flipper of a whale or the wing of a bird. An Evolutionists looks at the evidence and interprets it as, "Common ancestor." A scientific Creationist looks at the same evidence and says, "Common design." Now, who is making the assumption? There is no assumption in saying "Common design" because it is a statement of fact. However, to say "Common ancestor" is a huge
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