I know many people have asked similar questions, but I heard that a woman prayed to Pope John and was healed, and this evidence will be used to fast track his sainthood. She was healed by Pope John????
Catholic say they do not pray to saints or to Idols or Mary, they only ask these spirits to pray with them or for them. Assuming I buy that, then I have to ask why/
Why ask a spirit to pray for you instead of praying directly to God? What is the point of asking a priest to forgive you when you can just ask God? Why does the catholic church keep piling on the middlemen?
Why send a message through the secretary when the boss' door is open?
What about John14:6, I am the way, the truth and the light, no man comes unto the father but by me?
This whole issue stinks of 1st commandment violation, idolotry, phariseeism and witchcraft, but I'll put that aside. All I want to know, is what is the necessity for the middlemen.
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