I received this e-mail from a woman who questions my views, which does not surprise me, but she also questions other Chritians views.
Take a look:
"Jesus foretold of apostasy creeping into the Christian Congregation once he and the apostles died.And he wasnt off the mark either(Acts.20:29,30)Your question illustrates the confusion that has been brought about from the false teachings that have infilterated pure worship.Teachings such as Trinity,Immortal soul,Hellfire,Heaven;reward for all good people,automatic salvation,paid clergy class, and the list goes on
Something else the religious leaders dont teach their flock is found at Matt.24:14.Which states:"This Good News of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth,for a witness to all the nations,and then the end will come."
Not only do they not share in the preaching work as Jesus taught his disciples to do,(Acts.20:20;5:29).They also do not teach God's Kingdom and what it means to mankind."
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