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Religion & Spirituality - 20 March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

- Jesus promised that He would send the Holy Spirit to guide His Church in all truth

- Jesus promised that He would be with His Church until the end of time

- Jesus promised that the gates of Hell would never prevail against His Church

- Jesus promised that His Church would be like a city on a hill (i.e. clearly visable and not hidden).

2007-03-20 17:31:26 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm talking about things that are represented to us on more than one occasion, like hearing a song (with a special meaning) you've never heard before (and would never normally listen to) 3 times in a period of 2 weeks....(my own experience :) or seeing anything out of the norm of your usual day to day routine... I want to hear about others experiences with signs (that is if you even believe signs exist.) Could me hearing this unfamiliar song with a hopeful message 3 times (all randomly) be just a coincidence, or is it a sign from up above telling me that things are going to get brighter?

2007-03-20 17:31:20 · 8 answers · asked by WTF? 2

I am at the age of 15. I am a member of a Baptist Church. I have been baptizted and "saved" or at least I think. I was about 7. So I dont think I really understood it. And I keep on going back and doing something I shouldnt. We are h aving revival and tonight I felt that I should go and talk with the evangilist. When I became a member of the church I told the pastor that I was saved. And I thought I was. What should I do. Help me!!!

2007-03-20 17:31:16 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Aside from not believe in gods, are there any other general links?

2007-03-20 17:30:37 · 18 answers · asked by Eleventy 6

I'm talking the really LONG answers. Do you find they are worth reading, or would you rather YAAnswers had a word limit for the answers? (like 10K characters).

2007-03-20 17:29:34 · 20 answers · asked by Searcher 7

Our lager,
Which art in barrels,
Hallowed be thy drink.
Thy will be drunk, (I will be drunk),
At home as it is in the tavern.
Give us this day our foamy head,
And forgive us our spillage,
As we forgive those who spill against us.
And lead us not to incarceration,
But deliver us from hangovers.
For thine is the beer, the bitter, and the lager.

2007-03-20 17:29:02 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-20 17:28:39 · 8 answers · asked by franchesca_kid 1

2007-03-20 17:28:31 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-20 17:27:28 · 4 answers · asked by Not_a_toothless_pirate 4

2007-03-20 17:26:40 · 13 answers · asked by sexyaustraliangoddess 2

Heaven from Hell?
Blue skies from Pain?
Can you tell a green field, from a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?

2007-03-20 17:26:25 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am from the uk and i do not think that we have it over here. i am interested because they seem to have some pretty out there views. thanks.

2007-03-20 17:24:02 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

what will be the consequence if a muslim eat pork?or have eaten unintentionaly because he didn't know that the food he ate contains an oil of pork or something..is it also prohibited to eat in one table with someone/friend whose eating a pork?what makes dog and pork haram in islam?

2007-03-20 17:23:33 · 6 answers · asked by franchesca_kid 1

I mean induced through mediatation , prayer etc. ... would you talk about it?

2007-03-20 17:22:14 · 8 answers · asked by shakti 1

Do they float up, because gravity makes everything fall to the center of the earth, so which one is right?

2007-03-20 17:20:13 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've seen much debate on Creationism vs Science, but the side of Creationism usually ends up just attacking science as if that proved they were right.

Okay, then let us pretend evolution is proven wrong. How would Creationist defend against any other explanation? Such as all life has always existed and that time is a continuous loop or that humans are the only life form and anything that doesn't seem to be human is just people really good at disguising themselves. Anything would do, you need to prove your position instead of disproving every sillyassed idea anybody can think up.

2007-03-20 17:18:22 · 17 answers · asked by Boris Badenov 5

Why do some people believe that people go to purgatory instead of heaven or hell. How do they get out of purgatory? What is purgatory and what supposedly goes on in purgatory?

2007-03-20 17:18:13 · 18 answers · asked by Searcher 7

when you pray to God Almighty, do you have any procedure of praying?what do you feel when you sincerely talk to Him?>>serious answe pls!! thx!

2007-03-20 17:17:29 · 32 answers · asked by 0330em@jd 4

How does a non-Christian who knows nothing about the Christian faith decide where to go to be instructed by someone with authority to authentically interpret the Bible?

I'm speaking as someone who used to be in this dilemma as a non-Christian. It was an easy choice once I decided to trust completely in Jesus and once I found out by process of elimination that the Catholic Church is the only one that is 2,000 years old and was founded by Jesus.

Philip ran up and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet and said, "Do you understand what you are reading?" He replied, "How can I, unless someone instructs me?" So he invited Philip to get in and sit with him.
- Acts 8: 30-31

2007-03-20 17:17:14 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Fellow christians please continue going to church, worshipping, putting your heart and mind into the lord and helping your religious community with financial donations and service. Do not worry about wars and blind stealing from the top or the destruction of nature and wildlife for we up top will deal with that as we have been so you don't have to think about anything but worship,begging and praying . For i now have to make my way to Fiji then Belize. times might get hard but hang in there for you will soon be in the land of everything you want when you die. god bless you

2007-03-20 17:15:12 · 13 answers · asked by clutchstevens 2

Where did the idea of guardian angels come from?
Is it in the bible anywhere?

2007-03-20 17:14:18 · 9 answers · asked by me 6

And my most serious ones have the opposite results? Anybody care to elaborate on this for me?

2007-03-20 17:11:31 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have reasons to believe reincarnation exsists.
At times I wish it where and at others I don't. I'm not all that religous, and I need an answer that doesn't have to do with religon either.

Also, if reincartaion exists, is there another method to die? Not a heaven or a hell, but something else. I'd realy appreciate it if I got a lengthy reply to this question. It would help me alot.

Also... This is an extra question, but, lets say parallel worlds existed. If a person dies here on our world could they have been reincarnated but to the parallel world but still be the same age (idea that time is diffrent in each world)? And if coming here (exluding space travel and all the scientific reasearch of light years and aging) after the other them has died could they be the same age as the person they previously were? It might be a complicated answer but I'm righting a book and need help on this idea (but please DO NOT think of it as help towards a book.. that way it'll be more realistic

2007-03-20 17:10:57 · 15 answers · asked by Arim 2

Now it all makes perfect sense!

2007-03-20 17:10:22 · 17 answers · asked by gregdean 1

Atheists and Christians seem to be going back and forth a lot and I was just wondering, at this time on yahoo, who is actually outnumbered. Can you all answer with a simple, Christian or Atheist (or non-christian) if you dont like to have any label?

This is not meant as an insult to either side, I'm simply curious

2007-03-20 17:08:16 · 26 answers · asked by brandon42032 3

keep us all safe...but all we have to do is walk out....there is only one road..and its in the middil of the dry lake..top secret

2007-03-20 17:07:48 · 5 answers · asked by Ralph D 2

I am not christian,

But I believe in god , something or someone great .

I dont want attack evolutionists, but evolution theory has so many weak points.

they say we only deal physical aspect , soul or noble idea(love ,sympathy ) isnt our concern,

this is buls*h*i*t.

where our soul ( or noble feelings) comes from? answer is brain.

what is brain? physical biological organ.

then our soul must be related with so called physical aspect. the soul isnt all soulful its based on physical organ.

we can say our soul is physical phenomena

they must explain how humans could be so soulfully evolved. and if they are eager to find whole truth ,or real scientists they must try to explain all .

but they dont or cant or dont want.

my question is for both (christians and evolutionist)

whatt is pray? does it really work? Something superb really listens to if I do?

2007-03-20 17:03:34 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to become catholic when I turn 18 but I dont know if anyone would take be seriously, my parents, friends, and the church that I would be attending. My parents think it's just a phase and I'm afraid that the church might think that too.

How can I show that I'm really determined to the church and that my age doesn't matter?

2007-03-20 17:03:22 · 24 answers · asked by jimmy 3

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