How can Evolution b true when: gas clouds dissipate outward (Boyle’s law), spiral galaxies wouldn’t hold their shape for the time that they are supposed to have existed, at the present rate of erosion, all the continents on Earth would be worn down to sea level after only 14 million years, the buildup of the calcium carbonate remains of marine creatures in the warm oceans of our world could be entirely accounted for in the few thousand years since the worldwide Flood, at its present rate, the entire Mississippi River delta would accumulate in only 5,000 years and its delta would reach as far as Africa -- which it does not --, the sediment in the ocean should be at least 30 times more than what is actually found, carbon tests on freshly harvested clams have yielded results suggesting that more than 2,000 years have passed since they died, and all short-period comets (with less than a 200-year orbit) would be gone in as little as 10,000 years? Again I ask, "How can Evolution be true?"
21 answers
asked by
Defender of Freedom