religion has been declining (especially protestantism) in the west, places where man made global warming is most accepted, europe.
Scientists dont actually ALL believe in it, just the more evidence, the more funding.
the Earth is heating up, but it isnt because of CO2 emissions by humans.
the sun is burning brighter, with more sun spots, and we are emerging from a mini ice age.
al gores info was flawed
the worlds temperature fluctuates throughout history
most of the earths CO2 comes from the sea and volcanoes and biological processes.
throughout history and culture man has needed an 'end of days' prophecy. Ie armageddon, volcano gods to sacrifice to, the atomic bomb. man feels guilty, needs something in his life.
the newspapers love to scaremonger
so you carbon offset? or do you attone for your sins against the Earth God? hoping that he will not smite us all?
are people who dont believe in global warming, heathens who reject the prophets (scientists)?
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