I already know the answer to this:
There is right and there is wrong, one right answer and that answer must be adhered to by all the congregation, which is uniform in belief, structure, purpose, truth, teaching, etc. I can buy that, and it makes sense. I can't say what it is, I don't know, but something feels wrong. Like Stepford Wives wrong. I don't know if this is the devil trying to confuse me into thinking that what is good and right is wrong (the Bible says that people will call bad good and good bad) or if I really am onto something. It freaks me out and makes me afraid, no TERRIFIED to commit. I hope someone offers me something on this, because I really am sincere. I know that others may have bad intentions, wanting only to trip you up as the Scribes did with Jesus. I assure you that my questions are sincere, at least I think they are. If the devil is making me question I am unaware. Thank you in advance.
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