Last night a co-worker asked me "wasn't there a guy in the old testament who lived to be, like a thousand years old or something?' And indeed there is a story of one whose age approached this number. Do you believe this really happened? And then there was Job, who also lived very long for a human. Do you take that story literally?
The conversation with my co-worker got me thinking about the idea that Genesis and other stories in the Bible could be seen as allegorical, and are not to be taken literally. I think that is a view shared by many Christians these days. But then, I also have a big problem with that too. If you believe in Christ's virgin birth, His physical resurrection, and His performing of miracles (including making a dead person come back to life), which I do, then I ask you, what is so unbelievable about a person living more than 900 years? Compared to Christ's life and miracles, that's nothing!
Do you take the Bible literally? Or not? What do you think?
49 answers
asked by
Zezo Zeze Zadfrack