This is an incredibly complex thing to explain, so I'm not going to try to too hard. But basically, I am no saying that we all have a fate that we are destined to fulfill, nor am I saying we have complete control over are actions. If you stop to think about what makes you act the way you do, can you find a concrete answer? Now those of you who are extremely relgious may answer with soul or some faith based response and really I am asking this question towards the more logic based thinkers out thier. I basically think of free will as non exsitent simply because every action i have ever done is caused from an action done to me, and that action was caused by an action done to it, and so on and so forth. And if something happens to me, lets say someone says hello, though i may be able to think of diffrent possible ways I could respond, I can only respond in one way, meaning that beacuse the person said hello, it triggered one and only one possible response from me given that scenario
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