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Religion & Spirituality - 22 July 2006

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2006-07-22 13:58:53 · 19 answers · asked by purpledazin 1

mine hasn't but it is embarrasing when one does go off

2006-07-22 13:58:05 · 11 answers · asked by evian 6

and if so how can he (or she, it whatever), hear every human beings prayer, I mean, after I pray should I be like, man I hope he heard that one, or dang he couldnt hear me because of that stupid wedding, I mean what do you think?

2006-07-22 13:57:15 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

My girlfriend went to fortune-teller and she told her that in one years time we'll fall apart, and that I will leave her for another women. But I love her and she loves me and I don't believe that we'll fall apart. That fortune-teller said too many things to her that are correct concerning present moment, that's why she couldn't lie or imagine it all. I'm shocked that she told so much true things that are taking place now. That fortune-teller also told her that I will not believe in my leaving her now, but I will leave her in the future anyway. I don't want it to happen! I want to be with her all my life. What should I do?

2006-07-22 13:55:34 · 24 answers · asked by Grzegorz M 1

After the birth, life and death of Jesus, has God decided to leave us alone? Surely the Bible should have had some additions over the last 2000 or so years. I can't believe that there is nothing to be added. Or is it that people who claim to be in direct contact with God are either ridiculed or marked out as heretics in the modern era?

If Christianity is a living breathing religion, then surely there would be more to say in the Bible today than there was when it was written. I would think this is probably true of all of the world's monotheistic religions.

For the record. I consider myself a Christian who is just trying to understand the nature of my chosen religion.

2006-07-22 13:51:58 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a Christian , and have been a believer since a young age. I'm now 25 and I sometimes find it difficult just to believe. It almost seems like it was a fairytale to begin with. I miss the relationship though and tho I've tried, I can't seem to get it back. Suggestions?

2006-07-22 13:50:56 · 61 answers · asked by Anonymous

"A lie that can/will do good to anyone, a lie that can save someone's life, lie that can prevent war, fights, any lie that prevent something bad from happening or does good, then say that lie because it will do good. There's no sin saying that kind of lie." It was said by Lord Krishna in Hinduism. What do you think of it? Please comment. I have to admit that so far I have had studied about his life, the man did lots of good things throughout his life on Earth such as: he opposed worshipping other gods and taught people to worship Nature because it takes care of us, Opposed human sacrifices that people performed to impress gods. I admit that I learned few good things by studying his life. The good deeds he did in his life are remarkable. We can all learn something from his life. I try to learn from his good deeds, not worship him. I only worship the One and Only, Waheguru, True Mighty Lord. One Lord, the father of us all. True Lord's the Father of Jesus, of Muhammed, of Krishna.

2006-07-22 13:45:20 · 17 answers · asked by ? 4

What is your most curious experience as an Occultist?

2006-07-22 13:40:01 · 7 answers · asked by silencedwatcher 3

Why do so many people in danger pray to God? Who put that desire there? Often those asserting that there is no God blame Him for catastrophes or tragedies. Think of 9/11. Why blame a non-existent God????

2006-07-22 13:33:12 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

... pray to and accept God and Jesus while on their deathbed?

2006-07-22 13:32:23 · 23 answers · asked by capt.jeepman 2

How can so many people have this belief:

If you believe in God, he exists.
If you you dont believe in God he doesnt exist.
If you believe in heaven and hell, they exist
If you Belive in Buddah he exist.
and so on...

Wouldnt common sense tell you that there has to be one true answer. I am not trying to put anyone down, or step on toes, but if this is your belief system, please stand up for it and make your case. Or maybe you dont believe you exist, so you just disapeared. In any case, i am looking for non religion bashing answers, but answers from all religions on why people can think in this sort of fashion.

2006-07-22 13:32:07 · 11 answers · asked by Your hero until you meet Jesus 3

If so, why did you leave, and what did you do instead?

2006-07-22 13:31:58 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

what if you repent during the 7 years but then you die before the 7 years are over?

2006-07-22 13:26:19 · 15 answers · asked by Nick 2

I do. Repent, today it's the messenger. Tommorow, who knows? we might not be able check our email!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The world is coming to an end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-07-22 13:25:20 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-22 13:24:25 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to know...

2006-07-22 13:22:33 · 19 answers · asked by UCSteve 5

Im just wondering

2006-07-22 13:17:57 · 13 answers · asked by momentsofjoi 2

2006-07-22 13:15:21 · 17 answers · asked by 2006flu 2

They both are really f'in evil, but which is more evil? Or are they subsets of the same mental illness? Or should we take the easy way out and lump them into an axis of evil?

Frame of reference: the United States, i dont know what "republicans" are like in other countries.

2006-07-22 13:08:52 · 34 answers · asked by Ann Tykreist 3

I have had a totally sh*t day... Is it a sign that my points for the day ended on 666? Okay yea it's changed now... But come on 666... Out of an infinite amount of numbers that is the one I stop on... And it is the sixth day of me on this site...

2006-07-22 13:08:14 · 12 answers · asked by Amethyst 3

As a Jew i read the scriptures serching for truth-and i found-Isaiah 52 vs 13-53 vs 12 "He will be exaulted but first marred more than any man-and he will be the anointed one(the Messiah) and lay down his life as our sacrificial blood atonement lamb, be despised and rejected...... Isaiah keyed on on it in the 6th verse "All we like sheep have gone astray, and the Lord will make to light on him the iniquity of us all."
well what do u think-how Jesus was perfectly pictured
Yet why? our Jewish Messiah came-and we did despise him and reject him-did u see the movie 'the passion of Christ' ?
would u die for people that despised and hated you-innocent for their sins?
would u rise from the grave and offer to forgive all people and come into their heart and be their friend?
Jesus saith, "Behold i stand at your heart's door and knock, if you hear my word, and open the door, i will come in and deliver from sin, and be your friend" so i prayed "Messiah come in forgive me amen"

2006-07-22 13:06:44 · 29 answers · asked by ? 5

Every race has they own version of Pagan GOD

2006-07-22 13:04:14 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

...when a fundamentalist takes a verse out of the Bible it is ok, but when a non-believer does it is "out of context"?

2006-07-22 13:03:17 · 12 answers · asked by acgsk 5

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