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Religion & Spirituality - 21 June 2006

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

2006-06-21 04:34:43 · 18 answers · asked by cldalvior 1

Just wanted to wish all you pagan brothers and sisters a blessed Solstice celebration.

2006-06-21 04:33:25 · 8 answers · asked by Ymmo the Heathen 7

2006-06-21 04:32:27 · 30 answers · asked by BAnne 7

does anybody know in which book he explains his reasoning for changing from a devout atheist/agnostic to a Christian.. which book would you recommend to an atheist or agnostic who is truly searching for answers ?

2006-06-21 04:30:47 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just think the stone tablet thing leaves too much room for skepticism.

2006-06-21 04:29:10 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

anything goes, doesn't have to be good.

2006-06-21 04:28:21 · 24 answers · asked by sberman689 1

A neighbour in my locality, he was Hindu by birth, he once saved the lives of 2 children from drowning in a pool, he died at the age of 60,
according to you he will go to hell as he was tied to his own faith and did not accept christianity nor did he believe in christ , as he believed in his ancestors faith. He should not have risked his life to save the kids,after all merit of good deeds do not count according to you ,if you are christian no matter any bad deeds you do, if you repent for them before death you are forgiven (bible states so) WOW your concept is accepting in christs divinity , not about accepting responsibility of good acts

2006-06-21 04:27:40 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do you think you are here.. and what do you think HE wants you here for? I believe we all have a purpose, one that We think is right and one (or More) that God has planned for us? Have you figured your out yet?

2006-06-21 04:26:41 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

In the beginning I created the heaven and the earth.

11. Thou shalt not use poor grammar.

2006-06-21 04:24:38 · 17 answers · asked by Kenny ♣ 5

I was watching a talk show the other day, and the people on it were people born one sex, but felt that they were the opposite. they then recieved sex changes and the whole nine. i feel that in some ways that is blasphemy because if you were born a female and you feel like you are a male trapped in a females body, isnt that saying God made a mistake?.... i know some people do fel that way and i am not knocking, i just think i see a little blashpemy, and many may not realize or even are for that matter, as long as they feel good about themselves.

2006-06-21 04:21:23 · 21 answers · asked by lnhymon 2

is there one over-riding quality everyone needs to posess in order to get into heaven?

2006-06-21 04:17:39 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

1.God judges u by ur heart?
2.God judges u by whether u have accepted Jesus as ur savior?

Hope this doesn't offend anyone, just wondering what u think?

2006-06-21 04:14:18 · 30 answers · asked by xoɟ ʍous 6

God's Elect are chosen, predestinated, sanctified, and annointed by Our Father Himself to be the Bride of Jesus Christ.

2006-06-21 04:13:04 · 7 answers · asked by CEM 5

Dust accumulates at a certain rate. If the moon were millions of years old, the dust would be ten or more feet thick.

The dust on the moon is only about a half an inch thick.

Guess how long it would take for a half an inch of dust to accumulate? About six thousand years.

So why isn't there more dust on the moon?

2006-06-21 04:13:02 · 7 answers · asked by Vincent Valentine 5

I know that many Jewish boys are circumcised but why? Also some Muslims and Christians do this. What does it mean to their religious beliefs? I have read where some people compare it to female genitalia mutilation. What are your thoughts on the comparison?
Love & Light
One Planet = One People

2006-06-21 04:09:53 · 16 answers · asked by Soul 5

My wife is a christian and she does go to church and she is raising our daughter baptist, they go to church ever Sunday. However, She committed adultery after 14 years and shows no remorse outwardly.. I'm hoping that she has some level of guilt going on.
She filed for divorce and I fought the divorce proceedings as long as I could because I promised God that till death do we part and I meant it. Biblically speaking and in the eyes of God. If I don't remarry. Can she be remarried. I'm not the one who committed adultery and even though she did I was willing to do what ever it took to keep the family in tacked.

2006-06-21 04:08:36 · 16 answers · asked by christsluv4u 1

Through my careful redin for Quran, I found many evidences that made me conclude that God created heaven mainly for men. Those evidences are:

1- From among (196) verses from Quran that promise heaven for people with good deeds, only (3) verses mentioned that heaven is for both men and women. The other (193) verses promised heaven for MEN who do good deeds.

2- There is a verse [56:22] that promises people who do good deeds with heaven that is full of virgins where they can have sex with those virgins as much as they like. From this verse, we can conclude that heaven is only for MEN (or may be lesbian women). Nothing like that was mentioned for women with good deeds.

3- There is a prophetical statement told by prophet Muhammed that tells that most people in hell will be women. Does this mean very few women will be in heaven?

2006-06-21 04:08:04 · 9 answers · asked by Mostafa Al Banna 2

1. length
2. width
3. depth
4. time
5. gravity
6. light/energy/electricity
7. sexual love
8. romantic love
9. altruistic love
10. God

2006-06-21 04:04:57 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or is it only Muslims that can't wipe with their right?

2006-06-21 04:01:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I find it really hard to go out. I want to. I really do, but living in a house with unbelievers Im always finding things that stop me and get in my way. Im wondering how I can get past this so that I can go out.

2006-06-21 04:01:11 · 7 answers · asked by hispeach128 2

Most christians believe in trinity, that is God=Jesus=Holy Spirit.
They are also firm in their believe that they worship God, which is Jesus, which is the Holy Spirit.
They are also firm in their believe that Jesus is God in human Form?

Now why are they praising Jesus as God, he was human and subjected to human needs. Are they infact then worshipping a man?
To Justify my question they say that before Jesus died all the sin of man was put on him.

Why are they worshipping God Directly and not through Jesus if Jesus=God=Holy spirit?
Should you infact only praise in the name of God?

2006-06-21 03:57:46 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Genesis 1:26
26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, [b] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

What does this verse from the Bible say to you? How do you interpert it?

2006-06-21 03:57:30 · 11 answers · asked by Gardener for God(dmd) 7

2006-06-21 03:57:25 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

and also I think its a real cop out when you can go to confession tell your sins to a priest, say a few words and you good to go again. I was brought up believing in one God and not any religion.
Even in Islam you pray 5 times a day and your good to go.

2006-06-21 03:56:50 · 14 answers · asked by tom tom 2

In the Bible, God told Abraham to sacrifice his son. Abe almost did it, raised the knife, but God said "Never mind. I was just testing you."

This morning God told me to sacrifice my cat. Should I do it? Maybe God is just testing me too?

2006-06-21 03:53:13 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

I hear people say they are the basis for our laws. I just cannot see that. Have no other god before me? We have freedom of religion. Same with remember the sabbath day. We do not have to do those things in America. No useing gods name in vain, no making idols, Thats 4 that violate freedom of religion. Adultery in the biblical sense is also legal. Our economy would collapse without coveteting, Not all parents deserve Honorering, that leaves lie, murder and steal. 3 out of ten, means 7 out of ten are not enforceable. Not a good record for something that is supose to be a basis for our laws?

2006-06-21 03:51:41 · 14 answers · asked by Arcturus R 3

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