Suppose a person is asking for serious personal advice, there are always some people who take a completely, uncaring negative point of view and hurt the questioner.
For instance, I read a question where a person was asking for serious advice because his son came crying home wounded with bruises. Most of the people immediately offered positive helpful advice, but two or three people responded very negatively with responses like "you are a fool to believe your son's tall stories", or like "nobody cries for such sissy incidents" or like "your son could be possibly making up the wounds himself" etc.
Why do Yahoo Answerers take pleasure in writing stuff like that? I agree that criticism can be helpful, and sometimes turn out to be true. But can't people express their criticism in a polite and respectful manner - something along the lines of "I don't want you to feel bad, but i think your son is at fault..." or like "No offense to you, but.....think about it"
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