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Other - Cultures & Groups - June 2007

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I asked a question about women of color, I didn't say black or anything that I presumed to be derogitory, yet I get a black woman telling me that I should stick with my own race. This makes me wonder how is it she can make remarks like that. anybody out there still think only whitey is racist? And don't come back to me about how bad they are treated, please I don't want to get into that kind of fight.

2007-06-29 00:15:03 · 6 answers · asked by ogrething2001 3

2007-06-28 23:50:11 · 3 answers · asked by america8298 2

It is played with your pet that how much time there is every day

2007-06-28 22:31:49 · 5 answers · asked by iloveyoumoon99 1

so I can know who u are and laugh at ur idiocy

2007-06-28 22:02:48 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-28 21:32:04 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-28 21:15:38 · 6 answers · asked by bara hachi 2

In your opinion, shouldn`t my mother start dropping her rules? I give a fair portion of my part time job salary. but she still treats me like a 15 year old.

2007-06-28 17:59:40 · 16 answers · asked by AFI 1

My personal experience (ROTC and waiting tables) has been that all-female groups instantly tend to form cliques and friction seems to become inherent (gossip, rumors, rivalry), to the point that the job/mission is in jeopardy. The problem seems only exacerbated with a woman in charge of the shift/platoon. I have actually heard from women who hate working with other women. In my experience men also have problems, but the conflicts tended to be short lived, and we were still able get the job done, more or less drama-free. Am I percieving this correctly or is this just an isolated anectdotal incident? I am interested in a woman's perspective.

2007-06-28 17:37:22 · 9 answers · asked by Brandon 3

Like in what way, explain:

ethnicity wise, income wise, etc.

2007-06-28 17:00:31 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-06-28 16:55:57 · 12 answers · asked by $0.02 4

hi y'all. my name is Bernese, and i love my chicken. i mean y'all , i LOOOOOVE my fried chicken. I like to eat EXTA butter on my biscuts if you know what i mean! dont even get me started on the cornbread. My collards are the best thing ive ever tasted. I cant get enough. i eat about a package of bacon in the mornin's. They are delishus! twinkies are DA bomb. help me control my hunger issue before i reach an astounding weight of 500 lbs. im about 20 lbs away from that. and how do i get rid of these nasty stretch marks yall!!!!! i mean they are like long highways and biways on my stomach, arms, thighs, and neck! i dont even have any ankles yall! my double wide trailer is getting a little small nowadays!

thanks yall!

love BIG BERN!

2007-06-28 16:45:08 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Sure, you've heard the phrase before. But when it comes down to it, how innovative are you?

2007-06-28 16:21:25 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

It seems that a lot of people on y/answer's are really shallow that they think because someone has a certain skin tone that they are good or bad. I think that is beyond immature, agree or disagree that's my opinion.

2007-06-28 14:49:00 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

For some reason Estados Estados Unidos Unidos just doesn't seem like the right answer to me.

2007-06-28 14:46:18 · 6 answers · asked by Frozone 1

I'm 26 and people have been telling that the "great decline" is near.

2007-06-28 14:35:09 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why are we most hated race
what have we done to deserve this
We cant speak up our mind just we'd labeled as racists
what gives other races the right to call us whatever they want
why cant we be one and not fight amongst ourselves

2007-06-28 12:55:31 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know the name of the country has the word "America" in it, but why do they think no one else can be called an American?

2007-06-28 12:50:31 · 22 answers · asked by shampoomaker 1

Who are Khmer people?
What country do they come from?

They look like filipinos too lol.
Anyonee care to explain there main stats?

2007-06-28 12:27:50 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

If so, do you feel other mexicans give you attitude or look down at your for not know spanish or being into the latino culture a lot?

I'm mexican and I don't know spanish and neither does anyone in my family. We have been in this country for over 3 or 4 generations now so we are assimilated as you can get. We don't celebrate mexican heritage or culture and don't eat or like mexican food anymore than other types of food. I'm 1/2 mexican, 1/2 filipino but look 100% mexican and many other mexicans always assume I speak spanish and when they find out I dont I get some sort of dirty look or attitude it seems like more times than not. I didn't grow up around other mexicans b/c i lived in a predominantly white upper middle class suburb. I was just wondering if there are other mexicans or latinos out there that don't speak the language, are not into the culture, and are basically "white washed" as some have said like me. And how do you feel about it?

2007-06-28 12:23:28 · 7 answers · asked by Sav 6

want they get is tocally different to what they asked for

2007-06-28 11:46:11 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

As some of you know, I can go on and on all day and all night about all the wonderful attributes my beautiful, Nubian Princesses possess (see my Q/A's). But now I wanna give you a chance to give a shout out! Tell me what you love about black women (or what you love about being a black woman).

2007-06-28 11:29:27 · 33 answers · asked by Nigel 2

So, I have a style of clothing I like to wear because I just do.
It's modeled after baby-doll-like clothing, ((mostly frilly dresses)) and is in no way revealing or lewd.
Light pinks and light alice blues are the base of it all

Pics are here, if you'd like to see what I'm talking about:

Anyhow, my father disapproves of the style, saying that it is very sexually hinting in it's nature, thus, no leeway is given for me.
I'm very disappointed in it all, because it's my passion and I love love love the style!
But, is it really sexual?
What makes it so sexual? Are there anything clothing styles that are no revealing but considered "sexual" in their nature?

Do you think there's any loopholes so I can be able to wear the style again?
Please help me out, thanks.

2007-06-28 11:26:42 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

huh? I am posting this message because i had recently recieved an answer to a question i had posted and the answer was similar to "black people came here legally and were all sold to us by their homeland and most were asked if they wanted to stay or leave america".What? So what matters is that they were sold and not the 200 plus more years of slavery? How about the lynching of black men and raping of black women? Well, i can go on and on but you get the picture!

2007-06-28 11:22:59 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-06-28 11:18:06 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

What happened to real rock n roll?! All the old stuff is great! But new "rock n roll" sucks, plus everyone categorizes themselves and music way to much!! oh, im emo, im hip-hop, people get offended, cuz you say, are you emo, and they say no, im scene, **** emos.....What the hell is the difference? Scene kids where vans instead of converse.....I hate all of the categorization!! Does anyone agree with me?

2007-06-28 10:54:16 · 6 answers · asked by *ich_liebe_dich* 2

Hi, ,y mother in England told me that most peopla in England are really against Israel and she's embarassed to say she has family here. Is that how Americans feel?

2007-06-28 10:53:01 · 7 answers · asked by jenush 2

What country do you all think?

2007-06-28 10:35:14 · 25 answers · asked by mickey 1

I am Christian but.... have you ever just wanted to slap somebody upside the head?

2007-06-28 10:30:32 · 14 answers · asked by Angelheart♥ 5

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