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Other - Cultures & Groups - November 2007

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what shuld i do!

2007-11-30 16:26:42 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-30 15:37:13 · 11 answers · asked by ced562 2

2007-11-30 13:54:09 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do people blamed them for their problems. They're just during their business. Who's fault is that you're fat (no offense), it's yours because you chose to eat their everyday, so people stop blaming Mcdonald's, and take responsibility for your actions.

2007-11-30 12:18:06 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you feel they are a big help to the world?
Do you think they have alot of fame?
Do you know alot about famous Mexicans?
How do you feel about mexicans?

2007-11-30 11:52:43 · 33 answers · asked by cutie2_brenda 3

would it be okay to label you an insurgent

2007-11-30 11:28:26 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-30 11:23:27 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am with a great guy we are both soldiers in the army and we both take great care of each other and love each other but it seems like everytime we go somewhere we have problems. For example last weekend we went out somewhere and some guys kept whistling at me then asking me why im with a white boy while he was right there of course i told them please dont do that and held his hand but it just made the problem worse...it caused major problems and we all got kicked out (if you know what i mean) then at the mall yesterday i actually had a caucasian woman come in between us and start talking to him like i was not even there?!! Then i said excuse me and she looked at me like i was bothering her until he grabbed me and kissed me then she looked at me like i was disgusting! Its getting so tiresome sometimes i just want to give up...what would be someones advice for that? I mean comments are one thing but downright disrespect and violence is really causing problems.

2007-11-30 10:47:29 · 44 answers · asked by Alexis 2

which country is better among india pakistan china russia britain why??? comment.. do not take side of england tell the the fact

2007-11-30 10:42:29 · 37 answers · asked by satyajeets5 1

Just wondering.

2007-11-30 10:31:06 · 2 answers · asked by Brianne 3

Yesterday, a white co-worker of mine came into our company's conference room while my boss (a black lady) and another co-worker of mine (also black) were sitting in the room. My boss turns to the white lady and jokingly tries to chide her for coming into the room. She said, "Look here whitey!" She was laughing and smiling the whole time and then proceeded to tell the lady to go around the back of the table, "Like you made us to all those years."
White people, would that have offended you?
And black folks, what would you have said/done in this situation?
Thanks for the replies!

2007-11-30 10:11:06 · 82 answers · asked by YSIC 7

2007-11-30 09:36:21 · 26 answers · asked by Sara_Splendor 2

It baffles me?

2007-11-30 09:13:08 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

BUT, do vegetarians eat animal crackers? I'm not trying to be a smarty pants, I'm seriously just wondering..

2007-11-30 08:14:56 · 39 answers · asked by I love my sailor 4

2007-11-30 08:14:32 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Geekiest gets best answer !
Cos I reckon there are a few geeks on here Man I am !

2007-11-30 07:53:06 · 9 answers · asked by ladyxxmacbeth 3

So he thinks that 1/3 of the population in the world will know who the singer Trish the singer is. Not googleing or looking up just answer yes you know no you don't know.

2007-11-30 07:44:57 · 58 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm sorry if it sounds repititive but I don't know any Black people and curious about what racism means to them on a day-to-day basis. Mostly if you're a Middle-class Black person with an educated background, does that make you less vulnerable?

2007-11-30 07:23:08 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ever since high school, I was always confused by that phrase. I can only assume that people who use it have never read the book (I think this is a fair assumption).

In Uncle Tom's Cabin (Harriet Beecher Stowe) it is true that Tom was on overseer of sorts, but he was hated by the plantation owner for refusing to whip other slaves, in fact he was whipped for refusing to whip others. Tom ultimately was beaten to death because he talked other slaves into escaping and refused to give any information as to their whereabouts.

Uncle Tom sacrificed himself for the cause (and he was about to become a free man).

So why do we call people Uncle Toms?

2007-11-30 05:57:08 · 12 answers · asked by $0.02 4

some hate to love, yet, love to hate? Be it for differences in race, religion, gender biases, etc. What is derived from it? What is served by it? What are your opinions? Please no thumbs down or violations.

2007-11-30 05:45:50 · 16 answers · asked by Semp-listic! 7

I have met a Mexican, a Canadian, 3 Japanese, a Hungarian, a Dutch, and a Russian. That's about it.

2007-11-30 04:48:31 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do people do this? Are they normal people?
A friend discovered someone doing something weird with a dog through his surveillance video, and it freaked him out.

2007-11-30 04:46:25 · 6 answers · asked by Pretty Lady 1

An irishman now living in Wales had a car accident and in the heat of the moment called the other driver, a Welsh woman, an English b*tch.

I realise the word 'b*tch' was offensive but the man was tried and found guilty of racism. That I do not understand because as far as I am aware Irish, English and Welsh are of the same race.

So how is that racism?


2007-11-30 04:46:22 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

onability?I have seen people given good paying jobs(both white,black,hispanic & asian) but they just seem to stay in trouble continually.Many of these people just blame their problems on others.When i tell them they need to stayaway from these people who influence them to do wrong its like it goes in one ear & out the other one.I'm trying to be honest with them & i get the feeling they think i'm blameing them but i'm not.I just want to help if i can but they act like they dont even want my help is this in their genes or what?

2007-11-30 04:24:00 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think racism should end now, we should stop judging people based on their skin color but how? I just realized how stupid it is. and now i wish we could all get along

2007-11-30 04:21:20 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Lots of people are saying we need to be proud of our English identity but what do you think makes up the English identity?

And before you answer...."Being a chav"......."Getting drunk"......."Teenage pregnancies", please don't. I really would like to know what people believe we should be proud of.

2007-11-30 03:17:48 · 11 answers · asked by Mimkat hate the new Yahoo Answers so has retired. 7

I mean pornstars? aren't they basically the same thing

2007-11-30 03:13:10 · 7 answers · asked by kitcatss 2