THE Federal Government believes wearing Islamic scarves should be banned at Australian airports, senior government sources have revealed.
Under the radical security proposal, even the most inoffensive Muslim scarf, the hijab, which covers a woman's hair and neck, would be banned, along with several other types.
Security officials are especially concerned by two other very concealing types of scarf, the niqab and the burka.
Former British cabinet minister Jack Straw sparked controversy some time ago when he said it was best that Muslim women did not cover their faces when they met him.
And France banned Islamic headscarves at schools in 2004, a move that also deeply offended Muslims.
The scarf policy is under active consideration in Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews' office, which is consulting with airport security officials over the policy.
It comes after the Government moved to restrict immigration from Sudan.,22049,22580114-5013605,00.html#submit-feedback
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