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Society & Culture - 15 August 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

2007-08-15 03:23:49 · 16 answers · asked by jennifer w 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Just like the the belief the Greeks held and taught their kids that Atlus held up the world with his hands, the evolution myths will one day end. It may take 50-100 more years for scientist to finally say "There is positively no evidence to support the evolution myth" but it will happen. We need more Socrates today.

2007-08-15 03:22:58 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

What do you think we are praying and obeying God command… for nothing?
OK but think you Atheists if there is God and Hereafter – life after Death… I fear what will happen to you…. You will be in the Hell than…

Isn’t it good to something than nothing….

We Muslim believe in One God …. Allah (Actually Allah is a Unique name of God and… you can call God in any good meaning full name like Almighty, Creator of Universe etc.. Some People think we Worship The Kaaba.. It is wrong… Kaaba is a Direction Muslims face during their prayers….

When the Muslims go to Masjid-e-Haram in Makkah, they perform tawaf or
circumambulation round the Kaaba. This act symbolizes the belief and worship
of One God, since, just as every circle has one centre, so also there is only one
Allah worthy of worship.

We believe over the ages Allah has chosen men in every nation to drliver the Divine message. Such chosen men Called as messengers and prophets of God.

Adam (Peace be upon him)
Noah (pbuh)
Abraham (pbuh)
Jesus (pbuh)
Moses (pbuh)
Jacob (pbuh)
Ishmael (pbuh)
Isaac (pbuh)
Joseph (pbuh)
Mohammad (pbuh) [final messenger]
And many more…

You think we Muslim pray five times a day for nothing…. We don’t eat alcohol, pork… and other forbidden food and forbidden work like doing sexual relationship before marriage but only with our marriage partner.

Rich Muslims gives charity of their wealth 2.5% on most valuables and savings held for a full lunar year, as long as the total value is more than a basic minimum call as nisab (three ounces or 87.48g of gold). This all for Nothing……

But think if you are wrong Atheists than what will…be you future life..

2007-08-15 03:22:17 · 7 answers · asked by Rainbow 1 in Religion & Spirituality

It's an activity that helps you to enjoy TODAY, instead of a plea for help and a distraction-segue into the afterlife.

2007-08-15 03:17:28 · 21 answers · asked by linkwaker007 2 in Religion & Spirituality

it really isn't...The people who are really helping themselves are the ones who are trying to do everything on their own, and that legalism, and God HATES it.

2007-08-15 03:16:45 · 13 answers · asked by Jane 3 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-08-15 03:16:32 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

I mean Technology is making almost unimaginable progresses and developments , its like almost anything and everything can be archived , if not today then tomorrow if not tomorow then eventually - future holds so much for humans.

Humans are even learning to explore outer space - soon they will have the technology and capabilities to explore and colonize our Universe.

Even time travel to the future can be made possible.

And so much more can be elaborated , its simply cant be said in words and today our imagination limits our foreseen future as far as 50 to 100 years, but our earth will exist for billions of years. So much can be achieved by humans then. among all the progresses and evolution in technology , the most significant developments would be from medical technology.

All I want to know is, can ever humans at any point of their time existing in this universe can actually defy death and prolong live at least for 500 years for an average human to live.

Maybe more then 5

2007-08-15 03:13:23 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Scripture cannot react, it can only give the same answer(s), no matter what is asked.

Do you agree with this concept or not?

2007-08-15 03:12:57 · 38 answers · asked by Link , Padawan of Yoda 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Is this sentence correct, probably im gonna make a cake for my father's birthday?
This grammar shows that the intention is always premeditated and there is usually also the idea that some preparation for the action has been made. Action is considered very likely to be performed.

2007-08-15 03:08:26 · 4 answers · asked by Linda 2 in Languages

yes i do know you, and I know what you're doing. You're reading this question right now.

HOW"D I KNOW??!?!??!?



2007-08-15 03:08:18 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

depravity on R&S? I mean, there are some days where it's not too bad, and then there are the REALLY bad days, where all kinds of things like blasphemy and such go in on this forum.

Am I the only one that it makes want to cry? Actually...I Have cried for the people on here...

2007-08-15 03:07:36 · 35 answers · asked by Jane 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Let's say I'm God, and I know for a FACT that before this day is out you WILL choose to eat pizza and will proceed to eat it. I then tell you I know this, and I tell you that I will give you $1 billion if you can pass the test. The test is simple. All you have to do to win is to avoid eating pizza today. Can you freely choose NOT to eat pizza? At the end of the night, is there any possible way you could have avoided eating pizza?

2007-08-15 03:07:06 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

what is a salafi muslim?

what is a takfiri muslim?

what is a wahabi muslim?
please kindly list source if you may

2007-08-15 03:05:44 · 7 answers · asked by blacky-black 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Have you ever seriously sought the Lord?

Have you ever had a deep experience regarding divine intervention in your life?

Have you been healed?

Have you ever been saved from a life threatening situation in a nick of time?

How do you explain such occurences in your life?

2007-08-15 02:59:04 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I just recently started going to church again, and all I hear from the preachers and teachers is about giving 10 percent (tithe) to the church, saying if I do I will get rich and be blessed, and if I don't my money will be cursed. I believe in my heart, that these "scare tactics" are wrong. I don't exactly give 10 percent but I do give what I can and what ever amount God places in my heart, which may be less than exactly 10 percent. I want my money to "actually be used wisely" but I have no control over it. Is it better just to give money to charities and even the first bum you see on the street, rather than a rich church, just seeking to just get richer and bigger?

2007-08-15 02:58:26 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

so that mean that a person can commit any sin he/she wants, can steal, can lie, do drugs, hurt someone. so a person is not afraid of getting punished by the sins he/she commits. since Jesus already died for our sins! then why bother to worry, about getting punished for it!!. a person is only concern about the state law, he/she will fear the state law more than God.

and if christians still asking for forgiviness and repent their sins, then what was the point of Jesus death ?

2007-08-15 02:56:47 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

heaven anyway, or do you think they do in fact? Most Catholics I know think they go to heaven just because they are Catholic, not because of the cross. This seems to be the danger of any group that thinks they are the "true" church.

2007-08-15 02:53:53 · 10 answers · asked by expertless 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I was looking at a question, about a skirt and people said the link didn't work. There was one person who saw the skirt and had proof. (I could see the skirt, the link worked fine for me. The skirt was called something like "denim scooter". The person used the the name) Then some one gave everyone who could see the skirt a thumbs up and the person who saw the skirt, gave a friendly answer, a thumbs down!!

It happened also with an answer I gave about something else a couple of times. Also an old question I answered, some one asked about a store. I guess I was the only person to know the store because everyone else didn't know.... Then I got like 10 thumbs down! So I just decided to delete my answer....

What's your opinion about this?????

Thanks! :-)

2007-08-15 02:53:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

Or to word it slightly differently: How cynical are you?

2007-08-15 02:51:47 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

to the existential energy around them, like seeing ghosts, dreaming of things before they happen, feeling energy fluxes that they can't explain, premonitions, ect? I have noticed that more people have noticed these things happening more often. Could it be our own human evolutionary senses becoming stronger? I have always had these types of occurences - many of my fans know this,but mine are stronger than the generations before me. I mean, even the Christians are saying that they feel "Gods" love and power stronger than those in the past. What is your take on this?
Oh, and btw, I am not a labeled religion and neither athiest so this is not based on religious beliefs just a perception of the world around me.

2007-08-15 02:50:16 · 9 answers · asked by Karma of the Poodle 6 in Mythology & Folklore

i think to know another culture make we know about another country...

2007-08-15 02:48:56 · 7 answers · asked by Adam Buttler 1 in Other - Society & Culture

I read that as Scientists study the Big Bang, evoultion, etc... more, more and more are starting to doubt it.

I also read that evolution is not a fact. That they have only been able to study present-day records, so evolution is technically a theory?

I'm trying to find out the truth about this on Google, but it just leads to debates about the Bible and Science, which is not what I want.

Thank you very much for your answers :)

2007-08-15 02:48:44 · 39 answers · asked by m8g8 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Islam has their book in it's origonal language..
i think Judaism even has their book in its origonal language....

any thoughts??

2007-08-15 02:44:12 · 34 answers · asked by who cares! 3 in Religion & Spirituality

So are they Welsh or German desent?

2007-08-15 02:43:48 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Royalty

When my account was deleted this time, it didn't hurt as much as it hurt the first time. Why? Cause of all the compassion shown by you folks.

So the question is: Does compassion work for you?

2007-08-15 02:40:53 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Shouldn't they have evolved out by now?

2007-08-15 02:37:58 · 10 answers · asked by Professor Farnsworth 6 in Religion & Spirituality

in the bible it says god love every one even his enemies does that include Saten?

2007-08-15 02:37:20 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-08-15 02:37:20 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

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