People are doomed to spend and ETERNITY of Hell, because, for a mere (approx.) 85 years, they couldn't believe that God exists. And why should people believe God exists if He doesn't provide us with any SOLID evidence for His existence?! Apparantly, He only shows Himself to us, AFTER we've died, and there's no longer anything we can do about it! For now, all we have is a book "inspired by God", but written by MAN. Any man could have claimed to be "inspired by God", if they had some deep stuff to say and believed it was from God (whether or not a god exists).
How could God send people to Hell for ETERNITY, for not believing He's real when He wont show us that He's real?! "He" says we know He's real because we're alive, and there is much beauty in the world. This is unbelievable!
Why wont God provide any REAL evidence for His existence?!????
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Religion & Spirituality