What is with this place? You can't actually say anything anymore...
All you need to do is say 1 thing which another may class as against one deity or another, and ppl start slamming with thumbs downs...
For instance, i got 5 thumbs downs for stating that someone asking why god thirsts for blood, was relating to the book of numbers...
Get a life for gods sake, people are allowed freedom of speech without whining bastards.
9 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
lol, this question was the product of a bad (and long...) day at work. Normally i don't give a rats *** about thumbs down. Its just sometimes annoying that people really are as bad as believe what i believe or i will just disregard whatever you say... Even if it is actually the case..
Blind faith i guess.
23:55:31 ·
update #1