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What are some great ways to get young people like teenagers (any people really just mostly focused on the youth) to get them interested in coming to a youth revival, and possibly showing up???

2007-07-30 14:52:39 · 13 answers · asked by ilovearchie 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

The fact that you use the word "lure" is interesting. "Lure" usually goes with "trap". Why not the word "invite?"

Very telling indeed.

2007-07-30 14:56:40 · answer #1 · answered by prairiecrow 7 · 7 1

My husband and I work with the youth at our church. The biggest thing is to accept them as they are. We try to have our group be a safe house. The kids get beat down all week we want them to be able to come,be themselves, and just be uplifted. Be real with them. If you're fake they'll see right through it. Find out what they are interested in.It could be music, sports, etc. In our group it's music. When we started a few of the kids wanted to learn how to play instruments. Thankfully my husband can play many things so he taught them. We had 1 band now we are working on our third group. We try to have fun with the kids and still have time for worship and teaching too. If you have a strong group to start with and you get them having fun. They will invite their friends and they'll invite theirs and so on and so on. We just had a battle of the bands at our church with some big headliner bands. That drew in over 300 kids! It doesn't matter if thats the only reason they come. Because if they are there for youth night then they are gonna hear the word of God too. And eventually something just might reach them! God Bless and good luck!

2007-07-31 12:16:52 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I thought that Im a catholic gave a very good answer and direction to go.

And you are right, they have to be lured. Our young people have video games in their hands, a cell phone growing out of their ear and a jillion things that they consider more important.

It MUST be a milieu wherein they can 'be themselves', where they get introduced to each other (they are incredibly shy) structure something that is fun and makes introductions easy. Short bites. There's a reason for the TV sound/video bite. And for God's sake. Not one word about we're going to save you from hell, we want you to sign up for a 'purity ring' or the wrath of God; rather, celebrate that we are feeling creatures and God's love is phenomenal and this is a place to be accepted "just as you are".

IF you do this and they come and open up; you will need your 'poker face' on, that is, some of the stuff they are experimenting with will scare the heck out of you. But, they really are neat creatures, with a very heavy load of coming to age too quickly, in a crazy, mixed up world.

I hope this is helpful and that your youth revival is a slam dunk.

And, just as your word 'lure' came back atcha big time (btw: ignore those who confronted you about it); the kids will 'know' and confront anyone that is not fully accepting and genuine.


2007-07-30 22:20:35 · answer #3 · answered by Bill S 4 · 0 2

So you're trying to lure young people...

You're not a Catholic priest, are you? Or Mark Foley? :P

On a more serious note, I'm not sure of the best way to attract young people, but once you get them there, don't talk down to them. Kids are smarter than adults give them credit for. If you treat them like idiots you'll get nowhere.

2007-07-30 22:06:37 · answer #4 · answered by au_catboy 3 · 1 0

make sure you have a group of adults that will be helping, maybe even parents in the community. get a place to have meetings, etc...somewhere were teens can relax (setting has a LOT to do with it no joke)///dont just do one big event, have lots spread out all over the month or a few each week. make it FUN for the kids! make it something where they can not only learn, spread THE WORD, but also meet other teens and get involved with people who like the same things, etc... check out the link/website

2007-07-30 22:06:32 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Speak to them where they are..Relevance is the answer..Youth (and everyone, actually) require relevance to their lives. Not just some Biblical mumbo-Jumbo junk that has no relevance to them. Meet them on their plane, on their level..

2007-07-30 21:57:31 · answer #6 · answered by Richard J 1 · 2 0

Big screen TV, xbox, and some good games like Halo, Gears of War.

Not kidding here.. my neighbor, who was a youth pastor, would take my oldest with him to his teen nights for a bit of Halo, or as he called it, "killing for Jesus" LOL

2007-07-30 22:02:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Free food. Live music.

2007-07-30 21:57:19 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Tell them the truth, and let them use their own free will as to whether or not to listen.

2007-07-30 21:59:19 · answer #9 · answered by jtrusnik 7 · 3 0

Have a young christian singer be there

2007-07-30 21:56:13 · answer #10 · answered by Love not hate 5 · 1 0

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