Yes, but frankly those occasions were a) experiences that are very difficult to convey with words, and b) moments of communion between me and the God and Goddess, and therefore both private and sacred, not something I'm inclined to place on a public forum.
Sorry I can't help you out with more details.
2007-07-30 15:11:09
answer #1
answered by prairiecrow 7
I think the word intoxication is not appropriate as normally it is connected with liquor and is used in a derogatory manner.(At least I feel so). Divine Love is much more than that. Normally only very pious bakthas like Purandara Dasa might have experienced divine love of God. They are the blessed people. Even if one has experienced a divine Love of God it is not necessary to tell others more so in this forum. It is difficult to share with other the personal experience of Divine Love
2007-07-30 20:20:12
answer #2
answered by Vasudevan p 2
I do not think i have felt what pure devotees feel.
But by the mercy of my gurudev, I have felt bliss in a few situations, one is in kirtans and bhajans of our acaryas, and of course in the presence of my Gurudev.
I do not think it good to go into details of such private and personal things however. These things should only be discussed with someone who is very close, and like minded. I do not feel that a public forum is the place to put it.
Thanks for reminding me though
2007-07-30 15:14:58
answer #3
answered by happy_n_freeone 3
It was a state of ecstasy. More than ecstasy that can not be explained with my limited vocabulary. I hoped and ardently wished for that state being permanent. It was a spiritual equivalent of physical orgasm(sorry ladies but this description comes closest). I attained that state while performing a ritual rending (Paraayana) of Sundarakandam (the 5th Canto) of Valmiki`s Raamayan.
2007-07-30 22:26:29
answer #4
answered by J.SWAMY I ఇ జ స్వామి 7
The observer and the spoke of. all and sundry has had an adventure with what's coined, "The Divine". unlucky it somewhat is, that for the duration of undemanding terms some people have stepped forward the mandatory readability to show screen such an ominous presence. readability with the aid of information is that which a man or woman might desire to advance, to be sure that one to renowned "God's Majestic Resonance". That which has taken human variety might desire to at last adventure substitute. The human recommendations is subject to alter. Human ideals substitute. the international of the climate are additionally subject to alter. might it not be of super benefit for one to adventure "That" which isn't subject to alter? The human breath might desire to be consistent, or somewhat one might perish. The human recommendations is notably inconsistent. The "inner heart", in the middle of a man or woman is fairly consistent. That single element discovered interior, is the place you could adventure genuine consistency. That single element discovered interior, is the place one will discover and be conscious, "the actuality". substitute is the key to consistency... people who fail to undertake substitute, will constantly stay inconsistent... without sufficient substitute one might somewhat stay continuously inconsistent... ideals are inconsistent. faith is consistent. faith on my own, has allowed this old fool to show screen stability and consistency. Has this old fool experienced the Divine? in undemanding terms "The Divine" knows for particular! thank you very a lot for asking. Meechum Anbu (a lot Love), Salaams,
2016-10-13 04:05:16
answer #5
answered by ? 4
In Human relation the ultimate love when deep ,soo deep a combination of c l i ma xing to infinity is same and may be purer than reaching nirvana through devine love,[my experience] and contact with God is made in the highest state of culmination
2007-07-30 20:02:25
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Venkatesh:No ,you are wrong , the answer is 2+2=22
2007-07-30 20:28:10
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
you have already explained in the question , i think it is more than enough.
like you have mentioned in the question
felt , intoxicated , divine , love , state , experience ,
it is the intoxicated state which is experienced in divine love , which can be felt only
oh yes one world is left , that you know
Hare Krishna ,Hare krishna ,Krishna Krishna ,Hare Hare ,Hare Rama ,Hare Rama ,Rama Rama ,Hare Hare
2007-07-31 00:19:55
answer #8
answered by KrishanRam(Jitendra k) 3
2007-07-30 20:12:00
answer #9
answered by ۞Aum۞ 7