The problem is too many that oppose christians have no desire to allow christians to speak (even to each other) without mocking and verbal attacks.I will not compromise the gospel or accept PC bible revision.I also will continue to preach the Gospel of Jesus (People need Jesus and not men's or religious doctrine).
2007-07-30 15:16:15
answer #1
answered by robert p 7
When you mention 'peoples feelings' -- it is the evil influence in them that gets hurt. It provokes the mortal body and they get felt.
Paul while writing to the Colossians speaks:
Colossians 4:6
Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
See, so we are taught not to hurt others.
BUT when does the Question of hurting comes is when a non-believer points it out the wrong way. The Holy Spirit within us isDynamic in power, does miracles and wonders and other spiritual operations empowered by the HolySpirit, all in Jesus Name. So do you think when that happens the devil will stay silent.
he will act out - and for that he uses certain media. So the Core of your Question is pointed to that feeble devil, Because our war is not with flesh BUT with principalities.
Ok, now you are trying silent outwardwardly, Dont you war with the evil forces in your Prayer and see them scattering, some dead etc. Then do you expect a peaceful life. No, he will roar back as a Roaring lion seeking whom he may devour - and at times he uses people as his tools.
So Get couraged up in God. Dont be slack, but run the race of faith wearing on the Grace given unto you from Above. Hold on to JesusChrist, AND he shall take you to that Glory Land. There youll have no war, sorrow, sickness, oppression, attack, doesnt end describing.
God Grant us the grace needed to withstand all trials. Amen.
2007-07-31 09:04:50
answer #2
answered by Potter'sClay-Isa 64:8 6
I've tried just getting answers on this site for a variety of questions, and inevitably someone (or more) answers in a hateful way. I can stand up for what I believe without hurting other people. I try very hard to not hurt other people, either with words or any other way. But some people seem destined to derogate others of us, and we have to learn to live with it. I always remain honest about who I am, even if that means constantly changing and searching. I'm honest in my searching, my belief changes, and just about everything else. But a lot of people can't be honest, and they try to hurt those of us who are.
2007-07-30 22:12:53
answer #3
answered by honest_funny_charlie 3
Within reason, yes, I think we can. It involves being able to listen to someone else's views without being judgmental and presenting our own without being arrogant. If we can do that and someone still takes offense, then they were probably going to disagree with us, no matter what.
It's never going to be easy, but I think we could all probably get a lot better at it with practice. There will be times when we have to stand up for what we believe, but a little tact and diplomacy never hurt a thing, even then.
2007-07-30 22:08:49
answer #4
answered by Wolfeblayde 7
No, because if you have values people who don't have them will be offended by you're choices in life, and if you don't have morals, people will be offended that you don't live your life a certain way. People will always say something whether something is completely perfect or the smallest imperfection. Why? because I think most people live illusionary lives, a product of prior family behavior-disordered, and constantly changing according to what's the fad or popular today...
2007-07-30 22:15:17
answer #5
answered by #1bob 4
I believe we can, but it takes some work. A friend and I worked with a Lesbian. At first she was a little upset with our beliefs. But we let her understand it wasn't her personally but her lifestyle. Once she saw this, we were "friends" . We ate together and talked the normal things. Once in a while she would ask what the Bible said on something. So in the end, feelings weren't hurt, nor did we compromise who we were.
2007-07-30 22:26:27
answer #6
answered by RB 7
Yes we can do it, as JESUS had shown us the way while living on this earth HE showed us that u need not hurt others, when you believe something, but u can be hated and punished by others for what u believe. But ur convincing love for them will lead them to the truth.
2007-07-31 03:15:29
answer #7
answered by Gracy 2
Doubt it when part of some people's belief seems to have to include "we're the right ones" kind of language.
2007-07-30 22:07:32
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Unfortunately we can not. For someone some where will be offended. Especially if you speak from your heart. And can not in good conscience back down.
2007-07-30 22:05:13
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
if the truth hurt...shame on you
2007-07-30 22:08:51
answer #10
answered by Anonymous