I've only seen something once but had a miracle happen when I was an infant. What I saw I will not talk about, but when i was a baby my mother was real poor, lived alone and couldn't afford groceries or milk. She said she left the bottle of milk empty in my crib and cried herself to sleep, and then the next morning woke up and the bottle was full. She claims this happened every night for about a month, she lived alone and noone else had the key. This was in the 70's. Also she said that once she heard a loud bang and a window unit air conditioner had fallen out of the window but was hovering above the ground. Weird huh, she also said she was in a seance once and plates broke and the pieces moved around and one shaped like an arrow stopped and pointed at her. What I saw I was on an acid trip or so i believe because I think I was slipped acid. Anyways if you have any stories like these please share.
10 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
I have seen and heard of many miracles. My mother in law said she had nothing to feed her children and gave her last 75 cents at church offering, on her way home a pheasant hit her windshield and then a neighbor brought over veggies out of his garden, so she knew the Lord provided. I saw an angel right after my mom died, I was so upset and ever since I have felt it was her letting me know she is in a better place and safe. I rarely cry now when I speak of her like I used to. Also my sis and I and a lady played with a weegee board a long time ago and it began to squeal so we took it out to the trash. I have never allowed one in my home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do truly believe that I have had and seen many miracles!
2007-07-30 15:16:43
answer #1
answered by ladynamedjane 5
Recently I have had weird emotions only to find out that was how someone I knew was feeling at the time. I believe that God is trying to give me the power to help p the people I love with their problems. I am an empath, because of the wonderful gift he has given me. If I wasn't meant to be here for a reason than I wouldm't be here at all. I know this because my parents got divoced when I was seven and because of their marrage in the first place, I am here talking to you at the age of sixteen. These emotions just started happening on my birthday. Miracle yes, that is what I believe.
2007-07-30 22:15:00
answer #2
answered by Argent 4
I had cellulitis (verified by a health professional) and it disappeared during a tent meeting (church outside). It left a small scab, but the nurse who verified it for me said yes, it was cellulitis, no it does NOT go away without antibiotics, and even with antibiotics it takes more than 3 hours to heal.
Also, the night my daughter was conceived, my husband and I both felt it was God's direct will for us to have another child. I prayed before we "got started" for exactly what I wanted in a child - and down to the last detail, including her gender, she is everything I prayed for and more, beyond what I could think or imagine. How many people do you know that can "special-order" the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual traits in a child?
2007-07-30 22:18:01
answer #3
answered by mrscjr 3
Wow, what an amazing story. My aunt had leukemia when she was younger. She saw Jesus one night while she was in her bed. She woke up and he was at the foot of her bed and at her next doctors appointment her leukemia was almost gone.
2007-07-30 22:12:33
answer #4
answered by Lauren. 4
Yes, many times.
2007-07-30 22:11:50
answer #5
answered by TEK 4
Before my cousin passed (he was 36), he sat up in his bed and asked "Why it was so bright in here?". His wife told him to lay back down, then he said, "Oh God...Oh God...", then he died.
2007-07-30 22:16:14
answer #6
answered by ♥Sarai♥ 4
I've had so many things like that happen to me I don't know which to mention....
2007-07-30 22:20:05
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I have seen and experience several.
2007-07-30 22:12:31
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
every moment is a miracle
2007-07-30 22:12:02
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
yep, I was not on drugs when it happened
2007-07-30 22:11:39
answer #10
answered by Anonymous