A lot of people out there criticize the Harry Potter books & say they are evil & corruptive. Have you read them all? I have & found them very entertaining with lessons to be learned. Some of the values that kids could learn from these books are the importance of:
Friendship, loyalty, love and support of family, the need for education, caring about others to the extent of willing to die for them, racism is not a good thing (pure-blood wizards condemning those that were not pureblood but half blood or human) good versus evil – sometimes in life evil wins but you keep on fighting it, Satan (or the bad guy) lies & if you follow him & make a mistake he has no forgiveness in his heart & you die. God forgives. The main reason that Harry wins is Love. How can this be a bad thing?
Times change & the older ways of getting things across to the youth are not the same & don’t always work. New things should be tried. Since “God works in mysterious ways”, this could be a new approach
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Religion & Spirituality