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Society & Culture - 27 July 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

it's a curiosity

2007-07-27 05:14:40 · 24 answers · asked by Marmorita 5 in Other - Cultures & Groups

And what if I find it offensive for others to be infringing upon my first amendment? Is that not fair game?

2007-07-27 05:14:02 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

Seems like this could clear up lots of questions.

2007-07-27 05:13:46 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

If a train leaves Chicago at 7 a.m., and another train leaves Newark at 8:45 a.m., then do these pants make me look fat?

2007-07-27 05:12:57 · 37 answers · asked by Deke 5 in Religion & Spirituality

It is a FACT that I am the father of my children. I can prove this by DNA testing. What PROOF do you have for creation? Please, the bible proves nothing. I have a book that says intersteller drives exist but I have no PROOF they do. Same thing.

2007-07-27 05:11:24 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I think if I did believe in a god, I would not want to follow him. His rules are stupid. If you don't believe in him you are sent to hell, although all the people that HE made are different, so ofcoarse same people aren't going to beleive in him.
Also, there are some people that will never hear of this Jesus and children that die young will be sent to a flaming hell because they didn't believe in him.

2007-07-27 05:10:43 · 26 answers · asked by Scott R 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Providing that protestant never was catholic, never attended catholic school, and their entire family is also protestant how can a protestant tell me (catholic) what I believe?

It happend yesterday, she was like 'you do this' and I was like 'no I don't and she kept saying I do and I just didnt get it.

2007-07-27 05:10:30 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

The last time it was fun being me was a year ago last April.

It was a beautiful weekend, the snow was gone and green things growing. My wife and I playing with our son, teaching him to throw tennis balls for the dogs.

My wife died in August, my son a week after his fifth birthday.

There was a ray of hope last winter, another last month, but I fear I've been clutching at straws.

It is heartbreaking when people try to cheer me up, not knowing the isolation I return to when I flick the switch. I wish I could take their efforts with me, but they never seem to leave the screen.

People say I need to get out more. But I socialized in my 20s. Fought the good fight for civil rights and human rights in my 30s and 40s. I was settling into the fruits of my labour with a wife who loved me and a son who would replace me.

And here, at 50, when half the eligible population thinks I'm a "dirty old man" and the other half want someone "tall" ...

2007-07-27 05:10:17 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

This is a fun experiment. Let's see how many people actually read the details of these Questions. If you read this please respond. "Thanks for the two points." Again this has nothing to do with the Jehovas Witnesses. Thanks and this will be fun.

2007-07-27 05:09:48 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Everything i have ever read about the romans and their crucifictions indicate that the final insult to the crucified was to either leave the body on the cross to rot, or throw the body into a mass grave. They did not ever allow the cucified to be taken and given a proper burial.

How did jesus's body make it to his tomb to rise from the dead when the romans never would have allowed anyone to take his body to be buried?

2007-07-27 05:08:35 · 33 answers · asked by Gawdless Heathen 6 in Religion & Spirituality

My girlfriend bet that I couldn't beat her gay friend in a wrestling match. If he lost, she'd have to pleasure me for a week and be my slave, and if I lost, I'd have to pleasure her AND HER GAY FRIEND for a week, be their slaves, and dress in drag while doing it.

I never thought he would win so I agreed to the bet, but he won through mere luck. Shouldn't the fine be reduced, though? This is OBVIOUSLY too much. If you agree, my fine will be wiped out. If you disagree, it'll be extended to a MONTH and my girlfriend wants you to pick the outfits I wear. Make the right and obvious choice.

2007-07-27 05:08:31 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

seized all the Dobol Dead Pig's and all rotten foods chicken fats and oily fat's turn it to electricity How?''burn it together in Coal Power Plants this you can save your little bucket of coal NOYPI'S and it has good smell like bar-be-Q" ist ozone Helper why?' because Fats is a good ozone repairer if you can only bring all the fatty tissue in the ozone it will be repair its spot's" because of the Pollutants the ozone was damage wanna see evidence of Global warming Look@the Lungs of the smoker'' the Lungs is the Ozone" now you have the evidence of G.W. Ok" and what is the best way to enhance the Rock Cod oil or any Fish Oil'' OK'' be Kind to Gain Knowledge and Wisdom"

2007-07-27 05:08:09 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

For fun, for the greater good, for anything you'd like. State your reasons. Witty question, isn't it?

2007-07-27 05:07:35 · 27 answers · asked by ichbinhier 2 in Etiquette

I personally find hand-shaking very repulsive. Just think of where a person's hands may have been. It also spreads germs and sickness. Does anyone else feel this way?

2007-07-27 05:05:42 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

That one really makes my teeth clench for some reason....

2007-07-27 05:05:35 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I don't get upset. It seems that some folks get really upset when someone does not speak to them. I witnessed this yesterday. I was like If someone does not speak,oh well. You can't make people say hello. Yahooers how would you respond if you see someone you know and they don't speak? Or vice versa?

2007-07-27 05:04:47 · 8 answers · asked by "Rev-Jim-Baker" 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

Can't get over how many people still smoke. Just wondering!

2007-07-27 05:04:34 · 14 answers · asked by plyjanney 4 in Other - Society & Culture

These are generalizations that do not apply to all Christians, but do apply to many I come into contact with. They cannot cope with reality, particularly negative aspects, so they believe for comfort. They have a dillusion that they have a relationship with an invincible, silent "God". They justify their incompetence with "God has a plan". They believe that atleast 70% of the world is going to hell. They believe that Muslims are evil. They constantly condemn people. They use the predetermined destiny theory to justify them not taking control of their own lives. I am bitter because my wife is a Christian and we do not agree on anything. Its frustrating for me and it effects my life so I'm looking for some perspective, not critism from Christians. I believe in my heart that these things are true. I'm not trying to bash, but this is what I see every day.

2007-07-27 05:04:30 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I've been away for awhile and I'm noticing a decided anti-atheist bent here. I realize you've dealt with it all along, and perhaps it's just me, but it sure seems like it's gotten worse in the couple of weeks I've been away.

Do you ever just get sick of this forum and take a break?

Having been gone, I'm not sure I want to return. The childishness and idiocy is just rampant these days. What say you?

2007-07-27 05:03:47 · 51 answers · asked by Kallan 7 in Religion & Spirituality

How can you believe that there is no Zeus without first believing there is a Zeus? A person can't say that they dont believe without acknowledging that Zeus exists

2007-07-27 05:03:36 · 23 answers · asked by ~Heathen Princess~ 7 in Religion & Spirituality

to convince me to go to their church even though I already go to a Temple(means Protestant church for you ignoramuses). They keep on asking me over and over again if I believe in God and I say yes, but they keep on bothering me when I go to the laundry mat. It shows how some Christians are huh? How do I get these people off my back? Its like they're trying to force their religion on me! Thats what they were trying to do with my mom who isn't christian and at first it was cool but they asked me where I lived and all that. I didn't tell them my mom wasn't Christian because it wasn't any of their buisness but they are always knocking on her door since they found out she wasn't Christian. How do I tell them to back off in a nice way?

2007-07-27 05:01:44 · 20 answers · asked by winter d 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I'm thinking of asking to be released from my calling. I've thought about it for several months now. It's not that I'm going inactive or anything like that. It's just that I've not been performing some of the duties of my calling for well over two years now, and slowly I've been slacking off on more and more duties. I've brought it up with my RS pres (I'm the VT Coordinator), and she said that if I want a break, to ask, but that she will not release me.
In my pondering of this, I've gotten three distinct impressions 1.) that I shouldn't, 2.) if I did that's up to me, and finally 3.) that I need to repent of not performing my calling, then see what happens after that. All the while I keep wanting to just throw my hands up and quit because the VT program needs someone who will do what needs to be done.
I'm not really asking you if you think I should ask to be released. I just want to know if you've had experience with asking to be released, and how that worked out for you.

2007-07-27 05:01:19 · 12 answers · asked by Tonya in TX - Duck 6 in Religion & Spirituality


The open Minded man, The man who is supported by Allah سبحانه و تعالى and won his battle, Whom his Army composed of Shia, Sunna, Salafs, Wahabies, and Christians. Sir\ Hassan Nasrullah, Whose beloved photo is on my desk right now.. Said in His last Speech: "Peace and blessings be upon Muhammad صلى الله عليه و سلم and his companions and followers till judgment day"; is being a bad Shii in your point of view for saying that?

2007-07-27 05:00:54 · 6 answers · asked by Lawrence of Arabia 6 in Religion & Spirituality

to Jesus, the HUMAN form of God who was human and now dead, any different? Catholics pray to Mary to intervene for them. They were all human.

2007-07-27 04:59:42 · 24 answers · asked by ~Heathen Princess~ 7 in Religion & Spirituality

I have often hear it said that "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven."

My reading of this saying implies that a person who is wealthy (by one means or another) must, as a prerequisite, part with that wealth to prosper in the afterlife. I imagine giving it to the betterment of his fellow man was the prefered course of action.

This sounds like the cornernerstone of socialist philosophy, in that wealth must be redistributed according to need rather than ability (or any other reason).

Given that congruity, why did Marx denounce religion, insisting that "Religion is the opiate of the masses"?

2007-07-27 04:59:39 · 6 answers · asked by dpilipis 4 in Religion & Spirituality

It's an oxy-moron. Creationism is no way has science in them but the uneducated people trying to get it taught in school along side with evolution as a SCIENCE are pretty ridiculous. So why do they think it is a science?

2007-07-27 04:58:11 · 18 answers · asked by Miril Tricause Schneider 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-27 04:57:46 · 14 answers · asked by seyiade 1 in Other - Society & Culture

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