Deu 18:18
I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.
A Prophet our of the brethren of the Jews, like unto Moses... can't be Jesus as he was of the children of Israel (Jews) and not like unto Moses. Though Prophet Muhammad fits this prophecy perfectly... he is of the brethren of the children of Israel (The children of Israel (Jews) came from Isaac, while the Arabs came from his brother Ismael.) And Muhammad and Moses have a multitude of things in common (i.e. Both had a natural birth, natural death, had children, received a new reveled book (Torah and Qur'an) from God, both made exodus with their people, and were victorious). And Muhammad only spoke that which Allah commanded him (the words God put in his mouth.) What do you think???
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Red Dragon 2007 {Free Palestine}
Religion & Spirituality