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Especially those who believe the Bible which tells us to prove all things. In the Book of Mormon we find a powerful witness for the divinity, life, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We have 500+ pages of new scriptures that were given to us by the power of God.

Yet people reject it without reading it. Even ignoring all the external physical evidence for it, we have the 12 witnesses who testified to their dying day that the record was revealed by God. Some were killed for their testimony and sealed it in their blood. We also have a promise within it's pages that those who read and ponder the mercy of the Lord, and who will humble themselves before God, and ask Him will know for themselves that the Book of Mormon is true.

I can promise that God will reveal the Book of Mormon to be true. The Holy Spirit has testified to me that it's true. That Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that God still reveals His will to His servants today. But don't take my word for it. Read it yourself.

2007-07-07 22:15:22 · 34 answers · asked by Avatar_defender_of_the_light 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

34 answers

Like the vision of Lehi...1 Nephi 8 I believe

You see the how true the Book Of Mormon prophecies...right here on yahoo....people from the large spacious building laughs at you as you are on the iron rod of God.

You forgot the three witnesses who saw an angel hold the plates up to them...and one time all three witnesses left the church for a time of 10 years. Oliver Cowdery and Martin Harris came back to the church before they died.
David Whitmer made a book. 50 years later 1880..stating he
didn't think Joseph Smith wasn't a prophet but he did still stated he saw a vision of the angel Moroni holding the plates to him with the other two witnesses. None of them denied the vision.

Jesus never said he was the last prophet....they have no sources.


for pro LDS apologetics


The Pharasees live today and control the religions of the world again.

2007-07-08 09:29:46 · answer #1 · answered by Brother G 6 · 3 2

I think Christian people won't read it or give it a chance for the same reason they wouldn't anything that tells them they have been wrong there entire lifes. No one wants to know they are wrong. Through much study I have found many facinating proofs to the Book of Mormons authenticity and truethfulness. It is facinating to see things come up that prove it is true. However... you find what you go looking for. If you are TRYING to prove it is true, you WILL find the proof. Same goes if you are trying to disprove it.
I think people are freaked out by it (maybe even that "stirring" feeling they get) and just want to say SOMETHING negative. This is proven by so many of these off the wall, argumentitive, circular, and down right mean answers.
With matters of the spitit you can not go off what someone else says. You really do need to humble yourself and with a soft questioning heart and and open mind to the spirit ask God if it is true and what he wants for you. God will give each of us an answer if we only ask. But watch out.. it may not be the answer you wanted or expected. :)

2007-07-08 09:50:34 · answer #2 · answered by Danndie 2 · 2 1

Read it, both 1981 and 1830 editions. Neither is enlightening, neither is inspiring, and both contain two-dimensional characters and simple morality plays. A ride thru "It's a small World" at Disneyland is a more 'powerful' experience, and "Dune" is far more believable. Aesop's Fables have more to say about the human condition than Smith

Your post displays a childish attempt to shame and discredit anyone who either reads the garbage without the 'inspiration', or those who choose not to read this tripe at all.

"Oh, you didn't have the proper 'Spirit'" is nothing but the commonplace BS answer to why most people are not the mindless sheep like mormons. You haven't stated a single original thought throughout your entire post, and no compelling reason to peruse those 500 pages of gibberish.

I'll make you a similar promise. When you die, you're dead. You do not get a cosmic "redo". Better do something remarkable with your own life, but please stay put of ours.

Mormonism is the pesticide on the pasture of existence.

2007-07-08 04:39:02 · answer #3 · answered by Dances with Poultry 5 · 2 3

The Book of Mormon has been proven to be a total fraud time and time again. Ask any non LDS Meso-American Historian or Archaeologist if any proof has ever been found to support the BoM and they unanimously say NO! Even LDS Historians and Archaeologists have been ex-communicated for telling the truth that the BoM is a fairytale. Why do you think nobody ever heard of Nephites, Lamanites, Jeredites, Cureloms, ect. ect. ect.

The Church cant even come up with a map to put in the back of the BoM so the faithful can follow along with the stories. Any Bible has detailed maps telling all about the places and events that happened in Biblical times yet the Bom cant even find any of the big places like the City of Nephi or Land of Zarehimla or anything else.

Thats because Joseph Smith made the whole thing up . The Bom is the laughingstock of the Meso American scientific community because they know it is a total hoax

2007-07-08 09:06:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

Firstly not all spirits are of God and we are warned about false prophets and counterfeits. I read the book of Mormon and I was really excited it had a lot of correlation with the bible as I would expect a counterfeit to have. I asked the prayer if it was true and I even felt a spirit to confirm. but a few things bothered me like
1Jo 4:12 No one has seen God at any time.
but I was still interested to learn more about Mormons and they told me that God was from the planet Collob. I then felt sorry for these poor brainwashed fools and wanted to help them to know the truth so I studied more I read doctrine & covernents and A pearl of great price. There prophet had told them that the sabbath was on a Sunday so I started the old sabbath debate and got nowhere with them. I then found out that they wear special sleep ware with symbols to protect them from evil these were masonic symbols and I wondered how Mormons came to adopt them they could give me no explanation. finally I found what I was looking for Mormons believe that marriage is eternal wile Jesus said in Mat 22:30 For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in Heaven. at this I had found direct contradiction from there prophet and the words of Jesus. Reveling a false prophet, but they assured me that God would not allow a false prophet to lead them, I told them that they had been brainwashed but they said that they had a fire in their bosom, and they never came back

2007-07-07 23:16:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I'eve read it three thimes and all the other scriptures if the mormons and have found no Rhemas from God, therefore I had to conclude their scriptures were fakes, I had the burning and the testimony, but in the end, their books never really helped me, but put me to sleep.

2007-07-08 02:55:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Are you denying Catholics their right to pray, or Christians, why do you not read the New Testament, or the Koran? It's because the lord talks to everyone. The Native Americans believed in the Great Spirit too!

2007-07-07 22:21:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It makes as much sense as the Mormons telling you that you have to accept it as God's word without reading it.
I have read it as God commanded me to when I prayed about the matter as directed by the Mormon missionaries and found it not to be true.

2007-07-11 02:39:16 · answer #8 · answered by Buzz s 6 · 0 0

People have better things to do besides being indoctrinated with religious dogma, though I wouldn't mind going out for coffee with you sometime to discuss the Book of Mormon. If you drink a latte, I'll do some reading. Bloody Heck, if you drink coffee for this good cause I might even attend church once more.

Fetchin Golly Gee, I really miss being told what to believe. Any Mormons who want to try and convert me back can meet me at Starbucks. It'll be my treat!

2007-07-07 22:42:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Just looking at the history of the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints would make anyone not want to read the Book of Mormon!

The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints is the only church in the United States that accepted polygamy. No other church has accepted the taking of multiple lovers.


2007-07-08 14:40:50 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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