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Society & Culture - 3 July 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

Bible says he was created as an Angel and Koran says he was created as a Jinn. Angels by definition should NEVER disobey GOD, Allah. So the Jinn which by definition has a free will is more valid an answer.

Simlified definitions as I know them:
1. Man was created of clay and has a body and free will
2. Shaitan is a Jinn created of FIRE, has no body but has a free will.
3. Angel carries out the will of God so has no free will.

As a kid when I hread a Muslim Preist tell me that Shaitaan was the chief angel until he disobeyed Allah made me an Athiest.

After many year I was corrected that Shaitaan was a Jinn and not an Angel. He prayed so hard and was so pious that Allah had raised him to the level of an angel and was in fact the head of angels even though he was not an angel.

So the Bibles definition still does not appeal to logic.
BUT why did Allah create this Jinn whom he knew would become a Shaitaan. Did he know? Yes by definition. So when and why did he create him.

2007-07-03 05:41:12 · 11 answers · asked by Rehan M 1 in Religion & Spirituality

I live in America and when I told everyone I was coming to Colombia they all freaked out, said I was going to be robbed, kidknapped, beaten up, bla bla....¨don´t eat the meat, it might be dog, or rat¨¨...
I didn´t believe everything everyone said because I had been to Peru the previous summer but I was a little worried about the violence here. Now, I do understand that there is a lot of violence in the jungles with the guerrilla and everything but...when I finally arrived to Bogota I thought....wow...people in America are pretty ignorant...there is a lot poverty here in some parts but....I can´t count the number of rich people I´ve seen in the city...and no offense...but most people I have run into are a lot more educated than most people back home....unfortunately it´s true.lol.well, I guess people should get to new a country before they talk bad about it...because COLOMBIA is completely different from what people say about it in the Usa.I´d say MANY parts are just as good as nyc

2007-07-03 05:40:58 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

Many theists fall into the catergory of believing in a "God of the gaps". That is, if you don't understand it, it must be the work of god.

The latest Scientific American has a wonderful article on the beginnings of life, based on far smaller and simpler building blocks than RNA. The developing "M" theory is set to give a far greater understanding of the beginning of the universe.

Is god about to start running out of gaps?

2007-07-03 05:40:50 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Why or Why Not?

Please Discuss.

2007-07-03 05:39:42 · 13 answers · asked by Delicious Pear 5 in Other - Society & Culture

The United States of America was founded on Christian (not Catholic) principals. This thinking has allowed the greatest opportunity for tolerance of other beliefs and the protection by law for those beliefs.

Countries rooted in Islam are the least tolerant, and most imposing governments on the planet. Not even China (known for it's insufferable intolerance) is so imposing as muslim countries. (minus N.Korea...but just as bad)

So why do muslims shout "intolerance" at Christians when Muslims are the MOST intolerant?

2007-07-03 05:39:42 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

A creature of habit who respects the pecking order..... i thank you.

2007-07-03 05:37:52 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

And before any atheists answer, please don't say "The existence of God" or "The Bible".

Thanks in advance to all who answer. May God bless you.

2007-07-03 05:37:48 · 49 answers · asked by Carlito 3 in Religion & Spirituality

LOL most of my contacts are athiest and Pagans. I just think its kind of funny since as a Pagan I get accused of being athiest a lot.

2007-07-03 05:37:33 · 24 answers · asked by ~Heathen Princess~ 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Please quote scripture to support your view.

Thanks in advance for all answers. May God bless you.

2007-07-03 05:35:22 · 21 answers · asked by Carlito 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Okay I KNOW this isn't EVOLUTION it's called ABIOGENESIS but I asked how evolutionists think life started if they don't believe in CREATIONISM and I got just a few answers. I'm wondering if you believe in the BIG BANG why do you believe in it and is there any EVIDENCE??

2007-07-03 05:34:15 · 24 answers · asked by Saved by Grace 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Heaven? Hell? Nowhere? Disneyworld? Starbucks? Who cares?

I know where I'd be....how about you??

2007-07-03 05:32:15 · 30 answers · asked by Brian O 3 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-03 05:31:18 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

One of his favorite socialist countries, or in America?

Can anyone say Hypocrite?

2007-07-03 05:30:15 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

It's really irritating how Americans claim themselves to be the ""world"" of evrything, when many less advantageous countries of the world have never heard of their top ranking singers, top ranking actors, top ranking bestsellers etc...
Some celebrities who boast world ranks, they go to Africa and most of the poor ppl do not even know who they are. I remeber the malawans didn't even know who Madonna was, so why are Americans claiming evrybody knows them by self-professing "the most popular artist etc.., in the world"? And considering the most wealthy persons, a lot of wealth is located outside of America eg; the Middle east..
Will they find another definition to their ranks?

2007-07-03 05:29:00 · 5 answers · asked by She-whom-shall-not-be-named 4 in Other - Society & Culture

2007-07-03 05:28:52 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I am an atheist so naturally i dont think any religion is right. However i do have respect for muslim believers. Christians love to bend the rules, change them alter them, read around them and in general bastardize the word of god and interpret it any way they would like. Muslims don't do this. They see what is written in the Koran and (exceptions of course) for they most part they live by it. TO THE LETTER. They really believe what they say and act accordingly, even if it is not socially acceptable they could care less. God is all that matters. Anybody Agree? Thoughts?

2007-07-03 05:28:48 · 9 answers · asked by dougness86 4 in Religion & Spirituality

how should i adress a person born a man now look like a woman and a woman who now look like a man (i am comfuss as to how to greet such person

2007-07-03 05:28:33 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I read that this saturday (7/7/07) is the end of the world. Is there anybody out there that agrees with this. If so i would like some proof.

2007-07-03 05:28:05 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-03 05:26:03 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

If it rains on St. Swithen's day its supposed to rain for 40 days and nights...must be close to that now.

2007-07-03 05:22:35 · 15 answers · asked by Knownow't 7 in Mythology & Folklore

Cristians believe Got created us and not something like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzGTdfAYMG0


2007-07-03 05:22:21 · 28 answers · asked by geeks_gadgets 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-03 05:22:05 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I am a Christian and my faith in the Lord Jesus is strong. Dr Dawkins' book has been a best seller and it has intrigued me what his arguments are against God. Should I consider reading it, or should I steer clear of it? My opinion is that I and other Christians should know what his views are and then work to counteract them

2007-07-03 05:21:01 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Example: "lean not on your own understanding" - Does this mean, no matter what you understand to be true, just believe me?

There must be several other ones.

Can you think of any "catch" phrase that would cause a person to never question the authority of your religion?

2007-07-03 05:20:27 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

And who makes better pancakes between the two of them?

2007-07-03 05:19:59 · 19 answers · asked by BadAdviceGuy 1 in Religion & Spirituality

He protected Christians from persecution by proclaiming christianity the religion of the state. However, earlier christianity thrived under persecution.

There was good that came of it - but at what cost?

2007-07-03 05:18:50 · 8 answers · asked by Emperor Insania Says Bye! 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I think being gay is a chice you make not who you are because if they just ignored the feeling at first it would have disapeared and would have been normal, beside it's why god made us males and females and if you think about for a second i'm sure you'll find it wrong.
Does anyone agree with me?

2007-07-03 05:18:46 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

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