God did create us Male and Female. Genesis 1:27
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
The sinful world would love for us to believe that we are born with homosexual tendencies. That it's part of who we are. According to the Word we were created male and female.
Homosexuality I believe is a demonic spirit that comes in the form of lust. It enters the person and has a stronghold on them. Romans 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. I don't believe that if you just ignore it, that it will go away. I believe it's something that you have to fight and that you can't fight it alone. It takes the power of God and the Name of Jesus to cast it away. I believe the power comes from praying and fasting. Matthew 17:21 Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.
It is very important that we as Christians love the sinner but Hate the Sin. Homosexuality is a sin that causes one to sin against his or her own body. Many people confuse hating the sin with hating the person. Therefore they call it a "hate crime" when we don't approve of their lifestyle. Yes, I hate what they do but I don't hate them. It's important that we show grace and mercy.
I will say that we need to be careful not to allow grace to be taken advantage of. We do not have to tolerate sinful behavior.
So yes, I agree with you it is a choice... but It's also a stronghold that is very hard to overcome.
2007-07-03 05:36:40
answer #1
answered by Rita 4
I disagree. In nature, there's a lot of homosexuality! LIKE A LOT--more than scientist ever really realized.
To answer your question about is it okay to be gay--sure, why not? How does it hurt anyone if consenting people are involved in a relationship?
Further, in this day and age, I think that it's great that two people, any two people, regardless of sexual preference are even capable of finding love and holding onto it!
Is it wrong? Well, it's being going on since the dawn of mankind and apparently beast.
I don't think that all gay people are really gay by choice or jlike that ust to be different or somehow made "gay".
You just can't go out and catch "the gay". You really kind of are, or you're not. I've seen young children, aged 5 or 6, whom I've looked at and could already tell they were likely gay.
Think about it this way.
Being gay--is just like being straight. You may have met the person you're dating/married to because you were somehow attracted to them, right?
Well, a gay person would be attracted to someone just the same as you would be only the person would just happen to be of the same sex, rather than the opposite.
There are some people who are of one race and not attracted to people of their own race at all----is that also something which could be frowned upon? I suppose so but why?
God made us in many shapes and sizes with different ideas, gifts and talents. He made us able to think for ourselves and decide for ourselves on what is right for us.
If being gay was a true anomoly in nature--it would stand to reason that there would be so very few gay people around, and historically, the gays have been keeping us all well dressed and in high design for eons!
Anything that brings love and joy to two people without hurting anyone around them or themselves is not bad, but to be celebrated.
2007-07-03 05:38:33
answer #2
answered by Michelle W 2
In communism, it was once forbidden to be a homosexual male, punishable by way of imprisonment. On the opposite hand, lesbianism was once allowed. The argument was once that: when it comes to guys, bodily penetration happens for the period of sexual sex. Whereas with females, no such penetration can arise certainly. Therefore, this penetration was once held because the foremost reasoning of the ban. In truth, it was once much more likely considering the fact that as much as rather not too long ago, in historical phrases, lawmakers had been most commonly male. Imagine a number of guys figuring out the legislation and speakme approximately homosexual guys. Naturally uncomfortable. So they might have got to all in combination exhibit cohesion that they're powerful guys and would not have any of that homosexual nonsense. At the equal time, you do have the normal inclination of straight guys and females to be detached or approving of lesbian porn, nonetheless neither male nor feminine heterosexuals appear to experience homosexual porn. In brief, homophobia.
2016-09-05 13:43:33
answer #3
answered by ? 4
Yes it is OK to be Gay. I'm sure there are people who will agree with you, but only gay people know what it's like to be gay. None of my Gay friends feel it's a choice. And if there is a God He or She made you AND gay people, so if you are ok, so are gay people. Spend more time worrying about your own life and less time judging others.
2007-07-03 05:29:08
answer #4
answered by Nooni 2
You wouldnt understand if you arent gay.
We are born this way... I ignored the feelings from when I was little until I was 18... I dated guyz, I pretended to be straight, but honey these feelings never went away... they only got worse.
Since I came out at 18 years old I have been so happy! :-) I'm currently engaged to the love of my life, we are living together and are very happy!
It really isnt a choice.... one day other people might understand.
2007-07-03 05:37:26
answer #5
answered by NCIS ♥ Addict 6
Whether anyone thinks it's ok or not.....it continues to happen in spite of people rejecting homosexuals.
I can't imagine anyone voluntarily choosing it given all of the negativity that comes with it. Yet it happens.
And every homosexual I've ever worked with (I used to work in the entertainment industry) all reflect the same thoughts and feelings - they were born that way.
It's not a coincidence. So live and just let live, and don't judge, don't condemn anyone.
2007-07-03 05:29:20
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
i think your wrong i mean its not a chioce to be gay i sound crazy but think about this ok we were born and because the rest of the world has boy and girl couples we are brought up to think that that is the correct way of life but the gay people out there they cant help it i mean can you help being stiaight its the same thing people just make it sound bad
2007-07-03 05:24:12
answer #7
answered by LiveInHarmony(Not Go Party) 1
If guys like getting pounded in the ***, thats there perogative. Personally, I can't handle a prostate exam - so based on that experience, I cannot be gay.
It's really a sexual thing, thats all. Perverse at that.
2007-07-03 05:24:59
answer #8
answered by proofofignorance 3
I think it's ok to be gay. I disagree w/you. I don't think it's a feeling you can just ignore. I am straight, but I have gay friends and I don't think it's just something you snap out of.
2007-07-03 05:22:52
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Um...NO. What you said homosexuals would do is like asking heterosexual to stop being attracted to the opposite sex, then they'll just eventually start being attracted to the same sex by default. That makes no sense!
2007-07-03 05:25:39
answer #10
answered by booda2009 5