This person is married to a woman, whom I have never met. He has two children, a 19 year old daughter who is in college, and a 15 year old son.
This person separated from his wife for two years, and is now with her again supposedly for the children, and will end the relationship when the youngest is 18...or so he says. When he was separated from his wife, he spent every other weekend with her and the children in the home that he provided for the family.
The extramarital affair is a homosexual relationship of nearly five years...his homosexual partner is aware of the situation, and puts up with it, because, "he loves him".
This person is a Rush Limbaugh loving Republican, and is actively involved in the local Baptist church.
He makes time for the other person in his life by saying he is working late, or taking business trips. He separates his life, by having his family live in a far out suburb, and the other person in the city.
What would you do, if anything?
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Religion & Spirituality