In the time of Exodus, the gap in education standards between wealthy, powerful people and the average dude in the street would have been far greater than today.
With no mass communication, laws had to be kept simple.
Then, as now, maintaining order in society would have been paramount to political leaders.
When the Hebrews embarked on their migration, it would have been difficult for one political force to hold a grip on power.
Presenting laws as coming from god would give more strength to them in the minds of the faithful.
The religious leaders would have been only to happy to co-operate on these issues due to mutual benefits.
So let's have a look at the commandments one by one
"I am the Lord your God, Thou shalt have no other gods before me"
This establishes centralised authority. Zero tolerance of other faiths means less risk of deviation from the rules.
Isn't Law & Order is easier to maintain when you prevent free thinking?
Is this what #1 is about?
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Religion & Spirituality