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Society & Culture - 3 June 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

I mean I got an this sort of thing every other week? How do they know you live in a different country?
Would anyone ever take them seriouly? Does that really work for them?
This is how they approach:

Subject: confidential
>Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2007 21:46:21 +1200 (NZST)
>TEL: 00241 06206724
> FAX00241721957
> ATTN: managing director/
> Dear sir,
>Your contact was given to me by my friend who was my course mate who
>travels abroad. I asked for a reliable contact who will help me
>purchase goods overseas. He confirmed of your reliability and trust. That I
>should contact your company for business relationship, but my problems which I
>needed to disclose to you is unknown to him and should be kept top
>secret. I am the ADC of the president of Gabon . My president having
>been ruling the country for 34 years is handing the seat over to another
>civilian Government at the end of this remaining tenure as the
>president of Gabon .

2007-06-03 01:56:59 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

Once I lived in religion, then I lived in sin-but in it alI Jesus was a curse word to me.
I am born a Jew, and taught to reject Jesus being told he is a liar.

this is how I as a Jew came to know Jesus too=as promised Jesus is God and gives good peace & gives good advice = Isaiah 9:6
"Unto us a child will be born, a son given and he will be almighty God, the wonderful counselor, and the prince of peace.

this is what helped me to prepare for life and my future, and it works=Romans 1 tells it comes from unthankfulness and worshiping the created instead of the creator. But redemption/salvation to be new in heart with new thoughts is available=

in Jesus amazing grace that saved me=John 3 repented of sins and got born again

He said to us "I love you and knock on your heart door, if you repent and turn quickly to me, I will come into your heart door and be your friend, and you mine if you ask me in. Revelation 3:19&20

Do you live for rejecting Jesus-or for accepting him?

2007-06-03 01:54:33 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-06-03 01:53:03 · 4 answers · asked by angeleyes 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

that the current Pope Ratzinger got diplomatic immunity from president Bush, because Ratzinger was to oversee the child molestation cases but swept them under the rug ! this automatically gave him an indictment acording to the law as he aided the criminals rather then the victims!

2007-06-03 01:51:22 · 12 answers · asked by slaveof12gods 5 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-06-03 01:48:57 · 13 answers · asked by youssef g 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Why today in some countries have the men who claim to be muslim forgotten this? If you are a real muslim, you know that you are to treat people with kindness, and even total strangers who insult you are to respond with kindness. Why have we as an ummah forgotten this? Do you feel we should get back on the path?

How do you feel about this quote?

"The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was full of praise for virtuous and chaste women. He said: "The world and all things in the world are precious but the most precious thing in the world is a virtuous woman." He once told the future Caliph, 'Umar: "Shall I not inform you about the best treasure a man can hoard? It is a virtuous wife who pleases him whenever he looks towards her, and who guards herself when he is absent from her."

2007-06-03 01:48:27 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

if she isn't, can you name some female epic heroes? Or just give me some of epic hereos you know.


2007-06-03 01:47:45 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mythology & Folklore

How does God inspire you???

Please don't be sarcastic!?

2007-06-03 01:47:02 · 21 answers · asked by crazy_gal 1 in Religion & Spirituality

It links the pagans in that film to the celtic religion if you listen to it. I am not pagan but i am just wondering if you are a bit offended

2007-06-03 01:46:07 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Did you know that the Prophet (PBUH) is heard to have said "Women are the twin halves of men?" Why have the extremists and those against womens' rights ignored this? He is also heard to have said that the best of men are those who are best to their wives. So why do so many men forget this? Why does culture reign over seeing their twin halves as their twin halves?

2007-06-03 01:43:36 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

With peace and love I came, with peace and Love I leave yahoo Answers! In case you felt a question needs my answer, mail it to me and I'll mail the answer back, If I know it.. Sorry for those whom I might have offended with my answers, including all on My list, all those who aren't, friends, all users, even the clones.. I never had enemies and I wont make'em here.. Thanks for all and farewell....

2007-06-03 01:43:11 · 18 answers · asked by Lawrence of Arabia 6 in Religion & Spirituality

If anyone has ever been to that church can he / she explain in brief what he saw there and what they do ? i want to know the ruth.

2007-06-03 01:42:21 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

If you could point out to me the word TRINITY, right now i am going to convert to your Religion. Even Jesus himself never teaches TRINITY, can u show me the verse that it really came out from the lips of Jesus saying the word TRINITY?
If you will point out to me The 1st Epistle of John 5:7-8, for your information this verse has been expunged in the RSV & in many other Bibles, they said that this is a fabrication, that it was not in the original manuscript. The Muslims did not do this but it was you Christians. They even changed it but i wonder why many ministers and preachers are not aware of this, or even you. Kindly Read also John 17:21 "That they (disciples) all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they ma also be one in us...." So why not make it 15 3+12=15, so are you telling me now that the 12 disciples are God to. This will only show you that they are one in purpose not in existence.

2007-06-03 01:40:48 · 25 answers · asked by Lyka23 1 in Religion & Spirituality

I know that they are very dangerous people, causing a lot of damage, but sometimes I just can't help watching them for a while to have a laugh.

But which one is the funniest?

2007-06-03 01:40:47 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

if they can make a Creation museum then can we make a Flying Spaghetti Monster Creation Museum???

I know this Question has been asked before, but it's just such a good question, that needs to be asked :)

2007-06-03 01:32:38 · 7 answers · asked by Bobby 3 in Religion & Spirituality

He didn't mean metaphoricly either.......and he claims 2000 other people witnessed it with him.

2007-06-03 01:31:10 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Hi there.

Dad's purely black (mixed of African & Carribean)- with his deep-black skin colour. Mom's Chinese and from Asian country. Mom is older than Dad.

I understand the child will be 50% black and 50% Chinese but my concern is how the child would look like?

Will Dad's black genes be strong that the offspring will be black?

I'll appreciate the pics too.

P/S: Tiger Woods's 1/4 Chinese, 1/4 Thai, 1/4 African, 1/8 Native American, and 1/8 Dutch. Thus, he's not considered an offspring of pure black and Chinese.

P/P/S: No racist remarks, please. Thks!~

2007-06-03 01:29:35 · 11 answers · asked by Evon L 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

-I don't care-I think it's no importa, but i'm not sure...
-I love it


2007-06-03 01:27:59 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

From a young age i have been searching for something, that just wont go away ever since i was young and in the past years i have learn alot about past lifes, christianty, Auras, soul paitning,
angel card reading , angel relam. tarot cards , some other relgions and some stuff about native americans.and i have read alot of mind body and spirt books for example ( The jounrey home, The secrets, The jounrey and more)

i find them all great but at the end of the day non of them answer these on going questions in my head.

my big question is why are we here? what were we put here for? how did this world begin? how did god and angels get here?

now with christiany it says that the purpose of life is to live by god ways and life is a gift that dose not answer my question

and i was told by a person and the mind body and spirt even that we have many lifes and our life purpose to learn lesson and move on to the next life.

ok but how did we get here in the 1st place?

I know this question are huge, but i am really struggling and these thoughts wont go. have u got any idea any suggestion that could help?

thank you very much for your time

love claire xxx

2007-06-03 01:23:19 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

any suggestions? remember i'm a guy and i want to go as something awesome. Thanks

2007-06-03 01:22:33 · 22 answers · asked by greenfish 2 in Halloween

the Antichrist when it comes to religion?

2007-06-03 01:21:34 · 9 answers · asked by judy f 3 in Religion & Spirituality

How does this quote make you feel?

"I cannot find words adequate to express my horror and shock at the dreadful terrorist attacks in the USA. It looks as if some five thousand innocent people, of many different nationalities and faiths have been slaughtered whilst peacefully going about their business, none of them in a state of war or having committed any crime against humanity that might suggest any possible justification for their slaughter. Do we perhaps pick up the mutters of Islamic extremists that 'they deserved it' because they lived and worked in America, and that place is the great enemy of God? If we do, then how much more to the shame of the rest of us Muslims, who have not been able to put across to these sectarian lunatics that what they have apparently believed has nothing whatsoever to do with Islam, God, or the message or example of our Blessed Prophet (pbuh).

2007-06-03 01:18:26 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

After a recent break-up myself and my former partner are both bitter and hurt. Is there a spell that we may both move on and forgive each other for each others hurt.

Believers only please.

2007-06-03 01:11:52 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mythology & Folklore

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