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Society & Culture - 12 December 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

2006-12-12 15:02:23 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

He says that he'll just cut the child in half so they could share the child. He finds the true parent is the one who says they'll give the child to the other one to save him. What book and verse is this story from?

2006-12-12 15:02:12 · 6 answers · asked by curiosity 3 in Religion & Spirituality

This is something I've been struggling with for a while. Am I judging someone when I see them do something wrong and decide that I'm not going to do that same thing? Or is it only when I think they're a bad person for doing it? Is judging something we do without even realizing it, because its so easy and natural?

I'm mainly interested in Christian answers. Thank you.

2006-12-12 15:00:55 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I am a Christian. I go to praise G-d with people who were born jews and found Yeshua.

We are not Jewish. We are Christian. It is called Messianic Jews though.....but it is a CHRISTIAN denomination.

Because someone is REALLY worried about this!

Did everyone know I am Christian??

Does anyone care except this dude???? LOL LOL LOL


2006-12-12 15:00:34 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2006-12-12 15:00:28 · 13 answers · asked by Greyboy's Ghost 2 in Religion & Spirituality

According to what I learned Religion and Goverment are suposed to be kept apart then why does it seem as if most U.S. Goverment leaders are deciding major issues base on it For example Abortion, Gay Marrige, Stem Cell Research all things that Religon is strongly aganist. I respect all religion but i do not have to follow it. Why should people who do not belive in that not have there way? What are your opinons?

2006-12-12 14:59:46 · 11 answers · asked by animescifigamer359 2 in Religion & Spirituality

This isnt ment to offend anyone, its actually kind of a serious question. The reason is because ive always struggled with the holy trinity concept. Its sort of 1 being that is made up of three separate identities. I heard in church the other day, however, that no one knows when the apocalypse will come, theres no way to predict it so we shouldnt even try. Then the priest read from the bible and the scripture said that only God knows when the end day will come and only God, not even the son knows when it will come. That seemed like an interesting piece of scripture to me. Tell me what you guys think?

2006-12-12 14:58:34 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

What do you all think of this quote?

"Of all the nonsense that twists the world, the concept of 'altruism' is the worst. People do what they want to, every time. If it pains them, to make a choice- if the 'choice' looks like a 'sacrifice' -- you can be sure that it is no nobler than the discomfort caused by greediness... the necessity of having to decide between two things you want when you can't have both. The ordinary bloke suffers every time he chooses between spending a buck on beer or tucking it away for his kids, between getting up to go to work and losing his job. But he always chooses that which hurts least or pleasures most. The scoundrel and the saint make the same choices."

- Robert A. Heinlein, "Stranger in a Strange Land"

2006-12-12 14:58:11 · 4 answers · asked by Praise Singer 6 in Religion & Spirituality

Audio of Benny Hinns prophesy...


Was it of God, or of the Devil?

2006-12-12 14:58:07 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Jesus came to this planet
To teach us how to love God,the Father..
By serving Him with love and devotion,
Love thy neighbour,love all creatures...
Stop being cruel,stop avarice...
Will you be doing this for Xmas?
Or just buying,buying,buying...
Material things for yourself and family..
Forgetting the real purpose..
Such is the trick of Maya or Devil...
Love material things and forget about spiritual ones....


2006-12-12 14:56:53 · 15 answers · asked by vedicway 1 in Religion & Spirituality

If you have I need to talk with you.

2006-12-12 14:56:49 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

To my Jewish Friends.Why did General Mosh Dayan have His soldiers lower the Star Of David flag after Israel had defeated the
Arabs in six Day War.? The Flag over (Temple Mount)

2006-12-12 14:56:43 · 1 answers · asked by section hand 6 in Religion & Spirituality

If so, I am not impressed. Please provide proof this is your absolute best.

2006-12-12 14:55:03 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I would like to see y'alls opinions on this subject.

I Corinthians 1:10-13 (KJ21, 21st Century King James Version)
10Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. 11For it hath been reported unto me about you, my brethren, by those who are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you. 12Now this I say, when every one of you saith, "I am of Paul," and "I of Apollos," and "I of Cephas," and "I of Christ": 13Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were ye baptized in the name of Paul?

2006-12-12 14:54:08 · 18 answers · asked by tsc1976ers 4 in Religion & Spirituality

my mom hasnt had a job in over a year and i really need to go to the dentist and other things so im willing to get a job but no money to buy a pair of khaki jeans, and even if i got a job else where i would have to walk home 2 or 3 miles everynight cause she dont have that much gas money to pick me up. so any suggestions would be helpful!!!

2006-12-12 14:53:42 · 9 answers · asked by chloe01 2 in Other - Society & Culture

Alright, heres my dilemma. I am getting gifts for a select friends who I work with. I already know what I am getting them, and the gifts are in the 15-30 dollar range, so nothing big. How do you give them the gift though, if they don't know you go them something? Do you give it to them early incase they want to return the favor? Do you tell them ahead of time that you are giving them something? If so, do you set a price range? These people are friends, but some aren't the closest friends, but we do hang out and work together. What would be a good way to go about giving these out too? Should I pull them aside at work, after work, before work? Should I go to their houses and give it to them? Should I wait till we hang out again? Need some advice.

2006-12-12 14:53:40 · 3 answers · asked by Bobby 2 in Etiquette

Before you respond let me explain.

I have secular friends and aquaintances and if I ask them what a guy's looks and advancements mean and that I don't feel comfortable, they say that he wants some.

If I ask my Christian friends that they say nah he's just being friendly! I listen to them and guess what he wanted it.

Another example!

There is this married 70 year old college instructor of mine giving me these looks. I again ask my aquaintances and friends if it's anything to worry about they say if you want it get it over with in his office, if not then steer clear, it's obvious where it's going. Guess what?? THEY WERE RIGHT! TWICE IN A ROW!

I ask my CHRISTIAN FRiends they say "nah he's married that doesn't mean a thing ladeda"

mmm? What ya gotta say? Pretty naive then?

From now on I ask my secular friends about guys and their intentions because they're always right and they're street smart unlike Christians. They know I want to save it until marriage.

2006-12-12 14:53:36 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2006-12-12 14:53:19 · 47 answers · asked by Throbington Steifenholz 3 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2006-12-12 14:52:16 · 9 answers · asked by jessicacd91 2 in Religion & Spirituality

If I work at Hooters, could that prevent me from getting good jobs in the future? do other employers look down on this? serious answers only please.

2006-12-12 14:51:52 · 20 answers · asked by Me 2 in Other - Society & Culture

2006-12-12 14:51:36 · 6 answers · asked by TRiLL 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Why do Muslims follow the book mohommad wrote. Have they ever heard of the Bible. America was founded by Christianity, and now we have this Muslim religion over here. Muslims think they can show off their Muslims ways, but if we went to the middle east and showed off our Christians ways, they would stone us. My friend wanted to date a Muslim, but he couldn't because they like to stick with their own religion and race. why can't they just do that in their own country? They would be mad if Christians did that to their country.

2006-12-12 14:51:23 · 11 answers · asked by warriors4ever 3 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-12-12 14:51:01 · 9 answers · asked by Mizz SJG 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Do you abide by this rule and do you think its fair? Why did it start and why is it continued?

2006-12-12 14:50:58 · 22 answers · asked by susie q 2 in Etiquette

Are people so afraid of what they don't understand?

2006-12-12 14:50:57 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

We hire a caregiver for my mom who is on hospice. She works 33 hours a week for us. We choose to pay her more than the going rate, because she is so outstanding. I read somewhere that the appropriate Christmas gift for a maid or a nanny (not quite our situation but close)....would be a week's salary. That would be very steep for us and we honestly couldn't afford it. Are there other guidelines or suggestions that would be appropriate? Would it be in taste to give her the equivalent of the above in paid vacation? Maybe a smaller cash amount on top of a few days off with pay?

2006-12-12 14:50:53 · 9 answers · asked by Cat Woman 2 in Etiquette

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