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Society & Culture - 2 December 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

then how such large amounts of catholic priests have sex with alter boys?

2006-12-02 08:05:58 · 36 answers · asked by Red Eye 4 in Religion & Spirituality

The majority of answers contain insults and name calling, it is obvious that you don't understand the question so you have no hope of ever answering it. Some of you can not see any further than the nose on your face, so I am surprised that you manage to use the keyboard, If you can't answer a question in a sensible and intellectual way then don't even try to answer it at all.

2006-12-02 08:05:48 · 30 answers · asked by stone 3 in Religion & Spirituality

There is a God. Its fact. He lives in our hearts that beat each day. He's there before we are born, while we live, and after we die.
So why do people that "Hate God" argue with HIM as if he's some horrible beast? Just because things don't go our way? When people die? When people suffer? When mother nature acts up, and terrible hurricanes, sunamis, sicknesses, diseases, wars, and cancers, and diseases kill us? Every 10 billiion person living right now is a sinner- and no one will be living in 200 years. That is fact. He has a right to do what he wants, right? That's why our average life span is only 80-90 years old. This is all his plan? So why Hate him? Why not Love him regardless? We have no choice? Unless you figured out a way to beat God?

p.s By the way if you don't know God, he's that silent voice in your head that tells you how to live your life each day you wake up. no it's not a concious. Thats God.

2006-12-02 08:04:56 · 34 answers · asked by KIWI 1 in Religion & Spirituality

That Santa isnt real other than your parents telling you?Give some proof in websites.Also if think Santa is not real why do you THINK that?And why do you keep putting Santa isnt real?Thank you.MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!

2006-12-02 08:04:43 · 12 answers · asked by mia19367 3 in Christmas

im bi....i like this girl who is like my bestfriend she says she isnt gay or bi or w.e..but then again she keeps messing with me and being more "friendly" then she backs up and im kinda gettin sick of her messing with my heart and mind...so how do i know if she likes me?

2006-12-02 08:04:38 · 4 answers · asked by Victoria 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

It seems to me the word racist is slung about today like its the cool thing to do. Everyone says it to just about everyone.

I've been called racist because I said Europe is superior to Africa. Am I wrong? Does it make me racist to say this, the truth?

2006-12-02 08:03:57 · 11 answers · asked by teh @nn0y3d kItteh (^_^) 3 in Other - Cultures & Groups

If your child does come out of the closet after spending their lives listening to you preach intolerance and hatred against gays, that it's an abomination, born of satan, a mental illness, wrong--if they are truly 100% homosexual they can no more repent and change their ways any more than you can just give up being heterosexual for lent, so how can you say you wouldn't disown them? In your heart you already have and your child would already know this--you cannot reconcile your extreme love and extreme hatred, and your child would be better off without you

2006-12-02 08:01:45 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I try to decorate my house the first 3 days from December. When do you set up your X-mas decorations (like tree and stuff you decorate with)??? Just wondering!!! Also if you wanna tell what else do you put on aorund and how much does it take you. DON'T BE MEAN OR YAHOO! WILL REPORT YOU WITH SANTA IF YOU DON'T WANNA ANSWER THEN DON'T.
Merry X-mas to Y'all!!!

2006-12-02 08:01:03 · 25 answers · asked by Lil' Gay Monster 7 in Christmas

All religeons run off of the fear of undeath, to be tortured or miserable after your "death". I have no problem with the Hindus, Buddists, and Native Religeons, but Christain and Islaam people are slaves to these "Holy Lords". So leave comments to me to try to convice me that their is good in these belifes.

2006-12-02 08:00:53 · 21 answers · asked by Justin G 2 in Religion & Spirituality

It is said (or known!) that Jesus forgives and wouldn't harm a fly. When the romans smacked him hard on the head with a stick, Jesus would shout or pray "Forgive them father!" etc...

So when Jesus was one-year-old, he must of been an easy kid to look after. Mary didn't had to watch Jesus throw his dummy out of the pram because little Jesus was a very good baby. Probably didn't cry when he was tired because he didn't wanted to stress out his mam Mary.

I bet he was such a goody-two-shoes.

Then he grew-up into a teenager and not once did he glanced at any woman's breast or bottom. He didn't have any naughty thoughts because he was Jesus.

Or I'm I wrong? If you believe in Jesus, do you think he was just like us with thoughts, patience and anything like that in general?

Or was he a little noisy baby who pood 10 times a day and threw his dummy at Joseph and had tamtrums?

Then did he turn pretty amazing in his late twenties?

Sensible answers only.

2006-12-02 08:00:15 · 16 answers · asked by ? 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Four billion non-Christians would be happy to confirm for you that the Christian story is imaginary. However, if you are a practicing Christian, you can probably feel your "religious mind" overriding both your rational mind and your common sense as we speak. Why? Why were you able to use your common sense to so easily reject the Santa story, the Mormon story and the Muslim story, but when it comes to the Christian story, which is just as imaginary, you are not?

Therefore, the question I would ask you to consider right now is simple: Why is it that human beings can detect fairy tales with complete certainty when those fairy tales come from other faiths, but they cannot detect the fairy tales that underpin their own faith? Why do they believe their chosen fairy tale with unrelenting passion and reject the others as nonsense?

2006-12-02 08:00:08 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I feel Christmas is a special time of year for Christians throughout the world. Why are we being penalized for believing in Christ? I have no problem with Jews, Budhists and Muslims celebrating their holidays without changing the names and holidays they believe in.

2006-12-02 07:59:04 · 36 answers · asked by Tim_90046 1 in Christmas

Just curious as to what people think about this! Do you believe that that his sons represented the different ethnic races?

2006-12-02 07:58:55 · 19 answers · asked by Twin momma as of 11/11 6 in Mythology & Folklore

I have been tracing my family tree for a while.All the info is available to me on the internet for me to trace if i want to. but one lady says ive copied it from hers, but it was someone else who must of copied it and they gave me the permission to use it. I cant remember who it was. Short of changing my email what can i do to stop her threats. i have removed my tree from all sites. please help it was an honest mistake.

2006-12-02 07:57:49 · 20 answers · asked by *♥* donna *♥* 7 in Etiquette

Today is the sabbath day it will end once the sun sets. I went and the lesson was about the Great tribulation is it 3.5 yrs or seven yrs? The bible clearly tells us that the Great trouble will be for 3.5 yrs. And it tells us seven times. Abd the bible does state that The sabbath day is the Lords sabath days not the Jews sabath day. So if the Sabbath belongs to the Lord this means that all people should come into holy convocations on the sabbath day. Bible does not support sunday anywhere.

2006-12-02 07:57:26 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Mine is a good night's rest...lol:)

2006-12-02 07:57:22 · 17 answers · asked by WORD UP G 1 in Other - Society & Culture

should we continue to cater to them by learning spanish and having translators in the U.S.?

2006-12-02 07:56:56 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

I've lived in Canada my whole life, so it's always cold and snowy for Christmas. I've always wondered if it really feels like Christmas in places like Florida or California, where it never snows. Does it?

2006-12-02 07:56:47 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Christmas

I never did say that EVERYONE DID NOT CARE! I said some people. Also not all US money is spent on other countries. My problem is CERTAIN people who seem to believe that their world is perfect or are trying to make themselves believe because of all the violence. When kids are going to bed hungry its a problem. I posted that question so I could get more people to help the cause.
Yes some do care, but for those who dont...

2006-12-02 07:56:26 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

2006-12-02 07:56:05 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

What can Americans do to improve our reputation with the rest of the world? Some of my coworkers are from South Africa and, according to them, the perception of Americans is that we're all fast-food eating, corrupted, lazy, stupid people. I don't want to be seen that way, and I know plenty of other respectful, intelligent Americans that don't deserve that kind of a reputation. What do we do?

2006-12-02 07:55:24 · 8 answers · asked by mango 3 in Other - Cultures & Groups

2006-12-02 07:55:09 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous in Christmas

Almost everybody likes porn but still why it is a 'bad' thing?

2006-12-02 07:54:22 · 6 answers · asked by ranush 2 in Other - Society & Culture

Think that's him?

Maybe there are all different kinds of gods in the centers of other different galaxies, and they are all playing some kind of game to see how many followers they can get. Think so?

That would be crazy. BTW, I just smoked crack two minutes ago.

2006-12-02 07:54:17 · 22 answers · asked by Jerse 3 in Religion & Spirituality

i am and i make mistakes, i know most of my job and th eonly thing that gets to me is the wya we seat people, you see, i am a hostess at a restaurant and i am scared of seating people because i odnt want to mess the rotation up and piss the servers off,

2006-12-02 07:53:46 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

Please add a short description of it.

2006-12-02 07:52:54 · 11 answers · asked by Ioana 3 in Other - Society & Culture

Amidst all the happiness that surrounds the Holiday Season, I have always found it to be a bit of a sad time of year as well. Christmas Carols even seem to have a hint of melancholy to them. And it seems that you hear about more bad things hapenning during Christmastime.

Why does such a happy time also hold a bit of saddness?

2006-12-02 07:52:40 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Christmas

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