Every human experience indicates that knowledge is acquired through tests and evidence.
But he seems to have a penchant for irrational beliefs when it comes to his relation with humans. He somehow thinks that humans who don't know he exists but have faith (believe anyway)
are BETTER than those who are skeptics and EVIL.
First, what rationality, thought, reason, inquire ...has to do with being good or evil? Are you morally criticizing me for not agreeing with your ideas? Isn't that sort of a foul in a rational discussion, where adversaries are not good or evil but simply wright or wrong?
There is no reason why God would favour this epistemology simply because it is evil, and has been so for ages, since the first guy jumped from a moutain believing he would not die with all his heart...and died. Things either exist or not, independetly from your belief. So why whould God do this hide and seek game, this apology for gullibility when all our human experience goes in other direction?
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Religion & Spirituality