Worth it for what?
If your intention is to have a fantastic night of no-strings attached sex, then it can definitely be worth it. It can also suck (when you're with a stranger, you can't guarantee they'll be a good lover), but you'll probably end up with a sexual release.
If your intention is anything else, well, then why are you seeking it in a one night stand? I doubt it will fulfill it- not to mention that one night stands often leave people feeling empty, alone, and shameful. Some people love them and feel no ill effects; most people want some type of intimacy and affection with their sex, or at least some connection and find one night stands lacking.
It depends on what you want out of it. Be careful, use protection, and act wisely.
2006-11-16 10:59:57
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You should be asking yourself if you will be able to handle the mental and emotional aspects of a one night stand.
Some people can't.
Some people can.
The only one who can really answer your question is you.
It may be fun to do now, but you may regret it later.
On the contrary, if you didn't do it now you may regret it later, as well.
Just be careful if you do. Use protection and be smart.
I am sure there are many "one night standers" out there that have either ended up pregnant, an unexpected father, infected with an STD or even worse, something incurable like HIV or Herpes.
This is where you have to ask yourself is it really worth it since some of these outcomes could end up costing you something (money, child support, medical bills, responsibilities which you aren't ready to accept yet, or ultimately your life.)
I am no saint, and am not saying "No". But that decision is entirely up to you. Just be ready to accept the consequences if there are any. You can't blame anyone other than yourself if there are.
2006-11-16 11:05:19
answer #2
answered by konstipashen 5
ABSOLUTELY NOT. Not only it is very dangerous ,( sexually transmitted deseases) , even with using a condom you can still catch something, condoms do not offer 100% protection, also it leaves you with a sense of emptiness , it sucks. When you make love becasue you are in love you will understand that one night stand is just CRAP and not worth risking anything.
2006-11-16 10:58:27
answer #3
answered by chrisangel 2
Yes. Intimacy with another meets certain psychological needs. If you can't find a long-lasting relationship, a one-night stand is better than nothing. Go for it.
2006-11-16 14:49:39
answer #4
answered by Marakey 3
Depends on why you want to do it - for sex - then yes - for a relationship - then no.... and depends on if you use protection - a night of sex - worth it - a kid and a few std's - not worth it....
2006-11-16 10:58:32
answer #5
answered by purity14kb 2
Sometimes depends on how good it was and if you are planning a future with the person.
2006-11-16 11:50:25
answer #6
answered by Gail 2
If you not going out with somebody it is. One nighters can be fun, u nail and bail. No bitching, no nagging, no nothing. Just a lay.
2006-11-16 11:54:56
answer #7
answered by Just a broke college student 1
If you are both just looking for sex then Yes! If you want somthing more and the other person doesn't, then No.
2006-11-16 10:57:23
answer #8
answered by Chris C 2
Two different opinions on that:
Penis: Yes
Heart: No
2006-11-16 10:54:52
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
if the other person knows that it really doesn't mean anything then yes , but if they take it serious no.
2006-11-16 10:57:52
answer #10
answered by Anonymous