Sankrit language which is not the origin of all Indian languages. Yes it is to the Indo Aryan languages like Hindi and punjabi but not to the indgenious Languages like Tamil a mother of all other languages like Malayalm ,Telugu Kannadam and etc,,,,
Many people will say that Sankskrit was used for writing religious stuffs and etc.. but we all have to understand that the creators of the sanskrit are the Aryans who were intruders to the Indian soil and the illiterate Aryans learnt the arts and lit frm the Dravdians of the indus valley the oldest civilisation ,who spoke the native language Tamil.
Then after the Aryans fabricated Hinduism and and forced their created Sanskrit and stuff like the caste system in Hinduism, these are well known facts, the birth of sanskrit is only during the 1500bc after the arrival of the Aryans.
The birth of Tamil Language is unknown but one of the earliest text is even dating back 5000bc, which clearly speaks for itself,Tamil as the OLDEST LANGUAGE
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