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Psychology - June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

just curious wot i shoud do wit my life aye?!

2007-06-27 23:23:31 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

something here is not as good as i expected

2007-06-27 23:22:52 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous


What is a personality for?

All animals have them... And i understand that it is our own 'Personal Identity'

But what actually is it that causes us to have a personality and why?

If there was no after life, and nothing existed after death (memories, experiences gone),
surely we wouldnt've had that personality in the first place if it'll inevitably became non-exsistent for all eternity?

does that mean god exisists and a personality is our proof?

It could be that you loose your exsistence but not for eternity, it would have to come back to play at some point if what you are doing now could exsist at all.

2007-06-27 23:10:59 · 11 answers · asked by Cowson 2

2007-06-27 23:03:39 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Nowadays, I am feeling a little depressed as I think my life is boring. I'm a student and when I graduate from high school, I'm going to college, get a degree and find a job,date,get married and then die. In a way, i think that my life is planned out.

In addition, I have no directions in my life. I don't even know what I want to be or do after i graduate!I seem to be heading nowhere, like a lost soul.

To sum it up, I feel like I'm living to die but I won't die yet as I am waiting for something exciting to happen.Sometimes, I wish my life is like a movie but that's too far-stretched.

As for my friends, I have plenty of them but I don't have a closed one.

2007-06-27 22:49:33 · 11 answers · asked by charlotte 2

I was recently talking to a friend of mine online (I don't know him in real life, but I met him playing a videogame online) and he was telling me about how he doesn't have any real-life friends and that it's hard for him to make friends because he's so self-conscious about how he looks and all that (he's like your standard case of the videogame geek with acne).

Anyway, he went on to tell me more about how he hasn't really done anything with his life after high school, and he's just going to a community college not knowing what he wants to do in life, still living at home with mom, and all sorts of other depressing things. He spends almost all of his time at home in his room playing this online video game and thinks his life is really dreary and that there's no purpose (though I don't know if he is suicidal or not: I hope not) and that he might just sign his life away to the Army to be a part of something and not feel so lonely all the time.

I'm no therapist: what should I tell him?

2007-06-27 22:23:27 · 9 answers · asked by Marisa 2

i don't want to describe it since it would probably make it stay longer. any tips..thanks

2007-06-27 22:10:49 · 11 answers · asked by Super Shane 64 3

A lady with no job or skill and is desperate to the extent of committing suicide approaches you. She is hungry and needs help. You are to advise her not as a pastor but as a marketer.
What will you tell her or how will you solve her problems

2007-06-27 21:39:18 · 2 answers · asked by seyifashokun 1

plz can some body help me not to completely stop lying but to just cut down on lying

2007-06-27 21:23:38 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

when i was 15, my stepfather molested me.in september its going to be 3 years since it happened. but it still hurts a lot. i cry when i think about it. when i see a movie or hear about a girl that gets raped/molested, i break down completely. its like i just cant "get over it". its really hard. is it normal to be in so much pain still? even though it was three years ago?

2007-06-27 18:04:28 · 12 answers · asked by futureheiress 1

I alwyas wonder how would I answer this cuz of course i cannot repeat anything which can be found in my resume. i think there is a format on how to answer this question.

2007-06-27 17:52:06 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

She really makes my blood boil but thank Gosh I don't see her anymore. Jus thinking about her makes me fume. She was always trying to tear me down. Now she is graduating but I didn't want to go through that program. She feels like she is the **** but they do work hard. How do I stop it from getting to me?

2007-06-27 17:51:01 · 5 answers · asked by ~~~Tara~~~ 1

I read somewhere that someone did a study on Ouija boards - where they blindfolded participants and they couldn't formulate a message. My rationale is that there must be a unique psychology to who will chose to move the Ouija when playing, and who will sit back and allow the Ouija to be moved. Did you move the Ouija? And if you did, did you conceptualize this as actuality?

2007-06-27 17:06:59 · 6 answers · asked by DanaZ 3

You know the song, "Slipping Into Darkness"?
I just dived right in. My face looks dry and scaley my eyes don't open wide. I'm not bathing to often. I've gained 10 lbs in 2 weeks. I won't clean up. I need a job. I'm going back to school. I'm afraid it won't work. I think no one likes me. I don't believe in love. I've been disappointed with love I thought I found. Now I don't think it was ever love. The list goes on, but you get the picture.

2007-06-27 16:55:00 · 11 answers · asked by little lamb 4

what do i do

2007-06-27 16:50:24 · 8 answers · asked by kels 1

Ok, so I live with my roommates and I have that only-child syndrome. It's like everything is mine and don't touch. How do I get rid of that habit. I'm aware I h ave it I guess that's a start. I do share but sometimes I find myself caring about the littlest things. How do I get rid of that stupid habit???

2007-06-27 16:30:28 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

hey guys..you know what? i am one of the rare cases here that are actually depressed because my original smile was way cuter and way prettier than my post-braces smile. i feel like i have lost an old part of my identity that i can never get back, and it is all my fault. whereas before my mouth was full of strong teeth and it had a cute edge to it, now my mouth is so much emptier because i had to pull out 4 teeth for braces and my smile has no more cuteness to it like b4. it basically makes me look like a different person. i cry at times thinking about it and it kills me inside till the point where i dont even know if i can take it anymore. i know i sound weird, but can anybody out there help me cope and please help me get through this? it is hard enough that i know it is all my fault for forcing my parents to get my braces even though they tried to stop me, and on top of that, i can never ever get my old nice smile back. i was a very pretty girl b4 i ever did anything to my teeth.

2007-06-27 13:50:04 · 13 answers · asked by neffyiffy 2

Is it just me or are people getting more selfish and a lot more inconsiderate?

I currently work in retail and im getting quite worried about the way this world is going. I'm not just on about war and poverty (although that is very important) but the way people act to one another?

Everyday i see stressed, angry or quite deranged people come into my work (on their dayoff) who, quite frankly, don't give a **** who i am. They can be quite nasty at times and not only them but even some of the people i work with or even my niehbors are very petty and inconsiderate.

It seems to be accumalating every year and the difference between the rich and the poor are spreading even further away from each other.

When i was younger, it was completely different. People actually helped one another out. Niehbors would have partys and care for one another just like family. My dad came home from work with a smile on his face 90% of the time and life just seemed more graceful.

Or Is it just me

2007-06-27 13:05:57 · 23 answers · asked by Cowson 2

Our genes determine who we are to some degree (appearance etc). Our experiences also go into the determination. Is there anything else? How can there be anything besides the interplay of these two factors? If you were "in someone else's shoes", wouldn't you be in the exact same situation as them and think as they do because you would have the same genes and all of the same life experiences up to that point which is what makes them who they are? How is it possible to somehow break out of our genetic and environmental determinants and claim that we are free?

2007-06-27 13:00:18 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just look at things differently now, my friend says the same thing.. it's like it just totally changes your way of though towards the world ,doesn't it? it kinda feels like i'm in a weird foggy state of being after days and days of smoking

2007-06-27 12:40:28 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous 2

I was flipping through the newspaper the other day and came across a very disturbing news. A child (about a year and a half)was raped and murdered in cold blooded. Please can somebody explain to me why a grown up supposedly the protector of children would be so cruel and inhumanly raped a helpless child of his own seed and then killed her mercilessly? I just don’t understand.. this has got me so depressed as I am trying to have one of my own. Is the world safe for my baby to live in now? HELP!!

2007-06-27 12:36:50 · 7 answers · asked by Dewi Sarah 2

What evidence is there that pornography is actually mentally harmful to men and women who view it on a regular basis?

Serious answers only please. This is for a research project. Thank you!

2007-06-27 11:28:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-27 11:24:45 · 3 answers · asked by Giggly Giraffe 7

2007-06-27 11:22:36 · 8 answers · asked by Giggly Giraffe 7

smelling, touching, hearing, seeing, and tasting....hm...

well, to SEE is very important, you can see your family, friends, children, etc. but wouldn't you want to hear them too? would you want to be deaf to their voices?

smell is very important. i was sick yesterday, and my nose was pretty bad. i couldn't smell a thing, and so then, i couldn't taste any food. i could just feel the food - touch. i didn't even finish my food, there was no appetite and food doesn't feel nice in your mouth when you can't taste it.

i don't know which one..

2007-06-27 09:51:29 · 7 answers · asked by *Gen.Orange* 2

whenever someone is being possesed in a movie, there eyes turn black. why?

2007-06-27 09:19:10 · 2 answers · asked by Christina 1

this is a homework, i need explanation, arguments aboutit

2007-06-27 09:14:10 · 7 answers · asked by Csongor K 1

What compels you to answer questions on "Yahoo Answers", I would like your most sincere answer?

2007-06-27 08:52:06 · 9 answers · asked by senorchimpy 1

What do you think?

2007-06-27 08:25:51 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

fedest.com, questions and answers