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Psychology - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

2007-02-09 13:48:28 · 11 answers · asked by twinkle sundae 3

I already performed a search on major search engines but nothing comes up except the Child Development psychologists, which I already know about.

2007-02-09 13:42:43 · 1 answers · asked by sasha1991 1

If islam does not escalate into the universal replacement theology and become the worlds only acceptable religion it may begin to breakdown along docrtinal lines if it becomes painfully obvious that islam will not revolutionize the world or offer any practical advantages. The muslim community has socially consolidated around the cathartic concept that everyone in the world will become a muslim, when in fact muslims may be trying to activate a self-fulfilled prophesy that is irrational? What are the consequences if people realize that the mystical mechanics of muslim mythology are philosophically flawed and cannot provide the promised prosperity, but only more social and intellectual poverty?

2007-02-09 13:42:39 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-09 13:36:51 · 8 answers · asked by ♠Gotham♠ 3

2007-02-09 13:31:23 · 3 answers · asked by Lyra Silvertongue 3

Anytime I'm home alone at night, I start getting really paranoid.

I hear things outside, and sometimes I think I hear something at the front door.

I'm guessing it's my imagination. Maybe I'm crazy.

But I'd like to know what I can do to stop being so afraid

2007-02-09 13:26:22 · 8 answers · asked by Carolinii 2

Is ti abnormal if I don't have dreams every night?

2007-02-09 13:20:20 · 14 answers · asked by mich 2

Again, I ask this because I want opinions. Please don't get defensive.

2007-02-09 13:15:41 · 11 answers · asked by ♠Gotham♠ 3

That never fails. It's a bit better on Saturday night to go back to normal on Sunday night. Your thoughts on the question...

2007-02-09 13:14:45 · 6 answers · asked by jojo de la pepiniere 2

Well, I have two dreams...

1. The first one is, why everyone (people I do Not Know) and me are flying? It's like I walk out of my house and start running faster and faster and than I start flying. But this dream is went EVERONE was flying, and Why I keep going to the places I never been to of sometimes I tap in the same neighbor hood like fever. But this was different instead, people was doing there own thing and I still was flying too fast (some times I fly too slowly) sorry it was messy to read it.

2. My second dream was my crush from the far city, and he was NOT angry or disturb, at me. Instead he was talking to me a lot about stuff and we were hanging out!!! Also the cranky lady who was a little rude was his mom, and the other person who work there was his brother, and the all the people who work there was family to him! What does that mean!!!!

Please say nice things, no rube answers please!!!

Thank You!!!

2007-02-09 13:03:27 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

to catch. What did they think, he was there to browse the shops at the airport. Why do people have to be stupid? Everyone feels like they are better than everyone else and it drives me insane. You know, like when you are in a line of cars waiting to turn and someone drives right up and tries to cut in at the front. All I can say is they better be willing to get their car banged up, cause they aren't getting in front of my car without some damage. Do you have any stupid acts that people do that drives you insane?:

2007-02-09 12:37:21 · 5 answers · asked by dazemanus 2

2007-02-09 12:28:48 · 7 answers · asked by Isabella 4

Big or small, how did you overcome a bad habit and what steps did you take in the process?

2007-02-09 12:24:19 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

How do the Muslims memorize the Holy Qura'n? even a Kid of 10 years can memorise and recite 30 chapters?What is the mechanism? How is it possible?

2007-02-09 12:23:09 · 4 answers · asked by Dr.Qutub 7

Okay i have these dreams that REALLY confuse me , and i sort of understand them but would like to know more.
i had a dream about my Ex boyfriend, ( 1st love ) he cheated on me and all that jazz.
Anyways some how i ended up in his house, he got home from work and i kind of ingored him and stayed around his parents , his mom asked me to come and see her for a second , she said " just go and see him... please?" and she kissed me ( non romantically , His mother was NEVER that type of close with me ) i went to his room , we were silent/shy , i was scared for some reason , and he just ended up laying on my knee when i was sitting on the bed,and i woke up.

And the boyfriend i am with now , i am some of the times having dreams about him doing some other sexual activities with other women , either im with him too or im not and find out , when i see this happen in my dreams its not his personallity but its his looks . His smile and his Personality are exactly like my Exs

2007-02-09 12:19:48 · 3 answers · asked by Karma.Drift.Baby.Thats.Life. 2

What do you believe in? Find out if your an Internal or External believer, and how it effects you. After you answer a few simple questions you can better understand yourself and others.

Do you believe God:

1. Is active in your life & controls it?
2. Watches over you?

Do you believe that luck:

3. Is a major importance?
4. Has a minor importance?

Do you believe success comes from:

5. God Will
6. Hard work?

When is sever storm is near:

7. Do you watch the sky?
8. Do you watch the news?

Do you believe a survivor of a storm:

9. Needs to be help?
10. Experiences negative emotions?

Please answer each one with a yes or no answer!

2007-02-09 12:10:28 · 11 answers · asked by alissa 1

last night, i had a dream that i was on the 7th floor of a building and an earthquake began. the end of my life was near. the building began to swing strongly. I saw a hammer on the floor and I struck the window so I could escape...as i crouched on the ledge of the window, preparing to jump as the building swayed on the way to falling down, I woke up. what does this mean?

2007-02-09 12:10:08 · 6 answers · asked by project candlestick 2

2007-02-09 12:04:25 · 13 answers · asked by themalator 2

2007-02-09 12:04:25 · 26 answers · asked by nicola p 2

I'm well aware that there is still racism in this country, and nobody is left un-offended. But this question is about the double standards of today's (overly) politically correct world. Why are there Hispanic,Black, and Native American scolarships, but no scholarships for White males? And I haven't really heard of any Asian scholarships either. Plus, why is race considered in the hiring process for jobs and college acceptance? I know there are diversity standards, but why? Is that not being racists? I thought we wanted equality, not a game of "tag your it." I am white, but I'm a woman...so I've had my protests and movements too.

2007-02-09 12:02:59 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-09 12:00:28 · 4 answers · asked by bhs2paint 2

Common law would still apply, but other things, like not being afraid to say things, or dress a certain way, without being criticized by others or worrying what they think. You could finally express your love for your friend who you've liked for so long, or wear a rain poncho with slippers if you wanted to.

(I know I got this idea from an episode of the Simpsons.)

But, I always thought it was kind of a cool idea. What do you think?

2007-02-09 11:55:01 · 8 answers · asked by The Great Walrus 5

2007-02-09 11:51:41 · 5 answers · asked by Cori 3

well i had things happen, i dont want to say! how do you forgive and try forget the things that have happened!

2007-02-09 11:51:35 · 17 answers · asked by cutething 2

the motivation/impetous to finally do it and what did you end up doing with the stuff?

2007-02-09 11:42:25 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am of Indian origin, and I am currently living in America. I just want to know your view on whether this behavior is normal for any person:

Whenever I express my opinion on an issue, it is normal to get some provocative responses or remarks to it. But the thing is that when the person who says or writes such a remark is a fellow Indian, I just laugh it off and respond back to him in a humorous fashion. However, if this person was a European or American then I get very perturbed and wounded & start thinking that maybe I am wrong... is this normal behavior for any person? That is, tolerating whatever your fellow countryman says, but not what a foreigner says?

2007-02-09 11:35:20 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have to do an essay for engilsh using and analogy. I need something that i can write 2-4 paragraphs. We're not supposed to use cliche ones though (ie: a mind is like a parachute:it only works when it's open, life is like a box of chocolates, etc.) if anyone can think of one that isn't SO popular and cliche that would be sooooo good. i was trying to change around the parachute one...but i need to think of another thing that only works when it opens so as to complete the sentence: a mind is like a _______ it only works when it's open. HELP!

2007-02-09 11:29:07 · 9 answers · asked by koukla 2

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