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Psychology - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

Mine is a bright and sunny place with green grass and a carousel playing fairground music. There are lots of smiling happy people and some chickens carrying balloons. Way in the distance, a row of filing cabinets with their drawers open and papers all over the ground. Way over there is where I keep the serious and important parts of my life. I don't go there often.
So what's it like inside your head?

2006-12-01 10:20:10 · 12 answers · asked by nev 4

2006-12-01 10:16:05 · 21 answers · asked by Sprinkle 5

It always seems like I'm some sort of character. I know who I am but I dont like to label myself as one kind of person. So how do I know when I'm being myself and when I'm not, how do just naturally start acting like it?

2006-12-01 10:15:46 · 6 answers · asked by lovely2cu 2

2006-12-01 10:15:26 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-12-01 10:11:17 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

A question was asked " Why can't I cry" !! Shortly ago- Today - When I went back to share my thought's , and reply I could not find ,the question ?? The question was new and opened for answer's ,, I am pretty sure the question came from a guy ?? Thank's a bunch --- My name is Pattijo

2006-12-01 10:09:55 · 2 answers · asked by pattijohughes 3

2006-12-01 10:08:29 · 7 answers · asked by shermynewstart 7

do it? Or will they just keep thinking about it and never really do anything?

2006-12-01 09:57:36 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does anyone have anything inspirational to say?

2006-12-01 09:42:44 · 9 answers · asked by jrtootsiepop 3

As in: why are you here in the psychology section answering questions?

Did you study about this?
Do you have an innate ability to understand the human mind?
Do you just have generally good advice?
Are you lost and don't know where you are?

This is sort of a psychology question in and of itself

2006-12-01 09:37:36 · 11 answers · asked by Simplex Spes 2

2006-12-01 09:30:18 · 17 answers · asked by SCOTTYO 1

Again if so what are they?

2006-12-01 09:28:23 · 39 answers · asked by Pork_Purse 2

I need intersting ones. THANKS SO MUCH!

2006-12-01 09:21:36 · 10 answers · asked by Xx_Booty_Shakin_Cheerleader_xX 1

2006-12-01 09:15:23 · 5 answers · asked by rinoa 1

there are alot of disorders a psychoanalyst can treat or help but what is the most common or best treated disorder the answer must be or have to do with the field of psychoanalytic

2006-12-01 09:08:33 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

good qualitys about yourself?

If so what are they?

2006-12-01 09:05:13 · 23 answers · asked by Pork_Purse 2

a guy loves me
i love my bestfriend
my bestfriend loves his ex
his ex loves her boyfriend.

why does life work this way?

2006-12-01 09:03:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi everyone,

I recently got divorced and I have met some new people at the divorce support group here in my town. One of the guys at the divorce group seemed like a nice guy and we had a lot in common so we paired up in the buddy support system so we could call one another if there was a problem. Well, it has been a couple of months now and he calls every night and I go to find out that he also is attending other support groups such as the cancer survivor group, the addiction support group and some others. I dont think he actually ever was married or has any of these problems and is just looking for people to latch on to at this point. How should I deal with this individual. I have tried not answering the phone and the door but he persists and has waited for up to 6 hours for me to leave my apartment to go out.

2006-12-01 08:46:39 · 14 answers · asked by Wayne H 2

Last year she tried to commit suicide,now she says that as much as she'd like to,she will not do it.
As good as that is,she is still very upset right now.Her father is also threatening to kick her out( she is fourteen),and that makes matters worse.What can I do to help her?

2006-12-01 08:39:57 · 8 answers · asked by Myaloo 5

I was cutting wood with a chainsaw, my hand was in a cast as if it were broken, I cut through the cast and cut my hand off. Very calmly I walked inside and put my hand in an ice bucket and wanted to go to the hospital, only to pull my hand back out and only the tips of my fingers were cut off. And I was okay with the tips of my fingers being gone.

2006-12-01 08:33:39 · 11 answers · asked by cheeto82 1

im 16...i think i have a problem with being independent and being scared. I'm always feeling a bit worried, always worried about everything i don't understand why and now that im graduating in 2 yrs i'd like 2 go 2 milan 2 learn fashion designing but im scared i'll feel lonely. I'm trying to stop myself from being so scared all the time but nothing works. Plz help coz there r SO MANY things i want 2 do but jst cant because of this worrying problem..i rly want 2 break those barriers and get myself out of the shell but i dnt no how! plz help

2006-12-01 08:32:29 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Mine would be to ostracize them and treat them as though they don't exist.

2006-12-01 08:28:17 · 13 answers · asked by ? 2

I have noticed that there are always few who treat me unprofessionally and then I get treated like that by every one. This really has stagnated my career. I now strongly believe that my appearance and ability to bombard words is the area I need to be stong. Otherwise some one will be all over me with their superior soft skills. I am average in appearance and talking but quite good in technical skills. I tried hard to sharpen my softskills but I find that still I am in the same quagmire. Any tip that I can focus on now?

2006-12-01 08:20:55 · 6 answers · asked by Govind 1

2006-12-01 08:02:43 · 16 answers · asked by Rainfall 1

In your answer don't resort to some sort of Darwinian argument about how I must be stupid or my best would be good enough.

2006-12-01 08:02:19 · 12 answers · asked by Karma Chimera 4

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