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Gender Studies - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Gender Studies

What are the effects on a child when that happens?

And we all know that it doesn't happen often but we know that it does.

My mom died and that was bad enough.

2007-11-03 07:55:45 · 6 answers · asked by ♥ ~Sigy the Arctic Kitty~♥ 7

Basically, is someone still a misogynist/misandrist if they only "hate" 3/4 of the opposite sex, and only in the vulnerable area of romantic relationships?
I've recently gained a new understanding of what my (awful) ex-wife used to say to me. She used to say that I hated women. I suppose that hate is just barely appropriate, but I'll accept it, with a caveat. The distinction I'd like to make is that I think it's very reasonable for sensitive men and women, most of which have been burned, to have suspicion/borderline hatred for most examples of the opposite sex, at least how the opposite sex behaves in the romantic arena.
You have to admit, most men and women are, to varying extents, incapable of a respectful relationship with the opposite sex, or at least the examples they keep ending up with.
Should someone be labeled so harshly, when all they're being is wise?

2007-11-03 07:51:02 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-03 07:42:24 · 12 answers · asked by ♥ ~Sigy the Arctic Kitty~♥ 7

like in divorce and custody fights?

2007-11-03 07:36:21 · 21 answers · asked by ♥ ~Sigy the Arctic Kitty~♥ 7

I am guessing that the average troll here is an American college student because of the times they post.

And I think that some trolls are older men like in their 30s and 40s because of the way they write.

What do you think?

2007-11-03 07:33:01 · 10 answers · asked by ♥ ~Sigy the Arctic Kitty~♥ 7

I found it that even though women may want to marry a provider they never love him passionately because they realize he is a voluntary slave. Only the Casanova type enjoys the true passion from women. Do you agree?

2007-11-03 07:28:59 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think someone could hate their spouse so much, they'd try to do anything to hurt their ex? Like heckle women at court, harass women at their homes, send letters to women's neighbours claiming they had corrupted their children?

"The man in black who sees red":

"For Abbott, leader of Blackshirts, a Men's Rights group, those who leave a marriage - and they are now mainly women - are evil. It is a sentiment that seeks to bypass the 1970s, when feminism first rocked the pillars of patriarchy. Then, women stayed home, & stayed in bad marriages. Now, they work & opt out of poor partnerships more frequently than do men. Some men, particularly those who are middle-aged & unskilled, have found this hard to accept. But, whereas many men's groups complain about it, the Blackshirts harass and intimidate. Abbott says his campaign is all about the children, but does not explain how threats will help." Rights or revenge?

2007-11-03 07:20:57 · 10 answers · asked by edith clarke 7

I see it in the trolls in Womens Health and here too..

Is it some kind of sex thing and they get aroused by these things?

2007-11-03 07:09:07 · 8 answers · asked by ♥ ~Sigy the Arctic Kitty~♥ 7

2007-11-03 06:37:29 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous



"For Marxists, the root cause of all forms of oppression consists in the division of society into classes. For many feminists, on the other hand, the oppression of women is rooted in the nature of men. It is not a social but a biological phenomenon. This is an entirely static, unscientific and undialectical conception of the human race. It is an unhistorical vision of the human condition, from which profoundly pessimistic conclusions must flow."

2007-11-03 06:01:54 · 4 answers · asked by hopscotch 5

Feminists come out against shared parenting all the time. Father's rights groups that fight the slanted court system that gives women custody nearly 85% of the time are just trying to see their kids more.

Why do the feminists do this? I thought they wanted "equality." Why would they fight a system that offered a more balanced approach to parenting?

2007-11-03 05:56:53 · 8 answers · asked by hopscotch 5

If sexual harassment is "anything that makes a woman uncomfortable" then it can be punished at any time for some stupid misconception of a socially neurotic airhead. If her underwear gets wedged between her legs due to no one's actions but her own, is she being harassed? If men fundamentally do not recognize or understand sexual harassment, can they be trained to stop doing it? I think that the feminist crowd is so nasty in attitude, looks, and weight that they need not concern themselves with being harassed and are merely jealous that the pretty girls get all the attention. What I am getting at is: has sexual harassment become merely a tool for the angry childish feminist crowd to punish men for being men without clearly defining what behaviors are right and wrong? Does anyone else out there feel the same way that I do about these small breasted ball busters? Shame on them for trivializing the real sexual harassment that some women have had to deal with.

2007-11-03 05:51:56 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-02 22:48:13 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-02 21:49:52 · 7 answers · asked by nativexile 5

2007-11-02 21:00:57 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

be specific.are video games considered a grown up hobby? what about stuffed animals/figurine collecting? do you decorate your room with childish themes, like hello kitty or spiderman or other cartoon characters? what age do you consider it to be "grown up"? do you fit into that category? why or why not? what do you think about people who are video game addicts or obsessed with collecting plushes/figurines? are they crazy or what? opinions?:)

2007-11-02 19:46:47 · 12 answers · asked by polly-pocket 5

I have practically no sympathy for anything that she has said excluding that women should not be subject to domestic violence.

Who here has any sympathy with her views?

Do you consider her a Pariah within the feminist movement?

2007-11-02 17:24:17 · 10 answers · asked by Twilight 6

Why weren't feminists outraged that someone so clearly sexist against men identified herself as a feminist?

Wouldn't feminists be offended that their movement was getting marred by sexism?

...One of the very things they were supposedly fighting AGAINST?

...& yet Dworkin is hailed as a feminist pioneer & called "inspiring" by feminists.

She was not cast out of the movement nor denounced publicly by the "moderates."

Interesting, no?

2007-11-02 17:13:59 · 9 answers · asked by hopscotch 5

2007-11-02 16:51:28 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

People keep bringing up the "definition" of feminism like that supposedly excuses people like the man-hating Andrea Dworkin & the FACT that she was very welcomed into mainstream feminism. (that FACT alone disproves the definition.)

Many other people that call themselves feminists have said some very nasty things about men.

People that call themselves feminists perpetuate false DV stats & lobby to redefine "abuse" and "rape" in our legislature so more activities fall into that classification.

The nature of "the patriarchy" (one of feminism's staple ideas) is a sexist view of supposed male control whereby ALL MEN are guilty & can be discriminated against... and legislated against.

Feminists are responsible for these things. "Oh, but not all feminists are like that."

How are we supposed to know? I won't forget all of the activities of mainstream feminism (you know... the ones that the supposed moderates do not even challenge) ...& pretend "feminists" are fighting for "equality"

2007-11-02 16:30:09 · 8 answers · asked by hopscotch 5

2007-11-02 15:43:13 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-02 15:33:55 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

So you believe in HUMAN interests equally AND you want special perks and bonuses for women exclusively?

Something doesn't add up there.

Modern feminism is about gaining special perks for women. It's about treating men as an oppressive class and legislating against them.

If you sign up for that, you are NOT a humanist.

2007-11-02 15:11:57 · 13 answers · asked by hopscotch 5

Modern feminism is not the noble quest for equality some women think. ...& yet some women get so defensive & emotional when anyone tries to point to areas where feminism has failed & where feminists have fallen off the beam.

Feminism is not above critique.


Feminists have a long history of saying some pretty nasty things about men.

Feminists have a long history of creating & supporting laws that are sexist & slanted.

Feminists are not perfect.

I have been researching feminism for a long time. (Really researching it... not just adopting the tag for myself & feeling all empowered & happy.) I've read tons of articles from feminists & I've read tons of articles from anti-feminists.

The amount of anti-male & anti-society & anti-marriage filth that comes from the side of feminism is staggering.

The amount of "re-programming" of our young boys away from masculinity is nothing short of disgusting.

Research modern feminism. You'll see.

2007-11-02 14:41:24 · 6 answers · asked by hopscotch 5

2007-11-02 13:38:07 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I saw the brief news report about how this poor, innocent little boy came all the way to Canada to get his face tumor removed. He was really excited about the operation, and what does Sick Kids do? They refused to perform the operation to remove his tumor.
Some broad from Sick Kids hospital said they would not do the operation because it isn't a tumor, it's just a birth mark.
It'll stop growing as soon as he stops growing.

I couldn't even believe what I just saw and heard!
Sick Kids Hospital is supposed to help all kids in need, and they turn him away!
Sick Kids Hospital sends out letters to people urging them to send their donations right away before a certain dead line, they also urge people to send their void cheques, credit card ,debit card numbers to have their donations automatically deducted from their bank accounts to help sick kids.
They turned away a kid in need.
I will never, ever send them another donation check ever again!
They betrayed what they preached!

2007-11-02 13:22:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

For instance, they will live in an all female neighborhood, work in an all female workplace, use only female plumbers, female butchers, etc.

2007-11-02 13:15:24 · 18 answers · asked by JD 4

Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.

2007-11-02 12:50:12 · 15 answers · asked by PC 7

Seems to be, Feminism has long been interested in challenging stereotypes, arguing that women shouldn't feel forced to conform to society's standards regarding what a woman SHOULD be, if she doesn't feel it fits with who she really is.

But from what I see from people on this forum who consider themselves "masculists," men who defy gender stereotypes are considered "feminized" or "brainwashed." Are there masculists who are interested in defying stereotypes of what it means to eb a male in western society? How do you feel about men who behave in what might be considered more "feminine" ways? And if masculism doesn't have much tolerance for, or think too highly of traditionally "feminine" characteristics in men, is it really that liberating? Or is it more confining?

2007-11-02 12:16:22 · 9 answers · asked by Priscilla B 5

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