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Gender Studies - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Gender Studies

ok. is it right to go out with your best friends x boyfriends even when you know they still like him?

2007-11-07 08:36:27 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Men don't want to pay for a child they don't want, and abortion is legal, so the mother can abort. No harm done, right? I hear women saying a woman should be able to abort for no reasons if she so wishes, and aborting because you won't be financially supported seems like a good reason to abort.

If a man and a woman have sex, and the woman gets pregnant, then she should abort if the man does not want it. If she doesn't, then she should be on her own financially. The only time men should have to pay child support, is after the baby is born, then he should have to pay.

This solution would make it more fair towards every party involved; the father because he won't have to pay for a child he does not want; the mother because she'll still be in total control over her body; the child because he won't have to be born and raised without a father.

2007-11-07 08:20:15 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does it shamelessly degrade women?

Or is it a joyous celebration of the beauty of the female "back"?

Here's a link to the lyrics: http://lyricwiki.org/Sir_Mixalot:Baby_Got_Back

2007-11-07 07:44:04 · 29 answers · asked by Steve-O 5

Don't they realize that by remaining silent, they're condoning the belief that all women have um... smelly, itchy problems?

2007-11-07 05:57:51 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do they have one? Should they? The power of beauty for a woman is far, far greater than for a man. Of course men have other powers, but that's not what I"m asking about. It's like having a card game where some of the players get handed much better cards than other players, but we're not supposed to notice, right?
I'm sure that historically, the power of female beauty manifested itself differently, more dangerous to the attractive woman. Not today,...... it's basically all benefits, except perhaps resentment from other women. Don't attractive women have more opportunities than the average man? What is feminism's perspective on this?

2007-11-07 05:44:29 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

What word(s) make you feel annoyed, anxouse, sad, or angry just when someone says it. No matter the relevence or the mood you where in before.

"Calm down" (some said to me "screw you, I was calm" when I said it)
"Obviously" (their answer back was "it's not 'obvious' or I wouldn't ask.")
"Even an idiot would know..." (my answer "you have a master's degree in this field, I never knew it existed. How would I know anything about it!")

2007-11-07 05:43:02 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

In an interview with the UK magazine, "Contact Music UK", Sharon Stone says:

"Young people talk to me about what to do if they're being pressed for sex? I tell them: oral sex is a hundred times safer than v*******l or a**l sex. If you're in a situation where you cannot get out of sex, offer a b*** j**."

What situations are young women in that they "can't get out of sex"? Isn't this a huge step backwards for women? Why are we letting teenagers think that the girl "owes him" a BJ if she doesn't want to go all the way? WTH?

2007-11-07 05:42:03 · 18 answers · asked by Junie 6

2007-11-07 05:31:33 · 16 answers · asked by ♥ ~Sigy the Arctic Kitty~♥ 7

You know how they say that and then the other things they say and do are disrespecting..

2007-11-07 05:20:34 · 13 answers · asked by ♥ ~Sigy the Arctic Kitty~♥ 7

Even here in the south where seafood is a huge industry and a common food choice, most women still think it's "icky". They complain that fish smell funny and that they're slimy. Maybe the fish think you're "icky" because of your dry hands and human scent! I believe most women would probably like seafood if they'd stop being so closed-minded and actually try it. It's a great source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids and oysters are even seen by some as an afrodesiac! Women seem to never outgrow that little girl phase that hates slimy things or anything that's different. That is why most women call the man to come and kill the spiders, roaches etc. that are in the house.

2007-11-07 04:58:18 · 21 answers · asked by TrippieHippie 2

I keep hearing how ever since society was "feminized", men end up paying child support, which is just Not Fair! In the eras before feminism, when a guy got his girlfriend pregnant, he was pressured to marry her, and often did. Child support used to be called a wedding ring, guys.

SO - what if instead of pretending that a pregnant woman can easily support herself and a child, and should have no need of a husband, we just bring back shotgun weddings? That's pretty much what we did before the feminists took over, so shall we try that again instead? Or what?

Does the availibility of abortion release you from your obligation to the child? Is that the logic here? Adoption (and some forms of birth control) were always an option in the shotgun marriage days, but obviously there was still a great deal of pressure to get married instead. Would men prefer that to the current situation of child support?

2007-11-07 03:49:41 · 16 answers · asked by Junie 6

why do women have periods we have to worry about birth control if we dont then we have babies which are painful, we arent accepted or respected as a much as a man in society, we have to go through more bs, im a dancer and i have to wear huge clothes when dancing so my moves can look smoother guys dont have breast so they dont have to wory abotu ti even during sex women are never fully satified because the guys get theirs and thats it?

2007-11-07 03:05:52 · 16 answers · asked by bas 1

What does this mean ??? Do you do this with a skirt?

2007-11-07 02:54:14 · 3 answers · asked by Me 3

Every relationship has a chaser and a chasee. Either the man is in control and the woman is chasing him (bad boy) and never really catches him (why she falls in love and stays Interested in the first place).

Or... The woman is in control and the man is chasing her (nice guy) but never really catches her (because she knows she has him by the balls).

Why does it have to be like this? Seems there are no couples who are equally satisfied in their relationship. There is always one person who feels like they settled or is hoping to get something better, and one person who is not satisfied because they can't get all the attention or love they want from their partner.

2007-11-07 02:42:44 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

This photo suggests someone less than popular:


What do you think?

2007-11-07 02:12:25 · 13 answers · asked by Fletcher t 2

Why is it when someone asks a question about assaulting women (ie throwing eggs at them, slamming a door on their face, or hitting them with a ruler) its funny, but a question about kicking a guy in the balls isnt?

2007-11-06 17:51:09 · 17 answers · asked by bluestareyed 5

I seriously doubt it benefits the child in any way.

2007-11-06 17:37:54 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've asked several questions about why women tend to have no accountability for their actions and always point the finger or play victim.

The responses I get are usually things like: "men do it too!", "Your meeting the wrong women!", "Your a misogynist!", etc.

So instead, I'll ask.. what problems in this world are the cause of women? What are women today doing wrong? What can be done to improve the behavior of women?

As a man I can name many things men are doing wrong... so what are women doing wrong?

Men can answer too.

2007-11-06 12:36:49 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

The life of an unborn child? There is clearly something wrong here.
How do women live after having abortions? There are so many avenues these days, especially in the West, where women can get help, I just can't imagine how someone could have an abortion.
There's even adoption!

2007-11-06 11:56:57 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

Trolling entails luring others into pointless and timeconsuming discussions ~ but it's more than that. if other leads to misogynist statements on this forum.

For background, see: http://rkcsi.indiana.edu/archive/CSI/WP/WP02-03B.html


Some forums have tried shunning, banning, refuting and hurling insults back.

What do you think works? What else can be tried?

2007-11-06 10:26:48 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

My wife is considering getting her brests enlarged. I think it is her decision and whatever she decides is fine. I know that she won't go overboard, but like many women she wants to look good (for herself). How do woman generally view other woman with enhanced breasts? My gut says that if they wouldn't do it themselves, they are very negative towards those women who do? Thoughts?

2007-11-06 08:44:08 · 21 answers · asked by ? 2

Look at this article:


It seems the few jokes told are old and tired. The rest of the time, these elitist, feminist educators drone on about the causes for the lack of humor in the feminist movement.

Can't you ladies lighten up a little?

2007-11-06 08:20:20 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do you think that is?

2007-11-06 06:29:49 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

And isn't that insulting to gay men who are "great men"?

Or is that implying that all great men had great mothers?

What exactly is that saying supposed to mean? What about great fathers and husbands? No credit?

2007-11-06 04:22:48 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

that girls, young women, and women are looking to fill a void, that was left by a poor (or no) relationship with their fathers. Do you generally see the guy you want to date, are dating, or are married as a father figure and rely on him to fill that void?

2007-11-06 02:13:52 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please take the quiz at the link below and let me know how you think, like a man or woman:


It said I think like both a male and a female.

2007-11-06 02:11:10 · 16 answers · asked by Johno 5

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