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Social Science - 24 March 2007

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Anthropology · Dream Interpretation · Economics · Gender Studies · Other - Social Science · Psychology · Sociology

Usually when I have a dream, its not a good one. But lately, I've been having these creeeeepy dreams where I come extremely close to death. For ex...In one of my dreams, a man shot a gun at my head and when the bullet reached my head, I actually felt the pressure of the bullet, but then I woke up. And in another one of my dreams, a man was about to kill me with a knife. When the knife came to my neck, I could, once again, feel the pressure of the knife, but I woke up before I could die.
I have had many others dreams like this.....

2007-03-24 18:43:29 · 9 answers · asked by NoNameNoFace 2 in Psychology

malthusian economy prophery no longer relevant

2007-03-24 18:41:47 · 2 answers · asked by logesh 1 in Economics

It was 1970, in the waning days of officially sanctioned segregation — of separate and, as Diehl would learn, decidedly unequal schooling.

Diehl, now a professor of English at the University of Iowa, describes her experiences teaching in the rural South in a new book, Dream Not of Other Worlds: Teaching in a Segregated Elementary School, 1970.

It was here, in a school that the county neglected to provide with textbooks, that Diehl learned firsthand the damaging effects that institutional racism and Jim Crow politics would have on her young charges.

She soon discovered that she was learning more from her students than they had the chance to learn from her.

Diehl and Matilda Beauford, one of her former students, speak with Scott Simon about their days in Louisa County, and the legacy of segregation.

2007-03-24 18:41:34 · 5 answers · asked by brandley_1999 2 in Psychology

For a research assignment I have to read/view atleast 6 texts. My research topic is conflicting inter-racial relationships. So far I have...

Looking For Alibrandi.
To Kill a Mockingbird.
Rabbit Proof Fence.

They can be films, songs, novels etc.

Can anyone help me? I need more texts containing conflicting inter-racial relationships!!

Thank you!!

2007-03-24 18:35:12 · 9 answers · asked by ★☆✿❀ 7 in Psychology

who are individuals?and why do these kind of guys intrigue people so much?

2007-03-24 18:34:25 · 9 answers · asked by greg t 1 in Psychology

2007-03-24 18:27:24 · 4 answers · asked by kavitha s 1 in Psychology

So I overthink things waaaaay to much. I sit down and spave out and think about everything. What Ill be doing the next day, what Ill be doing three weeks from now, what Ill watch on tv the next day, who I'm going to talk with tomorrow. I mean I sometimes even go over possible conversations in my head with people I'm going to talk with?! Its never really bothered me all that much actually, but lately it has. See this girl I like I asked out and she kinda shut me down. I was told by everyone who knows me that I just overthink things waaay to much, and I just need to start going with the flow. I just wish I could... I just cant help... thinking lol about everything. Once I thought sooo much I felt my head would explode, so in about 15 minutes I sat down and typed out 2 pages in 12 point font just about me, things going on around me. What I plan on doing everything! I want to stop it. I don't want to be the guy whos 25 and never has had a girlfriend because he overthinks things too much.

2007-03-24 18:27:07 · 10 answers · asked by teh_masta_of_all 2 in Psychology

2007-03-24 18:25:45 · 5 answers · asked by kavitha s 1 in Psychology

I have to do a survey on 30 people for a class project, so I need 30 answers! Only four easy questions to answer!

It is very short! Please answer the following questions:


After you answer those three questions, please answer this last question.

What words (atleast 10) come to mind when you hear the words "aging" or "old."


Thank you very much for helping me conduct this survey! Their is no right or wrong answer, this paper is for a content analysis project! Thank you in advance!

2007-03-24 18:25:04 · 12 answers · asked by justin j 1 in Psychology

Would women finally stop complaining or would they begin to complain about something else?

2007-03-24 18:20:24 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Gender Studies

please no GWBush jokes

2007-03-24 18:19:17 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

i do myself question a lot and now i find Yahoo answers,,,,,,,,

why is it so ? why i question myself this much... ?

2007-03-24 18:15:38 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

I have dreams about being drowned out by a Tsunami.
I live next to a beach.
Am I paranoid?

2007-03-24 18:09:57 · 8 answers · asked by Agent319.007 6 in Psychology

what are some of the best ice-breakers you have heard or can think of in any given situation? ie: an interviewer asks you what are some of your hobbies, so you start tap dancing on their desk

2007-03-24 18:02:45 · 2 answers · asked by shadows 4 in Other - Social Science

Especially family members.
Perhaps in the next life, they would be more affectionate, forgiving, and would be understanding, and not so judgmental.

2007-03-24 18:02:29 · 9 answers · asked by inteleyes 7 in Psychology

and hurt or decieve us. We still care about them?? Why do we still think about the good qualities and forget or forgive what they did or the bad qualities about them. I am talking about someone that you cared for and knew...not a stranger, because thats easy to realize. Why is it hard for a person to get over someone who did him/her wrong.?? I am asking from a pschological point of view, why do good people forgive those who abuse or betray them...knowing very well they don't deserve it?

2007-03-24 18:02:01 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

I apoligized to her for some things i did,and she stormed out of the gym mad.2 months later,she smiled at me,but she still kept her distance and so did i.

2007-03-24 17:55:06 · 6 answers · asked by greg t 1 in Gender Studies

2007-03-24 17:51:38 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

and what is the only thing they will respond to?

2007-03-24 17:50:13 · 13 answers · asked by greg t 1 in Psychology

i want to know, just in case a last day is ready to be lived.

ps. im not suicidal. :)

2007-03-24 17:44:39 · 18 answers · asked by ella 2 in Psychology

2007-03-24 17:43:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sociology

How does people find time to manage there time in a way, where they able to give attention to every imp aspect in life in time ?

I know better time management is key, but it is easier said than done, it"s not that easy, i am trying to do this (effective time management) but not succeded yet.

What should i do ? how my time management can be improved ?

2007-03-24 17:37:57 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

What makes you happy (happiness, not mere pleasure)?
And have you ever been part of a moment of camaraderie, celebration, and joy, when it seems all is good, and you wished that the moment would last forever? Those of you that have should know what I mean.

2007-03-24 17:37:36 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

I am a guy. I rent rooms out in my house, a beautiful house overlooking a lake. Without exception, the women I've rented to have turned out to be the most trouble, whereas only a smattering of men have been this way.

One woman was extremely picky, complaining about every little thing, like who else lived in the house. Another had to have her little doggie and she slept with literally three new guys every week, and she was always late on the rent. Another moved in then tried to weasel out of the deposit by claiming she already paid me two months of rent. Another was a total whack job who was convinced at 33 that she would be a big time singer, even though she was talentless and fat, slept with a guy in the house then cried that he did not love her, tried to stay without paying rent, threatened to falsely accuse me of sexual assault if she did not get her way, stole other people's food, and could not wash her own dishes. Two were filthy annoying slobs.

What the heck is going on?

2007-03-24 17:37:04 · 10 answers · asked by brightstar65 2 in Gender Studies

what are some good traits in men women look for? and list lots please.

2007-03-24 17:33:06 · 7 answers · asked by A marine 2 in Gender Studies

2007-03-24 17:31:22 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Social Science

why there is so hype about "India story" ?

CNN, BBC, SKY, FOX, all news-channels covering it,

No newspaper ignore news from india through out world.

All the consultancy giants thinking about diff strategies to get deeper penetaration it it"s market.

why this much global change in favour of India ?

2007-03-24 17:30:59 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Economics

why is it when someone is holding their breath..or suffocating..or being suffocated..mostly holding their breath..they feel the need to move their body (arms-legs) around?

you know? like as if jumpin around and moving like an idiot will make them be able to hold their breath longer...

serious question..i was just thinking about it..

2007-03-24 17:30:00 · 3 answers · asked by F.BeeZi 1 in Other - Social Science

2007-03-24 17:29:38 · 12 answers · asked by sunkist 1 in Psychology

2007-03-24 17:28:15 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

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