I am a guy. I rent rooms out in my house, a beautiful house overlooking a lake. Without exception, the women I've rented to have turned out to be the most trouble, whereas only a smattering of men have been this way.
One woman was extremely picky, complaining about every little thing, like who else lived in the house. Another had to have her little doggie and she slept with literally three new guys every week, and she was always late on the rent. Another moved in then tried to weasel out of the deposit by claiming she already paid me two months of rent. Another was a total whack job who was convinced at 33 that she would be a big time singer, even though she was talentless and fat, slept with a guy in the house then cried that he did not love her, tried to stay without paying rent, threatened to falsely accuse me of sexual assault if she did not get her way, stole other people's food, and could not wash her own dishes. Two were filthy annoying slobs.
What the heck is going on?
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Gender Studies