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Social Science - 16 March 2007

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Anthropology · Dream Interpretation · Economics · Gender Studies · Other - Social Science · Psychology · Sociology

I am feeling tiny bit down and feel like being cheered up! : )

What went well???

2007-03-16 05:34:26 · 31 answers · asked by X~xQuestions&&Answersx~X 3 in Psychology

no stupid answers plz!

2007-03-16 05:31:49 · 12 answers · asked by godsgirl200718 3 in Psychology

please answer me everybody.

2007-03-16 05:31:46 · 8 answers · asked by mayalazaravilla 1 in Psychology

For a list of songs to the 20 psychology studies done at AS? For example, for Hraba & Grant we have 'Black or White' by Michael Jackson. Our plan as a class is to make a playlist of the songs to assist in our revision for the exams in May.
So for the following studies:

Samuel & Bryant
Hodges & Tizard
Loftus and Palmer
Gardner & Gardner
Hraba & Grant
Thigpen & Cleckley
Schachter & Singer
Dement & Kleitman

Thanks, as I say, we have some already, but some are hard to match a song to! They do not have to link that specifically either, just slightly!

2007-03-16 05:30:19 · 1 answers · asked by Cookie_Monster_UK 5 in Psychology

Also, I'm 42 years old and lately I've been talking in my sleep like crazy! How do I know? I am constantly waking myself up with my big mouth lol!

2007-03-16 05:29:20 · 3 answers · asked by Mom of 7 gramma of 3 3 in Psychology

Only to find out that you missed a great party attended by everybody who took the interstate?

2007-03-16 05:29:12 · 6 answers · asked by lunatic 7 in Psychology

??? help me

2007-03-16 05:22:07 · 8 answers · asked by Abdul B 1 in Psychology

I really wasn't sure to word this question, so keep reading.

I work in an office environment. I'm really really not violent, but when it comes to some of my coworkers, I can sort of sympathize with people who have ran into their place of work and gunned everybody down.

It got me thinking: am I violent, just because I have those fantasies occasionally, even if I would never ever do anything about them?

And to what extent is that the case? Are adults who are attracted to children, but never act on that feeling, still pedophiles? Is a parent who understands the point of frustration of a child abuser, but who would never harm their kids, child abusers?

What do you think?

2007-03-16 05:14:42 · 3 answers · asked by CrazyChick 7 in Psychology

There are many men that feel like there should be legal abortion. Just as there many men that feel like there should be legal abortion, there are women that don't think that it should be. So Why the threat? Further more there are many Christian both men and women that feel like there should be legalized abortion, not all agree with the President and his buddies?

2007-03-16 05:11:43 · 14 answers · asked by ffperki 6 in Gender Studies

2007-03-16 05:08:17 · 3 answers · asked by mary rose p 1 in Economics

I just do not get this.

When the economy becomes less fettered, more people make more money.

97% of us are made better off and the other 3% are those that refuse to adapt.

Of the 97% who are better off, some move up faster than others.

Some are made rich beyond their wildest imaginations.

But this doesn't come at the expense of anyone else - the question still remains, do you want to be better off than you are today even if that means some rich guy is going to be a LOT better off, or do you want to be worse off than you are today but be consoled in the fact that the rich guy will lose his fortune?

Do we want equally shared misery or unequally shared bounty?

The Chinese are facing this issue for the first time in decades now because it's been equally shared misery for so long.


2007-03-16 05:05:08 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Economics

2007-03-16 05:04:29 · 35 answers · asked by abluebobcat 4 in Gender Studies

I have been playing with this dream for 3 nights...it continues from night to night and I can control what I am doing.

2007-03-16 04:55:06 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

Someone please teach me how. Had encountered many problems in my life now and when I try to memorise anything, it is really difficult to do so. What can I do to obtain peace and tranquility in order to memorise well? Some people said that meditation helps, but I can't keep my mind off the loads of problems to meditate. Anyone have any other ideas, please tell me, I'm literally going crazy already.. help.

2007-03-16 04:50:32 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

Raise a flag
Be on the ball
Lay down the law
Point the finger
Sing praises

2007-03-16 04:48:58 · 5 answers · asked by sun123 1 in Other - Social Science

Assume that the economy is already in a recession, and both the President and Congress have decided to do something to restore the economy. Both agree that lowering taxes would not be a good idea, but do believe that it is in the best interest of the economy to increase government spending in defense, education & infrastructure.
The President and Congress change the budget accordingly, but after 18 months, GDP only increased by three quarters of the expected amount. What factors might be responsible for this situation?

2007-03-16 04:44:34 · 2 answers · asked by Cissy 1 in Economics

Everything feels really strange lately and was wanting to know. Is there a website I can check out for free?

2007-03-16 04:42:50 · 3 answers · asked by element_op 3 in Psychology

guess we are all blessed with something special

2007-03-16 04:38:11 · 34 answers · asked by o 2 in Psychology

that once they see you and know about you, about your life, how you feel, how you look. your baggage, they wont want to know you or accept you? so all you can ever do is look at somebody, a nice girl, and wish you could have her in your life, but in reality, she wouldnt accept you. after all you cant make somebody like you, or fall in love with you. see what i mean?

2007-03-16 04:34:25 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

they dont want the husband to stay at home with no income cleaning and nuturing while they are at work eithier. What do feminists want ?

2007-03-16 04:33:28 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Gender Studies

I go to a catholic school and we go to church and all but it jus doesnt make sense. God created teh unvierse out of nothing... It is fisacly impossible

2007-03-16 04:29:47 · 20 answers · asked by Lax_oholic 1 in Anthropology

I, personally, think it's hilarious whenever I hear about men starving themselves, because they are one of the main reasons why women have eating disorders in the first place. Does anyone else kill themselves laughing at men who have eating disorders, or self-esteem issues???

2007-03-16 04:27:37 · 18 answers · asked by Jaime P 1 in Psychology

i mean over the top, seeing red, blow your top, pi$$ed off mad?????

life in general??

what pushes YOUR buttons??

2007-03-16 04:27:16 · 8 answers · asked by tire chick 4 in Psychology

i had this dream several times over the years. its starts off with one tooth falling out(i actually am pulling at them,but really soft) , and its not painful or anything.but after one falls out i pull the other teeth and they fall out too. its a weird dream and im kinda scared when i have them becuz i have really pretty teeth. and a beautiful smile. so i wouldnt wanna know what i would look like without em.and in my dreams im not old or nething im the age i am now(im 18 4 da record) what does this mean.

2007-03-16 04:24:43 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

I haven't spoken to my close female friend for 4 months-I wanted a break from her,as we got too close(I had feelings for her)she wanted to be friends.4 WEEKS AGO she txt me that our FRIENDSHIP IS OVER!That I should move on wth my life and she wishes me all the best.

That SAME WEEK we met at a friends reunion party,we spoke a lot,but she still looked hurt+uncomfortable at times.

At the end of the night,she hugged me tightly,said "take care hun and I'll see you at the nxt roadtrip"

This week I sent a email(via Facebook) if I could add her as my friend on Facebook.THATS ALL I ASKED,NOTHING ELSE.She wrote bck: asking how I am,what she done on her wkn and said I can add her "as a friend lol".

I wrote bck saying I'm busy at work and work wth too many women(which I do).She wrote back saying "Have fun with the ladies at work" - WHY she write that???

Wrote bck saying I have been having too much fun and she's not replied since.

Did she mean the friendship is over?Advice pls..

2007-03-16 04:23:24 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

2007-03-16 04:22:41 · 3 answers · asked by pandpgirl 2 in Economics

My argument is that employers benefit from a surplus of labor. Rather than bringing women's wages up to the level of men, feminism was successful in bringing men's wages down. It is Econ101...supply and demand. The demand for labor is the same, but the supply is much higher, so the wages go down. If women would focus on family and actually having marriageable skills, they might find that it's easier to find that dreamboat with the six figure income. I'm all for equal rights, but equal roles???

2007-03-16 04:20:10 · 5 answers · asked by mikehunt29 5 in Economics

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