I am all for free speech, as I am a proponent of the First Amendment and a few other amendments if you really want to know the truth. I believe in Democracy and a few other 'ocracies' but by no means, am I going to transform into an arm-chair pundit. No, leave that for the arm-chair pundits! I got other things to concern myself with, like saving the world and building solid relationships with the backyard blog people and other misunderstood transients. I don't like too much hanging around with the elite, the bourgeoisie and other self-acclaimed VIP people. I find most of them boring and besides, they like to throw stones at a simple man like me - a writer who prefers writing about the "Struggle." The other night I was criticized for a piece I wrote: It was deemed to be too profane for the tastes of the gentrified folk:
So, to be fair I replied with my editorial. Here is an excerpt. I think I garnered some respect by staying true to my moral rectitude:
So, it was told that one of my Essays contained more "F" words than a cross-country bus filled with hedonists on their way to the "Blast of the Past" Convention in San Francisco. I'm sorry but I was expressing myself in ways that I ordinarily don't but had to stay true to the story. Besides, I had to get off my chest the two-hundred pound barbell that my three year old dropped while doing her bench presses.
Okay, now that I got that out the way, let me share these two items:
I had just heard that Hugh Hefner is sending a bunch of playmates to penal institutions across the country. Talk about hardened criminals. I will send a letter to Hugh and remind him that these are houses of corrections not houses of erections. I hope he understands my plea not to go ahead with his scheme.
Which reminds me, I was once a member of a hung jury. It was another sex case and I guess being hung was a prerequisite to an unbiased verdict. The woman on trial, though, she was toting two 44's and I couldn't help but render a decision based on the length of my inseam, which started at a 32 and ended at a 20.
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