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Science & Mathematics - 23 December 2007

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Agriculture · Alternative · Astronomy & Space · Biology · Botany · Chemistry · Earth Sciences & Geology · Engineering · Geography · Mathematics · Medicine · Other - Science · Physics · Weather · Zoology

I was wondering if a pro out there could answer just a few questions I have regarding the above themes. Is it true that within the next few years (leading up to 2012)...that the earth will change it's axis while it spins? Also, will we be enterring the center of this particular galaxy around 2012? And finally, will there be a planetary alignment around this time too? What are the earth effects of these 3 events happening around the same time? Spirtuality says one thing....I'd like to hear the council of Science and Astronomy for a change. Thanks to everyone who participates in answering these inquiries.

Happy Holiday Season to all.

2007-12-23 13:57:04 · 13 answers · asked by davemg21 3 in Astronomy & Space

I'm in California, and there's a bright star (possibly a planet) that's very close to the full moon (about right next to the moon's glow).

Does anyone know which star/planet this is?

2007-12-23 13:53:31 · 17 answers · asked by Dean M 1 in Astronomy & Space

Factor completely:
1.) 2asquare + 2a - 84
2.) 6axsquare - 24aysquare

Explain and thankyou

2007-12-23 13:49:22 · 9 answers · asked by John T 1 in Mathematics

I have just read an AP news story entitled "Mars Glow, No need for Rudolph's nose." It is a story of the red planet giving a greater amount of light than the moon on Dec. 24 2007. My question is; "Is this a recurring event? If so, How often does it occur? And does it usually occur on or about the same date?"
In other words; this time it is happening on Dec. 24, will the next be say like in the middle of summer? Or will it also be in the Fall or winter as well?
I am curious and plan to search the past occurances for a theory of mine, But I would like to know how far Back I should go for the last Occurance.

2007-12-23 13:46:32 · 9 answers · asked by truthsadvocate_s3 1 in Astronomy & Space

A 10kg iron ball and a 5kg iron ball have the same acceleration when dropped from rest from the same height because
1) action = reaction
2) the ratio of the gravitational force to mass is the same for both
3) the gravitational force is the same for both

2007-12-23 13:46:32 · 4 answers · asked by Sanny 1 in Physics

2007-12-23 13:43:47 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Engineering

A block with a mass of 2kg rests on a horizontal table. The force exerted by the table upon the mass is
1) 0N
2) 2N
3) 9.8N
4) 19.6N

2007-12-23 13:43:27 · 5 answers · asked by Sanny 1 in Physics

2007-12-23 13:43:04 · 9 answers · asked by Mouzna S 1 in Mathematics

i went to see chipmunks movie and on the way in it was at the bottom on the way out not only was it now cloudy outside but it was at the top right and almost looked as if it were moving or maybe it was the clouds passing tell me thats a star or is that the biggest ship ever

2007-12-23 13:42:45 · 11 answers · asked by christian w 2 in Astronomy & Space

If the earth had no air (atmosphere) or mountains to interfere, could a satellite given adequate initial velocity orbit arbitraitly close to the earth's surface -- provided it did not touch?

a) Yes, it could.

b) No, orbits are only possible at a sufficient distance above the earth's surface where gravitation is reduced.

2007-12-23 13:41:29 · 2 answers · asked by ? 6 in Physics

i need to know
my cousin says: 200,000
i says:2,000,000
my dad says:20,000
my mom says:20,000,000
and my lil sis say:20
which i know she is wrong but i need to know what is it please help!!!!

2007-12-23 13:40:26 · 12 answers · asked by shanyell h 1 in Mathematics

Looking up in the sky tonight (i'm in Ohio) I can see a very bright dot of light to the direct right of the moon. It's very small, like a planet would look. But i've never seen anything like it before, and I didn't think any planets were that close to the moon. What is it? My family has been outside just staring at it, trying to figure it out. Is it a really bright star or what?

2007-12-23 13:37:36 · 8 answers · asked by Eraserhead 6 in Astronomy & Space

If you don't know what Pluto-Kuiper is than don't answer this question. I know it was launched last year, and should reach Pluto by 2015, but does anybody know where it is now? I don't need an accurate answer, just what planet it's near or something.

2007-12-23 13:36:55 · 2 answers · asked by . 2 in Astronomy & Space


2007-12-23 13:34:16 · 6 answers · asked by Latoya G 1 in Mathematics

2007-12-23 13:31:22 · 2 answers · asked by Keegan B 1 in Biology

2007-12-23 13:31:10 · 6 answers · asked by DR_AMR505 1 in Medicine

Pseudo code for the Euclid's algoritm fo finding the gcd(m,n) using subtraction........

2007-12-23 13:30:24 · 2 answers · asked by Ammu 2 in Mathematics

Just let me know. Thanks.

2007-12-23 13:26:32 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

I was given a ring for X-mas and it is a "cultured" pearl and I noticed that in an ad for jewelery it offers either cultured or fresh water pearls! And how does one take care of a "cultured pearl" ?

2007-12-23 13:24:56 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Earth Sciences & Geology

In you solve this, you will have a new view of the universe, one that solves three longstanding problems: the dual nature of photons, nonlocality (action at a distance), and consciousness. And, our mathematics may be seen as derived from spacetime, not creating it. So the real question is: what is reality?

2007-12-23 13:24:18 · 2 answers · asked by jeffreypschaffer 1 in Physics

2007-12-23 13:24:11 · 2 answers · asked by Possum 2 in Geography

Hello. Besides the obvious question I'm asking, I was also wondering what an astronaut's wages are? Do they change whether or not you go into space? When I was younger, I didn't really want to be an astronaut--but since this 8th grade science class (we just studied space) I've realized that I'm really excited about this kind of stuff. Anyways--I'll tell you about myself. I'm 14, and in 8th grade. I'm considered 'smart'. Last year I got all A's (besides the 'B' I got in a non-core class). This year so far, I've recieved A's and B's. Last year I recieved an award that's given to only one person per grade a year for academic achievement, character, behaviour--etc. I don't consider myself fat really, but I know that doesn't have anything to do with my athletic condition. I suppose I'm normal. I'm not out of shape, but I'm not Wonder Woman if you know what I mean. Oh! My last question is: Are there are good colleges that astronauts usually come from? Thanks for your help! I appreciate it.

2007-12-23 13:15:45 · 8 answers · asked by gods_child_007 1 in Astronomy & Space

I live in North America, and I would like to know what's up with the moon tonight? (if anyone knows) I know it's a full moon, but there is a little star looking thing by it....is it a planet, or a meteriote? Thanks.

2007-12-23 13:14:09 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

No matter if you think so or not, look up! It is an awsome site!

2007-12-23 13:12:00 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

or is it just a hoax?

2007-12-23 13:10:08 · 8 answers · asked by warriors4ever 3 in Astronomy & Space