The Heaviside function H is defined below. It is used in the study of electric circuits to represent the sudden surge of electric current, or voltage, when a switch is instantaneously turned on. The Heaviside function can also be used to define the ramp function y = ctH(t), which represents a gradual increase in voltage or current in a circuit.
as seen in above link, H(t)={ 0 if t<0, 1 if t> or = 0
(a) Write a formula for V(t) in terms of H(t) if the switch is turned on at time t = 0 and the voltage is gradually increased to 140 volts over a 70 second time interval.
(b) Write a formula for V(t) in terms of H(t) if the switch is turned on at time t = 6 seconds and the voltage is gradually increased to 220 volts over a period of 55 seconds.
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