This is NOT conspiracy theory, but actual unedited live video
from the TV news. See for yourself... and explain what caused
all the short but very bright flashes of light appearing around
the WTC tower buildings as they collapsed... give sensible
explanations for these very bright flashes of light, and for God's
sake, don't say it was from the jet fuel fire!!!
Watch these unedited close-up videos
of short but very bright flashes going off
before and during the collapses, and
not the horizontal explosions shooting
out of the buildings at floors well below
the collapsing levels (which are
supposedly "pancaking" into each other
Concrete cannot become pulverised
into fine dust without the aid of high
energy explosives! Strength = 27-42
MPa, or typically 4000 psi tensile
strength, stronger than most plastics!
Explain all the concrete powder and why
there were NO solid pancaked concrete floors
sitting one on top of each other at ground
zero. Nothing!
5 answers
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