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Science & Mathematics - 21 July 2007

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Agriculture · Alternative · Astronomy & Space · Biology · Botany · Chemistry · Earth Sciences & Geology · Engineering · Geography · Mathematics · Medicine · Other - Science · Physics · Weather · Zoology

I've already tried picking dandelions. The latex that you get from them is very limited, but you CAN make a rubber band, or a pencil eraser, if you get enough.

How does one get latex out of a sweet potato? Does it come from the vine or the tuber? How would you extract it? Any other temperate-zone plants with milky sap that dries stretchy, not sticky or gummy or sugary...?

BTW, I've read numerous bios of GWC on line and in libraries. While they all say he turned sweet potatoes into gasoline and rubber, etc., none of them give details. Did he actually succeed, or was he just thinking about it?Are the processes patented? I just want a small scale demo.

Please, serious answers only. Thanks everybody.

2007-07-21 10:26:23 · 3 answers · asked by cdf-rom 7 in Botany

Such as an exposed ceilieng by an electrical box/junction box. I'm not sure of the technical terms, but I've heard of high electrical frequencys or emissions making one sick. If so what would the symptoms be. Esp over a prolonged amount of time, such as 7 years.

2007-07-21 10:24:51 · 8 answers · asked by omalley 1 in Engineering

2007-07-21 10:24:15 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Chemistry

any animal that starts with k
already have kangaroo

2007-07-21 10:22:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Zoology

I'm refering to the planet X theory but just how possible is it there are large planets with orbits like comets that pass through our solar system occasionally.

2007-07-21 10:21:46 · 12 answers · asked by Sean 7 in Astronomy & Space

I need to balance these equation but cant figure them out

1.CL2+NaBr> NaCL+Br2

2.Hgo+CL2> HgCL+O2

2007-07-21 10:15:29 · 4 answers · asked by Guy 1 in Chemistry

What's the amount of pure, 98%, liquid H2SO4 to be used in order to prepare a solution with a concentration of 0.02 N (normality)

2007-07-21 10:08:03 · 1 answers · asked by Jose 1 in Chemistry

I need to know so when I'm somewhere, I want to know the forecast and DON'T ASK ME TO CHECK MY COMPUTER!

2007-07-21 10:08:02 · 2 answers · asked by Tony N 1 in Weather

i know this is true for the animals...but doesnt this hold true for human also..i mean the diseased people are always living in misery, the poor people who cant earn much are always sad..while the rich famous and the goodlooking have the best in life...people with autism dont have achance in this life to compete with the other people..fat people cant live their lives happily..just because they are fat. So only the people who are by socety'd standards considered fit survive happily...

Isnt it sad but true...what are your opinions on this?

I know happiness is all in the mind...but this thought just struck my mind....?

2007-07-21 09:53:45 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Biology

2007-07-21 09:53:43 · 6 answers · asked by foghnanross 2 in Physics

Supposedly, the sky gets a greenish tint to it right before a tornado hits. This is in the big tornado states such as Kansas
and Texas. It doesn't happen every single time, though. What
causes that? A temperature inversion? Static electricity? Eagerly awaiting your answer...

2007-07-21 09:51:32 · 4 answers · asked by comedycatalyst 2 in Weather

that most of those calling the lunar landings a hoax were born several years after they occurred? I have yet to hear from anyone who saw it happen on TV denounce it.

2007-07-21 09:47:40 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

this was on my algebra 2 test. the choices where:
a.98 b.8 c.2/99 d.-2

i dont know if this is correct but i assume -2 is not one of the answers either.

2007-07-21 09:44:27 · 6 answers · asked by someone 2 in Mathematics

how do i change inches to cm?

2007-07-21 09:39:33 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

Liebermann-Burchard test is a confirmatory test for presence of cholesterol which is indicated by a blue-green color. I would like to know how it works and the reactions involved in the test.

2007-07-21 09:36:53 · 3 answers · asked by squidring 1 in Chemistry

I just bought a Meade 10" LX50 f/10 and finally figured out how to polar align it and operate the Magellan II. I have 26mm eyepiece and a 6.4mm. I know the 6.4mm is good for planets but whats the best eyepeice for viewing Globular Clusters, and what's 26mm eyepiece best used for?

2007-07-21 09:31:53 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

whats your point of view on it?
i know if your Jehova witness you'll be like you shouldn't your blood is sacred (i hear it from my step grandparents)

2007-07-21 09:30:18 · 6 answers · asked by rayray 1 in Medicine


2007-07-21 09:25:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

Add 5ml of 6M HCl to test tubes. Temperature of the test tubes are:
4 degrees C
20 degrees C
50 degrees C
Add zinc ribbon, which is 0.5g. How do you calculate the rate of reaction as moles of Zn per minute? Previous trials revealed these reaction times:
4 degree C test tube @ 920 seconds
20 degree C test tube @ 290 seconds
50 degree C test tube @ 60 seconds

I need 3 calculations, one for each.... Thanks!

2007-07-21 09:23:57 · 2 answers · asked by pwbapro 1 in Chemistry

Factor out the GCF from the polynomial.
pq(p - 7) + (p - 7)

(p^2q - 7pq) + (p - 7)
pq(p - 7)
(p - 7)(pq + 1)
(p - 7)(pq - 1)

2007-07-21 09:17:02 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

I need some information on scrapies for my 4-H project. I need a website that goes into depth on the subject. I especially need info on the following:
scrapies resistant and suspectible genes
all types of testing and how reliable they are
why wethers aren't affected
illustrations of prions
pictures of infected sheep
pictures of brain damage from prions
laws controlling scrapies/reinbursement program
information on TSE's in general

Thanks for your time.

2007-07-21 09:16:19 · 3 answers · asked by anonymous 1 in Biology

Ive always wondered this
Does the earth somehow reproduce oil, like the human body does with blood?

If not, then one might be able to say, this oil we've always tapped into, when depleted could have a negative effect on the world, wouldnt it?
Like draining all the juice from a fruit, or the blood from the human body.

could part of the global warming dilemna be symptoms that we are bleeding mother earth dry?

Please correct me if Im wrong,m as I was always distrurbed by the thought of this happening

2007-07-21 09:16:16 · 8 answers · asked by writersbIock2006 5 in Earth Sciences & Geology

I want to know the weather for next Saturday...please dont just say "raining" that would be boring...only answers which are useful please...

2007-07-21 09:12:58 · 2 answers · asked by Daisyhill 7 in Weather

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