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Science & Mathematics - 20 July 2007

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i'm not shure ,but i think it's all just fake
facts like :
the loss of the original tape of neil armstrong making his first steps on the moon's surface
and the fact that the american flag was moving eventhough there is no wind on the moon ,make me think it's all just a huge lie , what do u guys think? and why?

2007-07-20 23:57:30 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

If a,b,c are real numbers and abc=1 .

Show that 1+ 3/(a+b+c)≧6/(ab+bc+ca)

2007-07-20 23:47:58 · 5 answers · asked by pork 3 in Mathematics


2007-07-20 23:45:54 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

2007-07-20 23:41:11 · 29 answers · asked by carlito_cool_2005 1 in Astronomy & Space

Establish the identity.

Show that tan^-1 (x) + cot^-1 (x) = (pi/2)

2007-07-20 23:33:31 · 3 answers · asked by journey 1 in Mathematics

2007-07-20 23:27:12 · 9 answers · asked by kissypuppys 3 in Weather

Write each trig expression below as an algebraic expression containing x and y.

(1) sec(tan^-1 (x) + cos^-1 (y))

(2) sin(sin^-1 (x) - cos^-1 (y))

2007-07-20 23:25:17 · 1 answers · asked by journey 1 in Mathematics

2007-07-20 23:15:50 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

Let me try this again :)
Scientists figured out that making spacecraft 'bluntnosed' helped dissipate the heat on their reentry. So the greater the drag, the less the heat load. Through making the reentry vehicle blunt, the shock wave and heated shock layer were pushed forward, away from the vehicle's outer wall. Since most of the hot gases were not in direct contact with the vehicle, the heat energy would stay in the shocked gas and simply move around the vehicle to later dissipate into the atmosphere.
This still adds heat to the atmosphere.
But does this add less heat than if the spacecraft were more streamlined and therefore less drag or does it create more heat to the atmosphere.
In Other Words, which objects entering the global atmosphere cause the most heat, fatter and blunt or smaller and streamlined.

2007-07-20 23:12:24 · 2 answers · asked by MichelleMcD81 2 in Physics

2007-07-20 23:03:17 · 2 answers · asked by AMIRUL A 1 in Engineering

The problem is: A curve is traced by a point P(x, y) which moves such that its distance from the point A(-1, 1) is three times its distance from the point B(2, -1). Determine the equation of the curve.

Ok so ive already figured out that one of the points of the curve is (1.25, -0.5), and the answer to the problem is that the equation of the cuve is 8x^2 - 38x + 8y^2 + 20y + 43 = 0 which is an equation of a circle. but how do i get from the little info that i have to the answer?? please help me

2007-07-20 22:55:44 · 4 answers · asked by Holymasteric 3 in Mathematics

(i) Find, in vector form, an equation for the line passing through A and B.

I can't seem to get the answer. The given one is r = (7 -8 7) + t(1 -5 1)

(ii) Find the position vector of the point P on the line AB such that OP is perpendicular to AB.

(iii) Show that the line R - (8i - 5j +2k) + λ(i - 10j +4k) does not intersect the line AB.

2007-07-20 22:53:20 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

2007-07-20 22:49:57 · 12 answers · asked by ABHILASH 2 in Chemistry

I would like to know the schematic (using logic gates) for a circuit that can delay a clock signal by quarter of it's wavelength (Out of phase by 90 degree).

2007-07-20 22:45:44 · 2 answers · asked by BnNSpirit 2 in Engineering

it is somewhat related to soil science...please help..

2007-07-20 22:43:40 · 2 answers · asked by maxxene109 1 in Earth Sciences & Geology

How com rain come down as droplets, no matter how drastic a storm is, or how gentle a rain shower is? I am quite bothered and troubled why this happens... Why couldn't it pour just as what happens when you pour out water from a mug or a dipper? I hope that you could provide answers... Thanks!

2007-07-20 22:36:56 · 3 answers · asked by Raindrops Fallin on my head 2 in Weather

I was wondering what chemicals were involved with this kind of thing, like endorphins or adrenaline? Also hoping for an overview of what would happen if you tried to abuse this, symptoms that might crop up with more and more of whatever this is being dumped into your body (or whatever is going on).

Feels like someone playing with your hair but better, sometimes goes down my back or through the whole body. (not sure if crown-chakra sensation is it, but it was mentioned in another question)

For brownie points, if you could direct me to any discussion about audio cues from childhood video games and cartoons evoking this thing I'd appreciate it.

I could probably keep it going all night with enough audio variety, it would keep me awake and feeling great, but would it be harmful long term, like say overdosing on opiates(endorphins?)

Just curious, not worried.

2007-07-20 22:36:24 · 1 answers · asked by Wubi 1 in Medicine

2007-07-20 22:30:31 · 5 answers · asked by nikmarpark 1 in Astronomy & Space

2007-07-20 22:28:09 · 6 answers · asked by hiteshrocks_11 1 in Biology

My teachers also cant really find out...I need to know A.S.A.P...Thanks!

2007-07-20 22:26:08 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Zoology

26,649.66 billion
2,203.86 billion
104,574.85 billion
36,274.14 billion
110.19 billion
example 2 billion would be writen out 2,000,000,0000 how would those other ones be writen out.

2007-07-20 22:12:49 · 7 answers · asked by Michael A 2 in Mathematics

2007-07-20 22:09:00 · 13 answers · asked by Human Being 3 in Physics

please convert into Indian Rupees:-

1. 36,500,000 Pounds (Thirty Six Million Five Hundred Thousand Pounds) = Indian Rupees

2. 1700 Pound

2007-07-20 21:58:11 · 4 answers · asked by Manju 2 in Mathematics

2007-07-20 21:45:40 · 3 answers · asked by AMIRUL A 1 in Engineering

2007-07-20 21:33:42 · 8 answers · asked by canisha j 1 in Medicine

Forest fires have been taking place far before any human beings walked the Earth. The proof for this is that many tress' seeds have evolved in such a way to germinate following a forest fire. Basically, these seeds have pores blocked with corks, or so you can visualize it. When they are heated to a certain degree, the corks "pop off." That's good enough a reason for me to believe that forest fires are natural occurrences in nature.

So why should we stop a natural phenomenon from taking place? we all know that tampering with nature ALWAYS produces more undesirable results than ever intended. Remember when the rangers at Yellowstone noticed that the number of deer were decreasing so they stepped in by killing all the wolves? That had a horrific detrimental effect on wildlife there.
Same goes for forest fires. If you attempt to stop them, the dead, unburnt trees accumulate on the ground leaving logs of potent fuel to burn even more in future fires..this produces even wilder wildfires.

2007-07-20 21:32:01 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Science

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